Illusions, Yes, No and Wait




Intercessory prayer is widely believed to influence recovery from illness, but claims of benefits are not supported by well-controlled clinical trials. Prior studies have not addressed whether prayer itself or knowledge/certainty that prayer is being provided may influence outcome. We evaluated whether (1) receiving intercessory prayer or (2) being certain of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with uncomplicated recovery after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.


Patients at 6 US hospitals were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: 604 received intercessory prayer after being informed that they may or may not receive prayer; 597 did not receive intercessory prayer also after being informed that they may or may not receive prayer; and 601 received intercessory prayer after being informed they would receive prayer. Intercessory prayer was provided for 14 days, starting the night before CABG. The primary outcome was presence of any complication within 30 days of CABG. Secondary outcomes were any major event and mortality.


In the 2 groups uncertain about receiving intercessory prayer, complications occurred in 52% (315/604) of patients who received intercessory prayer versus 51% (304/597) of those who did not (relative risk 1.02, 95% CI 0.92-1.15). Complications occurred in 59% (352/601) of patients certain of receiving intercessory prayer compared with the 52% (315/604) of those uncertain of receiving intercessory prayer (relative risk 1.14, 95% CI 1.02-1.28). Major events and 30-day mortality were similar across the 3 groups.


Intercessory prayer itself had no effect on complication-free recovery from CABG, but certainty of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with a higher incidence of complication
Love the video, so true .. to a point.

The ancient cultures had a much better explanation .... the gods either don't care or we are their 'rats' and they toy with us for fun.

In reality: You can see a miracle in any coincidence if you want to see a miracle.
Love the video, so true .. to a point.

The ancient cultures had a much better explanation .... the gods either don't care or we are their 'rats' and they toy with us for fun.

In reality: You can see a miracle in any coincidence if you want to see a miracle.

"No miracle has ever taken place under conditions which science can accept. Experience shows, without exception, that miracles occur only in times and in countries in which miracles are believed in, and in the presence of persons who are disposed to believe them."
Ernest Renan, 1863
YWN, I think you misinterpreted it, it's like saying that when you want to see something you will see it even if it's not there.
Brainwashing experiments show that if a person is told enough times that the sky is red, they will see the sky as red.
thanks, cliff.

Coming from someone who probably thinks Al Gore made the internet ... flattering actually.

no, i worked at bbn when the first email was sent, so i really wouldn't be flattered. good try though, cliffie.

The problem with you calling me that is well ... you only try to bait instead of posting anything opposing what I state. When proven wrong I always take it well, you however instead of proving anything wrong just attempt to insult. That makes your insults actually flattering because it only proves mine to be more correct.
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