I need your help

Do you qualify for your state's voc rehab program?

They might pay for an online degree.

I do, or at least I used to. I used it to get my last job. But I'm not sure if there's an age limit on it or not. I'll look into that as well.

Pretty sure there would be no age limit. Their operational principles probably include something against age discrimination.
TK, I like you
But you have got to learn to carry your own water. Finding a job is a job in itself. No one can hand you what you need. You have to go get it. This place is the last place you should be seeking honest guidance


I'm not looking for handouts. I'm looking for leads. I will use all means to find a job, including reaching out to others for assistance. I don't want anything handed to me on a silver platter. Not who I am.
Do you qualify for your state's voc rehab program?

They might pay for an online degree.

I do, or at least I used to. I used it to get my last job. But I'm not sure if there's an age limit on it or not. I'll look into that as well.

Pretty sure there would be no age limit. Their operational principles probably include something against age discrimination.

Must have been something else I was thinking of. I'll stop by the nearest DOL and inquire.
I do, or at least I used to. I used it to get my last job. But I'm not sure if there's an age limit on it or not. I'll look into that as well.

Pretty sure there would be no age limit. Their operational principles probably include something against age discrimination.

Must have been something else I was thinking of. I'll stop by the nearest DOL and inquire.

If you're told there is a waiting list, start the process anyway. If you find something else before a slot opens for you, good. If you don't, then you'll have options.
Why does it have to be Work from home?

Well, I have had bad experiences with on site jobs, was fired from one, the other was temporary, and I had to resign from another. I was hoping to work from home, be close to my grandmother and help her out with the bills and groceries all at once.

I know people who have done medical transcription at home, but I have no clue how to get into that. Most weren't bothered by the work so much as they were just being in the house all day every day, never getting out to interact with coworkers and the like.
So TK, what are you looking for? What's your specialty?

I'm good at writing, typing and whatnot. Data entry perhaps, or something where I can use my research abilities... something where I can put my brain to work.

Check USA Jobs for government jobs as an admin assistant, they have recently started hiring from the outside again.
I've spent the past couple of days looking for a job. And as fate would have it, my search leads me back to this place. I wasnt planning to be back here until August. Two days may not seem like much to you, but it has given me some time to reconsider some positions and lay some inner demons to rest. However, I digress. I need your help. I'm calling on this forum community for assistance in finding reliable and legitimate online employment. It seems that it is my only viable option since my experiences with actual jobs have gone awry. If any of you know of anything, please feel free to post them below. Preferably a data entry position.

I guess I'm back for now.

i recall you did some other thread.... not sure what it was... but you were given links to online jobs there.
Good afternoon, TK.

When I was struggling, living in my car, and foraging for food to keep from going hungry, I decided I wouldn't be picky about the work I would do to earn money. For the better part of 6 months I would work one—two if lucky—hours a day washing dishes and sweeping floors. I did have some support from my mother, who allowed me to take showers and grab a bologna sandwich or an apple when in need, etc. Otherwise she made sure I stayed outside and hunting for work as much as possible.

In time all the money I saved from work—around $850—I resolved to use to invest in my future. I still didn't have a license, and so I depended on her to drive me to school and back. It was a short, 2-month CNA class at a community college. After graduating the class and getting all my tests and qualifications under my belt, I had my certificate to care for people. Now, a little over a year later, I've been busting my hump caring for people with problems ranging from Alzheimer's and ALS to muscular dystrophy and brain damage. And sitting on $5,000 after bills and costs, to boot.

I worked for that. I swallowed my damned pride and did the dirty work to sow the seeds of success. Don't be picky! If it means shoveling goat shit out of a petting zoo, DO IT! If you seriously need money, there are multiple ways to find work, and it doesn't have to be some data entry job. Pickiness like that can lead one to homelessness real quickly. Get out there and snag what you can, if you can get there. Use Craigslist to search for local jobs, and use their search function to whittle it down if you want. Go on Mturk.com and perform small tasks to earn $0.50 here and $0.60 there, etc; it all adds up.

If you can get your hands on a working lawnmower, go door to door and ask people if they'd like their lawn cut. Those who say yes, well, offer them your number, or better yet, ask them if they'd like to swap numbers to keep in contact. Get a stringtrimmer, too. Same with raking and shoveling.

Where there's a will, there's a way. To hold out and wait for a job that might not come in time... no. Do what you can now to start earning the money you need to survive. And when you earn, keep a deathgrip on it, and don't buy video games, fast food, or other non-necessities.
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I've spent the past couple of days looking for a job. And as fate would have it, my search leads me back to this place. I wasnt planning to be back here until August. Two days may not seem like much to you, but it has given me some time to reconsider some positions and lay some inner demons to rest. However, I digress. I need your help. I'm calling on this forum community for assistance in finding reliable and legitimate online employment. It seems that it is my only viable option since my experiences with actual jobs have gone awry. If any of you know of anything, please feel free to post them below. Preferably a data entry position.

I guess I'm back for now.

i recall you did some other thread.... not sure what it was... but you were given links to online jobs there.

I guess I'll go digging around for it.
There was a thread here too on working from home, I think in this section if I remember correctly. There might be something there that can help you.
Don't let getting fired get in your way either if it wasn't for something like theft or constantly being late or not showing up. Been fired three times and had one company go out of business on me. Still in same profession making more than I ever did.
Ebay is a good venue too. Go yard salin'. But first do your homework on what sells and what doesn't. Hubby bought two pairs of mens shoes last weekend...for 6 bucks. Used shoes. Steel toe. Designer brand and expensive new. Sold on ebay for 74 bucks for the pair. That 6 buck investment paid off.

Also...scrap metal. Brass and copper went up. Hubby just got a check this morning for 900 bucks. Too bad we can't keep it. Gotta pay the vet for the cat we still owe on, and car insurance is due. But that 900 bucks sure saved our asses.
I've spent the past couple of days looking for a job. And as fate would have it, my search leads me back to this place. I wasnt planning to be back here until August. Two days may not seem like much to you, but it has given me some time to reconsider some positions and lay some inner demons to rest. However, I digress. I need your help. I'm calling on this forum community for assistance in finding reliable and legitimate online employment. It seems that it is my only viable option since my experiences with actual jobs have gone awry. If any of you know of anything, please feel free to post them below. Preferably a data entry position.

I guess I'm back for now.

Ask JakeStarkey or GreenBeard, they get paid to post here

CF is lying again. I don't know about GB but I don't.

And you, Frank, would make a crack like this after the promise you made to me is unbelievable.

TK is asking for help and you are acting like an asshole.
I taught some friends of mine how to scrap and ebay. They live in LA now, and are kicking ASS because it is much bigger with better pickings. Her hubby just got a check from the scrap yard for 1500 bucks for one weeks worth of gathering at swap meets and yard sales. Her ebay sales garner her 3000 per month. They want us to join them up there (move) but I don't wanna live in LA. Eww.
I appreciate the outpouring of support folks! I've taken down some things I'll do in the coming weeks. I'm sure I have stuff to sell on eBay.... AAAAND as much as I hate taking assistance from the government, a Pell Grant may be in my future.

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