I Read Biden’s Build Back Better Plan and…Oh, My God


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
A racist bill. Period. Transfers of wealth have been going on since LBJ's "Great Society" BS and now this is just more of the same.

Time for a taxpayer strike.

The White House’s official press release announcing the Build Back Better Act (BBB) pitches it as a “PLAN TO REBUILD THE MIDDLE CLASS.” It rhapsodizes about “working families” squeezed by the economy, and reminds voters that “Biden promised to rebuild the backbone of the country — the middle class.”
A cartoon illustrates the sort of person who would benefit from Biden’s Build Back Better programs: “Linda,” a white woman, who works at a manufacturing plant but struggles to raise her son, “Leo.”
One thing the White House’s official press release did not mention is that almost all of the $2 trillion doled out under BBB is expressly designated for Black, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander and non-English speaking individuals. White Americans will get nothing and like it.
Over and over again, the bill is written expressly NOT to help the hardworking Linda, apparently because she is white. Here are just a few examples:
— $1 billion to Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities for housing “needs.”
— $500 million for minority-serving schools of medicine.
— $112 million for teacher preparation programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).
— $75 million for culturally appropriate care management and services for older individuals who are racial and ethnic minorities or are underserved due to sexual orientation or gender identity.
— $75 million to study maternal health for pregnant and postpartum minority individuals.
And on and on and on.
The very first item in Title II of the bill, titled “ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION,” is a program to distribute more than $100 million in grants to address “low diversity within the teacher and school leader workforce.” To be eligible for a grant, the recipient must have a plan “to increase the diversity of qualified individuals entering into the teacher, principal, or other school leader workforce.”
Similarly, the first provision of BBB’s “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT” section is: “Minority Business Development Agency.”
But wait — here’s a plot twist! This part also includes something for rural America! (So Democrats have heard of Appalachia.) Twenty-one percent of the country is rural. Twenty-four percent is non-white. Guess how the money is divvied up?
One billion dollars for minorities and $200 million for “rural business centers.”
Even provisions that don’t explicitly exclude whites, turn out, on closer examination, to exclude whites. I’ve never seen so many synonyms for “non-white,” such as “persistent poverty communities,” “historically economically distressed,” “historical injustice” and “underserved communities.”
Hang on, Ann — what makes you think “underserved” means “non-white”?
I refer you to page 111 of the bill:
“This section also defines an ‘underserved community’ as a group of people who have been systematically denied the full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life. Underserved communities include Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, other persons of color, [etc.].”

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A racist bill. Period. Transfers of wealth have been going on since LBJ's "Great Society" BS and now this is just more of the same.

Time for a taxpayer strike.

The White House’s official press release announcing the Build Back Better Act (BBB) pitches it as a “PLAN TO REBUILD THE MIDDLE CLASS.” It rhapsodizes about “working families” squeezed by the economy, and reminds voters that “Biden promised to rebuild the backbone of the country — the middle class.”
A cartoon illustrates the sort of person who would benefit from Biden’s Build Back Better programs: “Linda,” a white woman, who works at a manufacturing plant but struggles to raise her son, “Leo.”
One thing the White House’s official press release did not mention is that almost all of the $2 trillion doled out under BBB is expressly designated for Black, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander and non-English speaking individuals. White Americans will get nothing and like it.
Over and over again, the bill is written expressly NOT to help the hardworking Linda, apparently because she is white. Here are just a few examples:
— $1 billion to Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities for housing “needs.”
— $500 million for minority-serving schools of medicine.
— $112 million for teacher preparation programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).
— $75 million for culturally appropriate care management and services for older individuals who are racial and ethnic minorities or are underserved due to sexual orientation or gender identity.
— $75 million to study maternal health for pregnant and postpartum minority individuals.
And on and on and on.
The very first item in Title II of the bill, titled “ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION,” is a program to distribute more than $100 million in grants to address “low diversity within the teacher and school leader workforce.” To be eligible for a grant, the recipient must have a plan “to increase the diversity of qualified individuals entering into the teacher, principal, or other school leader workforce.”
Similarly, the first provision of BBB’s “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT” section is: “Minority Business Development Agency.”
But wait — here’s a plot twist! This part also includes something for rural America! (So Democrats have heard of Appalachia.) Twenty-one percent of the country is rural. Twenty-four percent is non-white. Guess how the money is divvied up?
One billion dollars for minorities and $200 million for “rural business centers.”
Even provisions that don’t explicitly exclude whites, turn out, on closer examination, to exclude whites. I’ve never seen so many synonyms for “non-white,” such as “persistent poverty communities,” “historically economically distressed,” “historical injustice” and “underserved communities.”
Hang on, Ann — what makes you think “underserved” means “non-white”?
I refer you to page 111 of the bill:
“This section also defines an ‘underserved community’ as a group of people who have been systematically denied the full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life. Underserved communities include Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, other persons of color, [etc.].”

