If the world is becoming more LGBT friendly?


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2020
Then how come at Macy's today when i asked a cashier who worked another section where the crop top tees were at in the women's section?

And she said with a thick, i think East European/Russian accent, err, those are women's clothes.

You should try the men's section.

Seriously, in this day and age.

I wonder if i should have told her right out in front of everyone, "you know in this day and age being 2022, there are men who want to be girls"
Then how come at Macy's today when i asked a cashier who worked another section where the crop top tees were at in the women's section?

And she said with a thick, i think East European/Russian accent, err, those are women's clothes.

You should try the men's section.

Seriously, in this day and age.

I wonder if i should have told her right out in front of everyone, "you know in this day and age being 2022, there are men who want to be girls"
I don't know how old you are, nor am I asking because that's none of my business. I just would like to offer you a little perspective. I grew up in the 70s as a fat kid. America was NOT full of fat people at that time. My cohort in school was VICIOUS toward me, every day and in every way, you could imagine.

I'm not crying or complaining about it but back then, I did. It made me effing miserable and the more depressed I got, the more I ATE to soothe the pain. Looking back, I think the most priceless gift anyone could have given me at that time was the ability to see that the opinions of others was NOT MY CONCERN. I could do nothing to change them and worrying about them only harmed me. That's a life lesson that too many of us learn far too late in life.
You do YOU and screw anyone who doesn't like it. Most people aren't going to be affected by you in any way no matter what you do so ignore their BS and live your life.

As for that clerk, she should have been told that if she couldn't help you, you'd like to see her manager for some help. Works EVERY TIME ;)
Then how come at Macy's today when i asked a cashier who worked another section where the crop top tees were at in the women's section?

And she said with a thick, i think East European/Russian accent, err, those are women's clothes.

You should try the men's section.

Seriously, in this day and age.

I wonder if i should have told her right out in front of everyone, "you know in this day and age being 2022, there are men who want to be girls"
This story makes no sense, I don't believe this happened as you wrote.

How would she know that you weren't shopping for a gift, for a girlfriend, sister, or niece?

That is a totally unprofessional response, no employee would act that way.

IMO? You are trolling.


You are purposely trying to see who is "homophobic," and who will stick up for America's, "enemies," all in one post.
The world, on the whole, is becoming more accepting of the LGBT community. This acceptance is one of the main reasons conservatives are always so angry.
Then how come at Macy's today when i asked a cashier who worked another section where the crop top tees were at in the women's section?
And she said with a thick, i think East European/Russian accent, err, those are women's clothes.
You should try the men's section.
Seriously, in this day and age.
I wonder if i should have told her right out in front of everyone, "you know in this day and age being 2022, there are men who want to be girls"

I think she already had a pretty good idea that you're seriously fucked-up in the head. There really wasn't any need for you to do anything to confirm it further.
Then how come at Macy's today when i asked a cashier who worked another section where the crop top tees were at in the women's section?

And she said with a thick, i think East European/Russian accent, err, those are women's clothes.

You should try the men's section.

Seriously, in this day and age.

I wonder if i should have told her right out in front of everyone, "you know in this day and age being 2022, there are men who want to be girls"
You should have asked her, "What is a woman's section, are you a biologist?"

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