I need your help

Browse ebay under many categories. Not the ones currently listed either. Go to Completed Auctions. Perfumes. Funny that they go for so much and cost so little at yard sales. The more the designer brand, the bigger the price. I buy perfumes all the time for a buck..even 50 cents. And I ALWAYS get 30 to 50 bucks for each bottle. Thats a damn good investment.
People who don't want to spend 150 bucks for a perfume that they can get on ebay for less than half price, that's who. And collectors. And people with MONEY.
Not this thread again.


Besides, the one "concern troll", who might've cared, got hounded-off/stalked off the board by [MENTION=31640]koshergrl[/MENTION].
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Once again, the whole board rallies to help TK with his Drama du Jour. Good for them. Really Really Good For Them.

TK, its time for you to do your part. Don't let all these people down again. Don't let yourself and your family down again. You can do this. If you want to work, you can find something. I remember, from your previous threads, you have an excuse for every suggestion made. Its time for you to stop making excuses.

If need be, get some counseling. Find out why you are unable to put yourself out there, get a job, finish a job, be an adult. Do whatever work that's needed on yourself.

My own input:

Mobile notary - excellent pay for very part time hours.
Court child advocate - you have some legal background which would be helpful, doesn't pay much but would be good experience for you.
Clean houses - actually pays well.
Yard work - good exercise.
No, you're not Too Good To Do Labor.

Finish your education. Yes you can. No excuses. Quit thinking you can take shortcuts. Just do it.

Understand that a message board is not the place for you to figure all this out. You know what you need to do and no one else can do it for you. Get off your butt and get out of the house. Just do it.

You have said you see yourself making big bucks with your blog. The chances of that happening are nil. Take a look at this website. Its very well known and has huge traffic. Now look at how much they take in from donations every month. Its shown at the top of the screen.

You're smart but dumb. Your writing is very immature. You need some real life experience and some education. Write for other websites and work for a living. Pay your dues.

And for pete's sake, stop these constant pay-attention-to-me-drama-queen threads. To paraphrase a little sign I keep over my work table in my studio:

If you don't do it, you'll just end up an old man with a good idea.


And finally, everyone here is more than willing to be supportive IF you get off your butt and actually get to work changing your life. BUT, if you revert back the same ole shit you dish here every day, don't whine if I and others go right back to riding your fat ass.
Ebay and Amazon - I make good money with both, more with Ebay, but I don't really work hard at it and except for antiques, don't really hunt for stuff to sell. I know a couple who have lived off the grid their whole lives, never have jobs and make their money from buying low and selling high at flea markets and now, ebay.

But they really work hard at it. Its their whole lives.

I don't think you have to go that far but I read a book some years back, called something like "The 4 hour work day" and that's what I've done for years now. Yes, we are both retired and have incomes from Social Security and investments but every retired person faces the fear that they will out last their money so we keep working. Also, we like to travel but we don't like debt. So, we travel so we can pay cash for whatever we want.

But, if I were your age TK and wanted to make big bucks, I'd buy real estate. Don't say,
"I can't". Yes you can.You can always buy without a down payment - believe me, its not that hard. Then, rent it, flip it whatever it is you want to do. I did it in Tucson and made a bundle and if I needed to make big money now, I could do it again. Yes, that's right. I was one of those who bought real estate with no money. Smartest thing I ever did.

Make no mistake - its killer hard work. But the pay off is huge. Like everything else, its whatever you make it.
Don't waste yer breath. He has to go see his dad this time...so a job is out of the question.

Yeah, I know. This is like a Charlie Brown cartoon -



- but like the song says, 'if it weren't for second chances, we'd all be alone'.

If he keeps doing it long enough, no one will get in line to kick his football.

(Whew, look at all those mixed metaphors!)

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