If You Ever Doubted Who The 'Spies' Worked For....

....we got the answer today......and it isn't America.
That would be goose-steppers of the FBI and the CIA.

1. The Hunter Biden Laptop story was censored by the state media.

2.The Democrat handmaidens rushed out ot lie about the Laptop story.

Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel ...

https://www.politico.com › news › 2020/10/19 › hunter...
Oct 19, 2020 — More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice ...

50 former intelligence officials warn NY Post story sounds like ...

https://thehill.com › homenews › campaign › 521823-5...
Oct 20, 2020 — More than 50 former intelligence officials said emails alleged to have been found on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden show signs of a ...

3. "CIA Officer Who Signed Crackhead Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Says He Takes ‘Special Pride’ for ‘Swinging the Election Away From Trump’

Posted on March 29, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody
John Sipher, who served for more than 20-years as a CIA senior operations officer, wrote, “I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump,” reported enVolve.

“I lost the election for Trump? Well then I fell [sic] pretty good about my influence,” the ex-CIA officer wrote.

4. ....list of “officials” that “signed a letter saying that the laptop has the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

“Yet, these 51 purported intelligence experts didn’t have any evidence to back up their assertions at the time – they were merely operating off a convenient hunch that happened to behoove the Biden campaign right before the election.”

“The letter they’d all signed on to was published on October 19th of 2020, a mere five days after the New York Post dropped the bombshell story on the laptop that has since been validated by a myriad of outlets – to include The New York Times.”

Illegitimate President Biden cited the letter during the 2020 presidential election as proof the laptop story was false. According to former Attorney General Willam Barr and a scathing report in Politico, Biden knew the letter was not based on evidence but reported it as fact to win the election.

Last week, The New York Times circumspectly admitted its reporting on the Hunter laptop story was inaccurate."

View attachment 623090

Hunter's to-do list.....

The CIA hasn't been on top of an important event since WW2. The Agency was blindsided by Russia's "Wall" in Berlin, apparently welcomed Lee Oswald back from Russia in the coldest part of the Cold War, organized an illegal army to invade Cuba, and of course it's biggest failure was 9-11. There are no secrets anymore so why does the Agency have a secret budget? With the cooperation of the mainstream media the FBI dodged responsibility for the faked documents that they used to undermine the President of the United States.
The CIA hasn't been on top of an important event since WW2. The Agency was blindsided by Russia's "Wall" in Berlin, apparently welcomed Lee Oswald back from Russia in the coldest part of the Cold War, organized an illegal army to invade Cuba, and of course it's biggest failure was 9-11. There are no secrets anymore so why does the Agency have a secret budget? With the cooperation of the mainstream media the FBI dodged responsibility for the faked documents that they used to undermine the President of the United States.

Well.....they have no time for that sort of thing: they have a bigger job=
Honcho plots against Republicans and any other non-Democrats.

Gads, you want 'em to do everything????


Translation: I want to scream because I am so upset that I can't address any of your supported claims.

Let's broaden that in a more scholarly manner:

Gramsci, the Nazis, Bolsheviks and the current Democrat Party are all iterations of the the works of Karl Marx.

"Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

Not 1° of difference between the socialism of Stalin, or Hitler, or the Democrats.

Oh please don't "broaden" it. This is a CURRENT DOMESTIC problem. You promised "something from today" in your opening on march 29th -- but the link doesn't go there. WHAT'S there as a "featured story" has nothing to do with Hunter Biden or the "CIA agent".

I had to go thru the 2ndary link to ENVOLVE to even understand your OPost.

SO -- here's your "NEW" info in a nutshell. John SIpher (if he exists) see the link below -- was NOT an active spy when the laptop story TRIED to break and got BORKED by the MMedia. He had been retired for 5 or 6 years.. His BRAGGING is not about "SPYING" on anyone -- he merely LIED when he signed that letter "from 51 former Intel officials" like the OTHER 50 did. And he's PROUD OF FIXING AN ELECTION. Let's go get the law to pick him up. WHAT CHARGES would you suggest?

FIXING AN ELECTION? Being a Putz? Impersonating an Intel agent with integrity?

This is the side-show. The MAIN Event is underlying corruption. Keep your eyes on that.

As far as John Sipher goes -- he's in "a protection plan" he got at retirement. He ENJOYS poking at people. Couldn't even PROVE the dude exists. Witness what pops up when you find his name. All MAJOR TROLLING and fun at the expense of COMPROMISING election integrity.

I know a few things about retired spies. They LIKE to have stimulation and fun.

Too many unrelated skirmishes goin on here. Stay on the topic/scope of Opost or this free-for-all will have to continue in Badlands -- where TOPICS are optional..

HERE -- Topics are the reason USMB exists.

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