You read it or just cut and pasted something you want to believe?
Unless you are retarded, about 14% is targeted towards the construction that's already been paid for; the rest is for the LibBots here who suck at the nations teat and give nothing in return but a vote for Democrats.
You read the bill?
A racist bill. Period. Transfers of wealth have been going on since LBJ's "Great Society" BS and now this is just more of the same.

Time for a taxpayer strike.

The White House’s official press release announcing the Build Back Better Act (BBB) pitches it as a “PLAN TO REBUILD THE MIDDLE CLASS.” It rhapsodizes about “working families” squeezed by the economy, and reminds voters that “Biden promised to rebuild the backbone of the country — the middle class.”
A cartoon illustrates the sort of person who would benefit from Biden’s Build Back Better programs: “Linda,” a white woman, who works at a manufacturing plant but struggles to raise her son, “Leo.”
One thing the White House’s official press release did not mention is that almost all of the $2 trillion doled out under BBB is expressly designated for Black, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander and non-English speaking individuals. White Americans will get nothing and like it.
Over and over again, the bill is written expressly NOT to help the hardworking Linda, apparently because she is white. Here are just a few examples:
— $1 billion to Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities for housing “needs.”
— $500 million for minority-serving schools of medicine.
— $112 million for teacher preparation programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).
— $75 million for culturally appropriate care management and services for older individuals who are racial and ethnic minorities or are underserved due to sexual orientation or gender identity.
— $75 million to study maternal health for pregnant and postpartum minority individuals.
And on and on and on.
The very first item in Title II of the bill, titled “ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION,” is a program to distribute more than $100 million in grants to address “low diversity within the teacher and school leader workforce.” To be eligible for a grant, the recipient must have a plan “to increase the diversity of qualified individuals entering into the teacher, principal, or other school leader workforce.”
Similarly, the first provision of BBB’s “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT” section is: “Minority Business Development Agency.”
But wait — here’s a plot twist! This part also includes something for rural America! (So Democrats have heard of Appalachia.) Twenty-one percent of the country is rural. Twenty-four percent is non-white. Guess how the money is divvied up?
One billion dollars for minorities and $200 million for “rural business centers.”
Even provisions that don’t explicitly exclude whites, turn out, on closer examination, to exclude whites. I’ve never seen so many synonyms for “non-white,” such as “persistent poverty communities,” “historically economically distressed,” “historical injustice” and “underserved communities.”
Hang on, Ann — what makes you think “underserved” means “non-white”?
I refer you to page 111 of the bill:
“This section also defines an ‘underserved community’ as a group of people who have been systematically denied the full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life. Underserved communities include Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, other persons of color, [etc.].”

Blacks pay taxes. And we have subsidized everything whites have been given that we were excluded from. So stop whining.
Blacks pay taxes. And we have subsidized everything whites have been given that we were excluded from. So stop whining.

They've been transferring wealth for over 50-years and blacks are worse off now than they were when it began.

This shit is just wealth transfer on steroids.

The whining is 100% from blacks who just never stop whining, moaning, and bitching.
Sounds just like the democrats, and their wet dream of redistribution of wealth
in the new socialized America. Votes can be bought, and bought they will be.


Once the democrats succeed in making low skilled, low income minorities the majority in this country and all the producers and white people are minimized to where they are no longer producing and making mega-bucks, where are the democrats going to still keep getting all their funds from to keep financing all their programs for low skilled low income minorities?! :shok:

Fucking charity...
That is the "framework" you linked to. Did you read the bill itself? I say NO, you did not.
They've been transferring wealth for over 50-years and blacks are worse off now than they were when it began.

This shit is just wealth transfer on steroids.

The whining is 100% from blacks who just never stop whining, moaning, and bitching.
Wealth has not been transferred to blacks. Blacks have been denied wealth since the founding of this contry. Whites like you are the ones whining.
They've been transferring wealth for over 50-years and blacks are worse off now than they were when it began.

This shit is just wealth transfer on steroids.

The whining is 100% from blacks who just never stop whining, moaning, and bitching.

Yep. They've been transferring wealth from the middleclass to the obscenely rich.

That's going to change.
That is the "framework" you linked to. Did you read the bill itself? I say NO, you did not.
I'm have no time to read a 1,000 page Bill.
You are aware that spending Bills are, at the least, several hundred pages long.

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