If the Democrats cared about our country and our borders, here are three things they should do NOW.

We have an immigration system that works but it is not enforced. Immigration Reform is a joke. Nothing more than another amnesty and catch and release until court date and they are never seen again. If employers paid a decent salary there would not be a shortage of workers. We do not need foreign workers. Unlimited immigration is destroying this country.

Unemployment is at 3.4% and we have millions of unfilled jobs.

Our immigration system IS broken if we have millions of unfilled jobs on one side of the border and millions of people willing to take them on the other.

As for paying a decent salary... I'm all for that. Raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour and mandatory unions in all work places.
We cannot afford legal or illegal immigration economically, environmentally, and socially. Much of our farmland has been flooded, etc and there will be no crops which will cause the price of food to rise and not enough food. We will have too many people to feed and have to resort to imports which can be costly adding to the already bankrupt system. Resulting in becoming another third-world country with all its problems. We have our own crime and poverty problem. More people means more poverty and more crime.
We cannot afford legal or illegal immigration economically, environmentally, and socially. Much of our farmland has been flooded, etc and there will be no crops which will cause the price of food to rise and not enough food. We will have too many people to feed and have to resort to imports which can be costly adding to the already bankrupt system. Resulting in becoming another third-world country with all its problems. We have our own crime and poverty problem. More people means more poverty and more crime.
Unemployment is at 3.4% and we have millions of unfilled jobs.

Our immigration system IS broken if we have millions of unfilled jobs on one side of the border and millions of people willing to take them on the other.

As for paying a decent salary... I'm all for that. Raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour and mandatory unions in all work places.
Raise the minimum wage and prices will go up and business will cut their employees to a minimum.
Immigrants are expensive to taxpayers because the foreign-born population of the United States is more likely to be poor and stay poor. US cannot afford immigrants. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” .It is argued immigration can cause issues of overcrowding, congestion, and extra pressure on public services. There is also a debate about whether immigration of unskilled workers leads to downward pressure on wages and even unemployment of native workers.May 14, 2022
Immigrants are expensive to taxpayers because the foreign-born population of the United States is more likely to be poor and stay poor. US cannot afford immigrants. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” .It is argued immigration can cause issues of overcrowding, congestion, and extra pressure on public services. There is also a debate about whether immigration of unskilled workers leads to downward pressure on wages and even unemployment of native workers.May 14, 2022

From: The Know Nothing Party of the 1800s.
From: The Know Nothing Party of the 1800s.
Immigrants built this country but we are no longer into nation-building but in national survival. Lady Liberty has served its purpose and is obsolete and dead. Immigrants are coming because they have screwed up their own country and they will do the same to this county. They come, and they send their children because they know we are a country of democratic freebies. We have our own poverty and crime. Millions of unemployable, homeless men, women and children. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) counted around 582,000 Americans experiencing homelessness in 2022. That's about 18 per 10,000 people in the US, up about 2,000 people from 2020.Mar 16, 2023 Over 42 million Americans face hunger each and every day including 1 in 6 children. Do you believe uncontrolled immigration will fix this????
We cannot afford legal or illegal immigration economically, environmentally, and socially. Much of our farmland has been flooded, etc and there will be no crops which will cause the price of food to rise and not enough food. We will have too many people to feed and have to resort to imports which can be costly adding to the already bankrupt system. Resulting in becoming another third-world country with all its problems. We have our own crime and poverty problem. More people means more poverty and more crime.

we have plenty of food, we just need to get it to market. It's easier to get to market when you have enough undocumented laborers working on the farms.
we have plenty of food, we just need to get it to market. It's easier to get to market when you have enough undocumented laborers working on the farms.
Typical Lefty&lib talk and unsubstantiated comments - packed into a one-liner.
You lefty&libs have caused the decline of every Western country in the past 45 years - in moral, social values and the continued eradication of common sense and educational standards.

We have plenty of food - yeah right, all for free, and exclusively produced by lefty&libs working on US farms - you guys are what you are - nonsense talkers.
Typical Lefty&lib talk and unsubstantiated comments - packed into a one-liner.
You lefty&libs have caused the decline of every Western country in the past 45 years - in moral, social values and the continued eradication of common sense and educational standards.

We have plenty of food - yeah right, all for free, and exclusively produced by lefty&libs working on US farms - you guys are what you are - nonsense talkers.

Actually, agriculture is probably the most socialist part of our economy, and as much as the rural white trash whines about MAGA, the worst thing that could happen to them would be if MAGA ever got it's way.


261 Billion dollars to prop up the farmers... it defines socialism.
Wow, what a fucking idiot Kennedy is.

Why would Mexico want to solve OUR problem?
Kennedy mentioned the leverage in the video.

You pay government employees their wage, you are their boss, did you not find her not answering a simple question concerning? No wonder you government is fucked if bakes like you condone their actions.
Kennedy mentioned the leverage in the video.

