If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

NO VIDEO. You got nothing. Ho hum. Yawn****

You think I'm going to pay the slightest bit of attention to these 3 laughingstock , liberal rags ?
No one cares. The documentation does. Your failed non-argument is worth teats. Try again loser.
HA HA>> OH but you DO need a video. Otherwise, all you have is just a bunch of jerks repeating the 1st jerk - the reporter from the Washington Post, who babbled this moronic lie.
Wrong! Documentation is your friend. Go back into your Wonderland. Alice needs another nut case to talk to.
You just said and argued absolutely nothing. That makes you a failure and a loser. You can't link anything about Democrats doing the same. You got had.
You DON'T KNOW what I said in Posts 594 - 601, because you never read it. Dude, you cant be a loser because you never even got on the field. You lost before you even got started.
Wrong! Documentation is your friend. Go back into your Wonderland. Alice needs another nut case to talk to.
HA HA. Look at the stupid liberal wailing about "Documentation" It's all these goofballs know. Documentation from sources friendly TO THEM.

In their little deranged world, something is real, if a piece of paper says so. Wow. Even a team of doctors couldn't help these fools.

So obviously you have NO VIDEO of Sydney Powell saying what you laughably claim she said, so all you have is a bunch of liberal liars repeating the words of another liberal liar. How impressive.
You DON'T KNOW what I said in Posts 594 - 601, because you never read it. Dude, you cant be a loser because you never even got on the field. You lost before you even got started.
You are running now. Haul ass. That's all you can do now.

Consistent Democrat tactic. They accuse Republicans of doing exactly what THEY are doing (like the Russian collusion). They think this takes the onus off of them. It doesn't and it just looks stupid. This is you coward. Now prove it, or you are nothing but a pos liar. Get going.
HA HA. Look at the stupid liberal wailing about "Documentation" It's all these goofballs know. Documentation from sources friendly TO THEM.

In their little deranged world, something is real, if a piece of paper says so. Wow. Even a team of doctors couldn't help these fools.

So obviously you have NO VIDEO of Sydney Powell saying what you laughably claim she said, so all you have is a bunch of liberal liars repeating the words of another liberal liar. How impressive.
Legally, it's all you need. Next losing argument please.
Wikipedia is another liberal rag. You think it's worth anything to toss another one of them out here. Sheesh. :rolleyes: YOU are the nut case.
Dude, you are losing from every post and from every angle. You think you can fight the documentation with word salad bs? :laughing0301: You wish. Never going to happen. You are beating a dead horse. You need to say good night to the good people. You're looking more and more the fool with every losing post.
You are running now. Haul ass. That's all you can do now.

Consistent Democrat tactic. They accuse Republicans of doing exactly what THEY are doing (like the Russian collusion). They think this takes the onus off of them. It doesn't and it just looks stupid. This is you coward. Now prove it, or you are nothing but a pos liar. Get going.
Prove what ? I DID do that in this thread, in larger size posts (594-601) than anyone has ever done in the history of this forum. You are a complete IDIOT.

I wonder why I even bother talking to you.
Legally, it's all you need. Next losing argument please.
It not enough for THIS FORUM. This forum is not a courtroom. You have no video. You have no way to prove what you claim about Sydney Powell, and all you have is bullshit from lying liberals., You're a joke.
Wikipedia is another liberal rag. You think it's worth anything to toss another one of them out here. Sheesh. :rolleyes: YOU are the nut case.
Show us where Wikipedia is a Liberal rag? You can't can you? More fucking lies from a loser. But please, continue. This shit is good. Nothing like having the truth on my side and making a fool out of the other guy.
Prove what ? I DID do that in this thread, in larger size posts (594-601) than anyone has ever done in the history of this forum. You are a complete IDIOT.

I wonder why I even bother talking to you.
You must be high on drugs? I asked you to link about a totally different matter. I posted Trump stealing documents and taking them home. That's public property. Show us where Democrats did the same? Are you that fucking stupid that you can't understand simple questions?
Dude, you are losing from every post and from every angle. You think you can fight the documentation with word salad bs? :laughing0301: You wish. Never going to happen. You are beating a dead horse. You need to say good night to the good people. You're looking more and more the fool with every losing post.
HA HA HA HA. Keep talking if you think that doing you some good. Fact is, you already LOST this debate lock stock and barrel. You got no video - you got NOTHING but HOT AIR.

THis is you in this debate >>

It not enough for THIS FORUM. This forum is not a courtroom. You have no video. You have no way to prove what you claim about Sydney Powell, and all you have is bullshit from lying liberals., You're a joke.
We'll, I'll tell you, for someone who can't back up what you say, when you tell us the Democrats do the same thing by stealing government documents and taking them home, isin't in a position to demand shit.

Personally, I could care less if it's good enough for you or not. A court of law will take that documentation and French kiss it. It's that good.
HA HA HA HA. Keep talking if you think that doing you some good. Fact is, you already LOST this debate lock stock and barrel. You got no video - you got NOTHING but HOT AIR.

THis is you in this debate >>

View attachment 599508
You must be high on drugs? I asked you to link about a totally different matter. I posted Trump stealing documents and taking them home. That's public property. Show us where Democrats did the same? Are you that fucking stupid that you can't understand simple questions? Still waiting loser?
It not enough for THIS FORUM. This forum is not a courtroom. You have no video. You have no way to prove what you claim about Sydney Powell, and all you have is bullshit from lying liberals., You're a joke.
It not enough for THIS FORUM. This forum is not a courtroom. No one gives a shit.
Show us where Wikipedia is a Liberal rag? You can't can you? More fucking lies from a loser. But please, continue. This shit is good. Nothing like having the truth on my side and making a fool out of the other guy.
Wikipedia has been shown to be leftist biased 100,000 times. You know nothing. Just the first sentence about Sydney Powell shows it. They say >> ",..known for her promotion of conspiracy theories and attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election.

1. She has mountains of proof, not "conspiracy theories" (one of the left's favorite catch phrases)

2. She did not attempt to overturn any "2020 United States presidential election". She attempted to overturn the STEAL of a presidential election. There WAS NO presidential election. It was obliterated by Democrats.

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