I'm DONE Talking About The 2020 Election

Are you suggesting this topic should have nobody commenting?

No, if you want to go ahead and talk about it go ahead and talk about it. I was just explaining why I'm done talking about it and see how many people agree with me or if they want to continue talking about it. It makes absolutely no difference to me. I actually made this topic because I was seriously thinking about posting RSBN's latest video about recent news about it,.. but then I'm like you know what? Same old, same old. It's getting to be boring and tiring and until something is done to change the outcome then what's the use? If anybody else wants to watch it though, just go to the RSBN channel on YouTube as there's a live stream happening right now. I'm not posting the link though.

You promise?

I realize that there's new stuff that keeps coming out about it but the topic itself is old news. Either you're smart and believe that the election was stolen or you're stupid and you don't. As LA RAM FAN already made a point of saying,.. it's time to move on people. The same with all of the pandemic topics.
No you're not.

When the Democrats gain seats in the House and Senate in the midterms, you'll bitch again about stolen elections.

I'll keep this topic tagged so that I can show you in 9 months.
But yeah the second something changes then I'll be on it again,.. BUT unfortunately I don't see that happening any time soon.

No you're not.

When the Democrats gain seats in the House and Senate in the midterms, you'll bitch again about stolen elections.

I'll keep this topic tagged so that I can show you in 9 months.

First of all you're delusional and second of all even if that happens that will be about that election. And I might say things here in there about it in a topic, but I won't make a whole entire topic about it. :rolleyes:
No, if you want to go ahead and talk about it go ahead and talk about it. I was just explaining why I'm done talking about it and see how many people agree with me or if they want to continue talking about it. It makes absolutely no difference to me. I actually made this topic because I was seriously thinking about posting RSBN's latest video about recent news about it,.. but then I'm like you know what? Same old, same old. It's getting to be boring and tiring and until something is done to change the outcome then what's the use? If anybody else wants to watch it though, just go to the RSBN channel on YouTube as there's a live stream happening right now. I'm not posting the link though.

You're being silly, because you need to understand that to ever fulfill your agenda you have to talk about the stolen election. There's no onus on the other side because they can take it as a given.

For example, it's like religious beliefs that need to be continuously brought up to keep the superstitious beliefs alive. While atheism only needs to be the lack of belief in any gods. We atheists have no beliefs to espouse.

And neither do those who support a free and fair election.

So do as you claim, but don't expect your confederates to drop the Trump flag. It would spell their end!
No you're not.

When the Democrats gain seats in the House and Senate in the midterms, you'll bitch again about stolen elections.

I'll keep this topic tagged so that I can show you in 9 months.
You really want to run with this?
The Democrat Freak Show Party is DONE
You're being silly, because you need to understand that to ever fulfill your agenda you have to talk about the stolen election. There's no onus on the other side because they can take it as a given.

As I said, I might bring it up occasionally in an existing topic but it's apparent that there's constantly news coming out about it and it's pretty apparent that the election was stolen, so why continue posting about it when the stupid democraps won't believe it anyways? We've given them enough proof to fill a library, but yet they refuse to believe it so I just don't see the point anymore. :rolleyes:
Also, LA RAM FAN had another point,.. how can we not expect to be called hypocrites when the democraps keep bringing up the past president Donald Trump, but yet we're still talking about an election that happened nearly two years ago?
Also, LA RAM FAN had another point,.. how can we not expect to be called hypocrites when the democraps keep bringing up the past president Donald Trump, but yet we're still talking about an election that happened nearly two years ago?
Republicans need to stop claiming the election was stolen. There is no evidence of it, and there will never be a court case to determine anything different than what has already been adjudicated by the courts. The 2020 election is MOOT. It became MOOT on January 6th, when congress took the election from the states, and made a congressional determination of who won.

January 20th, and the swearing in of the president was the final word on the election, as the constitution doesn't allow a person sworn in as president to be removed from office other than by impeachment and conviction by 2/3rds of the senate.

It's over. Move on. No court has the power to impeach the president.
But yeah the second something changes then I'll be on it again,.. BUT unfortunately I don't see that happening any time soon.

First of all you're delusional and second of all even if that happens that will be about that election. And I might say things here in there about it in a topic, but I won't make a whole entire topic about it. :rolleyes:
Did you hear the psychopath on Fox Spews this morning? He is one unhinged character.
It's over. Move on.

That's the ONLY part I agree with you on.

Did you hear the psychopath on Fox Spews this morning? He is one unhinged character.

You mean Trump when he was talking about how the current tragedy with Ukraine should have never happened? What's wrong with that? And that's exactly my point. I think we should be more focused on the stuff that is happening now than what happened a couple of years ago.
Also, LA RAM FAN had another point,.. how can we not expect to be called hypocrites when the democraps keep bringing up the past president Donald Trump, but yet we're still talking about an election that happened nearly two years ago?
Because the crime hasn't been rectified.

I don't care what the Freaks in the Democrat Party talk about. They don't decide what I talk about
Because the crime hasn't been rectified.

I don't care what the Freaks in the Democrat Party talk about. They don't decide what I talk about

No,.. and I don't really care what you talk about either, I was only stating my opinion is all.
I agree as to the 2020 election, move-on but never forget and put in the work to make sure it never happens again.

Not sure how one both "moves on" from the theft of a presidential election we all know happened that is still being dug into with new findings by the day, yet at the same time we never forget and make sure it never happens again?

My lord, they spent far more time trying to crack the OJ Simpson case!

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