I hate Golf

I took up the game when I was 50 years old. It is virtually impossible for an adult to learn the game and play it well.
I took it up in earnest three years ago, and I've improved every year.
This is because of the phenomenon of "muscle memory," which phenomenon cannot occur after age 16 or so. And the golf swing is so unnatural that unless it is embedded in muscle memory, it cannot be learned at all. A million repetitions are a waste of time, because every single one of them is different, and might be totally "wrong."
Wrong....Overlearned motor skills (i.e. "muscle memory") is not dependent upon physical age.
"Keep your head steady, lock your elbow, rotate your wrists, turn your shoulders..." The instruction never ends. with every swing the golf coach points out another "defect" in the pathetic player's swing. You can practice until your hands fall off but muscle memory never happens. Go out the next morning and hit some balls, and you might as well have taken a nap yesterday, for all the good those repetitions have made.
There are a lot of mechanics in a golf swing, just like there are in a dynamic and fast ski turn...Nobody learns all of those in one fell swoop....And old "muscle memory" has a way of intruding.
But the fact is, even the worst players hit an occasional good shot...MAYBE I FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT!

Forget about it. You will never get it right consistently. It isn't possible.

The guys I play with never practice. Never stretch. Never read an article, watch a YouTube video, get a lesson, videotape themselves, or spend time on the putting green. I do all of that, and we suck equally. It makes no difference.
They can put the club head in the sam place consistently....The very definition of the overlearned skill (i.e. muscle memory).
For those who are familiar with Behavioral Psychology (i.e., B.F. Skinner), the addictive nature of golf should be obvious. The specific phenomenon is "intermittent reinforcement." It is the most powerful psychological addiction known to Man, and it has been shown to get pigeons to peck at a button thousands of times in the hope (anthropomorphistically speaking) of getting a single kernel of food.

Those random good shots - and they are random, not a manifestation of learned behavior - are what keeps golfers coming back to a game that generates more anger and frustration than a wayward daughter.
Excuse making.
Bottom line: I cannot reconcile myself to how badly I suck, after 23 years of trying. If you don't golf, keep it up.
I suck greatly less than I did a mere three years ago, starting from scratch....May I suggest stack-and-tilt?

Amazon product ASIN 1592404472
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I'm nowhere near scratch....But I'm still confident with the deuce off the tee when I know the driver will overshoot the dogleg.
I love smashing long irons. I probably wouldn't play if they were outlawed. The sweet spot on a forged 2-iron is about the size of a nickel, and not many people can make good contact with a club like that. Cheers

Trust me....Believe me...

I started from scratch (somewhat) three years ago.....Stack-and-tilt will change your golf life....But, like everything else, you have to stick with it long enough to rub out the bad overlearned swing habits you currently have.

Fuck the traditional swing off of your life....Go stack-and-tilt....

Saguto kicks ass...

Amazon product ASIN 1592404472
Off the tee, when the dogleg is too close to play driver.
It's good for driving into the wind as well, better than a 3 wood I think. A 2 iron gives good control for a good golfer on tight courses.
I love smashing long irons. I probably wouldn't play if they were outlawed. The sweet spot on a forged 2-iron is about the size of a nickel, and not many people can make good contact with a club like that. Cheers
Not there yet....But I'll still swing the deuce with confidence off the tee.

I did once (in 1993) caddy for a guy whose irons all had wear smaller than a dime on the sweet spots..
It's not for everybody which is part of the charm. The problem is, most golf instruction is taught completely backwards, even by "world class" teachers.

Golf is played BELOW THE WAIST. If you learn the proper positions/motions for your legs and hips everything above the waist will be instinctive. Hogan used to say "the secret is in the dirt" which translates to "the game is played from the feet up".

Enjoy the journey. I played with a retired general today that was in charge of hanging Saddam in Baghdad. He told me the story of the hangman making a special knot so he would choke to death instead of instantly breaking his neck. He did this because Saddam had killed his family with nerve gas. That's 1 story out of 40 years of playing golf. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Why do you lie about something so easily disproved? Saddam was hanged by the Iraqis,
Exactly you stupid fuck. And these Iraqi troops were under the command of this American general.

Why do you even bother, you fake fucking "admiral". Stolen valor - faggot style.
Listen, there is one faggot in the conversation and it is you!

I was a naval officer, so there is no fucking stolen valor you ignorant, arrogant prick. I am sure you served as an E-1 in the chow line.

You obviously did not read the link.
Exactly you stupid fuck. And these Iraqi troops were under the command of this American general.

Why do you even bother, you fake fucking "admiral". Stolen valor - faggot style.
Don't be a mean douche...."Admiral Rockwell Tory" is a fictional character just like Oddball is.

Listen, there is one faggot in the conversation and it is you!

I was a naval officer, so there is no fucking stolen valor you ignorant, arrogant prick. I am sure you served as an E-1 in the chow line.

You obviously did not read the link.
I don't need validation thru your google skills. The patriot told me a story on the golf course and I found it interesting.

What some anonymous shitstain thinks about it, is not interesting to me. Especially when it never occurred to you that the Iraqi hangman was under the command of this general. DERP
I don't need validation thru your google skills. The patriot told me a story on the golf course and I found it interesting.

What some anonymous shitstain thinks about it, is not interesting to me. Especially when it never occurred to you that the Iraqi hangman was under the command of this general. DERP
My link says that either you or your so-called general are fucking liars! That's all I need to know,

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