You're very confused.
-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him
-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs
-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave
If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.
Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.
The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.
Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?
Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.
That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.
If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him
-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs
-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave
If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.
Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.
The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.
Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?
Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.
That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.
If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...