I knew it, I knew it! ! !


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Mar 28, 2004
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There HAD to be a system.


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Hey, my mom used to read me that at bedtime :tng:

Shattered said:
Oh.. I must be one of those mean bitches..

Ah well. At least I'm good at it.

Like you said----some just don't need a book maybe your just a natural !
dilloduck said:
some just don't need a book
I need a class. I can't do the bitch thing. :(

Practice makes perfect, I guess :D
UsaPride said:
I need a class. I can't do the bitch thing. :(

Practice makes perfect, I guess :D

My roomie will teach ya---she can do it in her sleep :eek2:
Everybody can do the bitch thing, in some form or another. All it takes is the right buttons being pushed. Even men get good at it.. Specially when they have a sniffle.
Shattered said:
Everybody can do the bitch thing, in some form or another. All it takes is the right buttons being pushed.
That's my problem, I don't like pushing peoples buttons. I want everybody happy and nobody will be happy if I'm being a bitch. I guess I need to surpress that little part in me that gives a shit, lol!
UsaPride said:
That's my problem, I don't like pushing peoples buttons. I want everybody happy and nobody will be happy if I'm being a bitch. I guess I need to surpress that little part in me that gives a shit, lol!

Sorry ladies but BITCH is exclusivley a female thing----us guys do bastard Q
dilloduck said:
Sorry ladies but BITCH is exclusivley a female thing----us guys do bastard Q
Sorry, Ducky, but guys do the bitch thing too! I've seen it with my own eyes. :tng:
dilloduck said:
Sorry ladies but BITCH is exclusivley a female thing----us guys do bastard Q

I'm sorry, but "I can't reach my kleenex, get it for me" most definitely falls under the "whiney bitch" category. :)

...especially when said box is sitting on the damned coffee table, and they can damn well manage to push the buttons on the remote.
Shattered said:
I'm sorry, but "I can't reach my kleenex, get it for me" most definitely falls under the "whiney bitch" category. :)

...especially when said box is sitting on the damned coffee table, and they can damn well manage to push the buttons on the remote.
Hubby sick, Shattered? LOL!
UsaPride said:
Hubby sick, Shattered? LOL!

No. This was almost 10 years ago, but it was so utterly *ridiculous* it stayed with me forever. :D
Shattered said:
No. This was almost 10 years ago, but it was so utterly *ridiculous* it stayed with me forever. :D

you're supposed to be training the dude ! :dance:
Trying to think a 'man bitch' story and my minds gone blank :( Hate when that happens, lol!
dilloduck said:
you're supposed to be training the dude ! :dance:

Oh, he's trained now.. This was right after we got married. (Yeah, I still showed up) :D
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