I was wrong. I apologize.

MAGA is an indefinable term that has 10,000,000 different meanings depending on who is saying the term.
You are in the lower 10% echelon here and that is not up for debate.
Bullshit. Everybody knows exactly what MAGA is.
Good on you. Respect.

We've had our qualms in the past, but you have my respect for admitting when you were wrong.
Yeah...that's what I said.

But Bulldog couldn't make it out of him "I'm totally honest" thread without lying about Trump.

Ask him about his lies claiming Trump said to "inject bleach".

He'll baldface lie right to your face.
Yeah...that's what I said.

But Bulldog couldn't make it out of him "I'm totally honest" thread without lying about Trump.

Ask him about his lies claiming Trump said to "inject bleach".

He'll baldface lie right to your face.
You're a whiny little MAGA nitpicker, aren't you?
Jumping to conclusions right after any type of shooting has become commonplace and most are almost always wrong. Very few though will admit they wrong when the facts come out most just ignore them or double down on what they said so kudos for admitting it. I have said before people need to wait for facts before making a judgement but few do.
You're a lying piece of shit, aren't ya.
Just like I said, he/she can't read the room.
I have made at least 3 or 4 apology threads here. And all of them were met with likes/thanks.
She makes one, and get's blasted.

That should tell her something, but at what point has BULLDOG had the wherewithal to realize the situation?
Defining MAGA for leftists is like defining what a woman is or how many genders there are. It's such a broad term that resonates differently across anti-Trumpers.
What it means, is whatever the user themselves thinks it means.
Some use it to describe ONLY hard core Trump supporters.
But most use it to label anyone who disagrees with them about anything and everything.
What it means, is whatever the user themselves thinks it means.
Some use it to describe ONLY hard core Trump supporters.
But most use it to label anyone who disagrees with them about anything and everything.
It's an overused term that has no meaning anymore .. like being called a Nazi, racist, or some other pejorative. When everyone is a [insert pejorative here], then no one is.
Just like I said, he/she can't read the room.
I have made at least 3 or 4 apology threads here. And all of them were met with likes/thanks.
She makes one, and get's blasted.

That should tell her something, but at what point has BULLDOG had the wherewithal to realize the situation?
Hey...I applaud honesty.

But if you claim it, you've need to live up to it.

This is more like virtue signally.

Bulldog: "Look at how virtuous I am with this thing that is totally indefensible...but no way I'm giving up 'injecting bleach' that EVERYONE knows is total bullshit."

Even CNN debunked it.

CNN: Trump actual said...

“(T)hen I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.”

And THEN the NIH TESTED the disinfectant ethanol aerosolized and injected into the lungs.


But liars are gonna lie and keep saying bleach...because they are partisan baldfaced liars.

This thread is just another means to their partisan ends.

They have as much interest in truth as they do earthworm vomit... absolutely none at all, unless it serves their agenda.
In their own mind.
There is no definitive meaning to the word.
The only people who use the term are liberals. And their use of it is broad and all over the place.
Come on. We both know better than that. You, as a group proudly chose that name, and announced it to the world, just like you did with the name TEABAGGER. Again, just like with teabagger, you are embarrassed by the what the term has become to represent and want to hide from it. MAGA is the trump cult that destroyed the republican party. Doesn't matter how much it embarrasses you. You're stuck with it.
Defining MAGA for leftists is like defining what a woman is or how many genders there are. It's such a broad term that resonates differently across anti-Trumpers.
See #112
Come on. We both know better than that. You, as a group proudly chose that name, and announced it to the world, just like you did with the name TEABAGGER. Again, just like with teabagger, you are embarrassed by the what the term has become to represent and want to hide from it. MAGA is the trump cult that destroyed the republican party. Doesn't matter how much it embarrasses you. You're stuck with it.

what is this, "divisive rhetoric" right after you apologized?

But we already knew
Come on. We both know better than that. You, as a group proudly chose that name, and announced it to the world, just like you did with the name TEABAGGER. Again, just like with teabagger, you are embarrassed by the what the term has become to represent and want to hide from it. MAGA is the trump cult that destroyed the republican party. Doesn't matter how much it embarrasses you. You're stuck with it.
I don't live in a liberal bubble where everyone is an automaton of idealism, and where everyone agrees.
MAGA, acronym for Make America Great Again was coined during Ronald Reagan's campaign.
Trump borrowed the phrase in 2015.
The liberal media and liberal politicians, when on a campaign of their own to change the meaning of it to meaning " a time of white power and patriarchy". And said it over and over and over.
Since then, it has become a meaningless phrase only used by leftist that encompasses basically anyone that isn't Democrat.
So you're not defining it, and just rolling with assumed guilt and embarrassment. Gotcha.

Meanwhile .. Biden supporters are following their shepherd

Shortly after today's shooting, I posted that the incident looked like a publicity stunt. At the time, I based my belief on the fact that he had a wall of spectators in the bleachers behind and around him, and no one had yet mentioned any of them being injured after all those shots. I was also doubtful that the noise canceling microphone would be able to pick up the shots so clearly at a distance. It has since been reported that one viewer was killed, and others were wounded. Obviously, my early beliefs were wrong, and I unreservedly acknowledge that it was not a staged event, and I apologize for making a quick judgement on incomplete information. I will try to avoid that in the future.
I’d like to see Trump and MAGA apologize for their bullshit.

Shortly after today's shooting, I posted that the incident looked like a publicity stunt. At the time, I based my belief on the fact that he had a wall of spectators in the bleachers behind and around him, and no one had yet mentioned any of them being injured after all those shots. I was also doubtful that the noise canceling microphone would be able to pick up the shots so clearly at a distance. It has since been reported that one viewer was killed, and others were wounded. Obviously, my early beliefs were wrong, and I unreservedly acknowledge that it was not a staged event, and I apologize for making a quick judgement on incomplete information. I will try to avoid that in the future.

You’re always wrong so nobody takes you seriously anyway.
You might as well have retracted your so-called "apology" right there
All that proves is you MAGAs have trouble recognizing the difference between what is said, and what you wish was said. I apologized for that one time being wrong. I didn't become MAGA or acknowledge the MAGA cult as a sane group in any way.

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