You pay government employees their wage, you are their boss, did you not find her not answering a simple question concerning? No wonder you government is fucked if bakes like you condone their actions.

I wasn't bothered by her answer at all. The reality is Mexico isn't going to give up her sovereignty to solve OUR problem, and there's no reason why they should.

If anything, Mexico benefits from the drug trade, why would they want to stop it?
I wasn't bothered by her answer at all. The reality is Mexico isn't going to give up her sovereignty to solve OUR problem, and there's no reason why they should.

If anything, Mexico benefits from the drug trade, why would they want to stop it?
Because the US has the leverage, Kennedy just gave the GDP and trade figures. Whether Mexico wants to or not, America has the leverage. The only trouble is, Biden won't have a fucking clue what to implement to achieve the goal of going in and helping the Mexican police and army to eradicate cartels. Just focusing on a wall or taking as many in all the time is akin to forever changing the dead battery on the car whilst doing not to fix the problem, change the alternator. Until the cartels keep getting squashed, America is always losing the immigrant battle.
Because the US has the leverage, Kennedy just gave the GDP and trade figures. Whether Mexico wants to or not, America has the leverage. The only trouble is, Biden won't have a fucking clue what to implement to achieve the goal of going in and helping the Mexican police and army to eradicate cartels. Just focusing on a wall or taking as many in all the time is akin to forever changing the dead battery on the car whilst doing not to fix the problem, change the alternator. Until the cartels keep getting squashed, America is always losing the immigrant battle.

Or we could do something as breathtakingly rational as legalizing drugs and treating addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal one.

But we aren't going to do that. Too many people making money on the status quo.

We have a 200 year history of bullying Mexico, for what little good that's done us. This is why Mexico resents the "Gringos" and frankly, they aren't in any particular hurry to help us at all.

But as long as we look at Mexico as a source of cheap labor, we are going to keep having this problem.
Or we could do something as breathtakingly rational as legalizing drugs and treating addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal one.

But we aren't going to do that. Too many people making money on the status quo.

We have a 200 year history of bullying Mexico, for what little good that's done us. This is why Mexico resents the "Gringos" and frankly, they aren't in any particular hurry to help us at all.

But as long as we look at Mexico as a source of cheap labor, we are going to keep having this problem.

Also, countries should rip up the Human Rights Act crap and replace it with Human Lives, like Duterte did in his term of office in the Philippines and just drug sellers and users. Protect the lives of those from the drug problem, and exterminate the problem.
Actually, agriculture is probably the most socialist part of our economy, and as much as the rural white trash whines about MAGA, the worst thing that could happen to them would be if MAGA ever got it's way.

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261 Billion dollars to prop up the farmers... it defines socialism.
Yeah - and those Framers are in majority Lefty&libs - according to you - keep dreaming and socialism only works if money can be simply printed or taken from other programs.

As much as it hurts me to say - but that was about the only thing that the Trump administration actually managed to do right - subsidizing the US agricultural industry due to the trade war with China.
That Lefty&libs will portrait this as only big and rich farmers having been subsidized is understood.

The Trump administration however understood that only very large farms or huge agricultural cooperation's are able to survive global competition - and unfortunately not those smaller family run units.
This applies to basically every country and it's farming culture - small farms in Europe are either running due to side-incomes generated, not out of farming - or are dead, respectively no future. Bio-products can't maintain smaller farms any more, since it is in the meantime all controlled by large cooperation.

Biden is now blowing money away - due to political party interests - further bankrupting the USA with meaningless subsidies, that have absolutely no impact onto maintaining small agricultural farms for the future. It's simply blowing away taxpayers money to impress and keep his voters happy on a short term view.

You are living in a fantasy and dreamworld.
We don't have to do any of those things. Just return to the Trump leadership that made the deal with Mexico that Potatohead cancelled the first day in office.
we have plenty of food, we just need to get it to market. It's easier to get to market when you have enough undocumented laborers working on the farms.
You are not listening and you cannot comprehend.
California floods ruined her crops ... Fires, drought and floods ... amid a historic drought in California, when the farm's well collapsed.
In the Mississippi River Valley, heavy spring rains devastated 250,000 acres of farmland in 2019, 20 million acres. 2019 was a terrible year for farmers, and climate change will only make things worse.
Only 4% of illegal work on farms. They do not come to America to work on farms. There is a special program for those who want to work on the farm to come.H-2A visa program.
2023 will also likely bring a beef shortage, meaning you may need to shell out more if you want to serve burgers and steak. Last year, a drought in Texas resulted in less grass feed for cows. At the same time, alternative feeds were expensive, so farmers sold their cattle earlier than anticipated.
Persistent supply chain issues, climate change and the Russia-Ukraine war are just some of the reasons why food shortages will likely continue in 2023

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