I had the scare of my life today..


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2004
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I have never been so scared in my life as I was today. Parents,you will probably understand the most.

Well,I got home from work today and was running around cleaning up and getting ready to go to the store. My 9 year old son Jacob,went outside to play with a neighbor kid like he does a lot. We usually hollar out every few minutes to make sure he is close by and staying around the apartment. We have a balcony and they usually are out playing right under it. The neighbors mom checks up on them too. So my sister in law calls and I can hear Jacob right out in back playing. Well,being on the phone after a few minutes,I noticed it was kinda quiet. Next thing I know the neighbor kids mom comes up looking for her son. I thought it was strange but talked fora few more minutes and told my husband to call out for Jacob...he did and no answer. Then,the the neighbor comes up again and says she can't find either of them.

So I go outside with a pit in my stomach,but not to upset yet. We start calling and calling and no answer. They have never left the backyard before. After a couple minutes I started to panic-big time. So we keep calling and calling,no answer. By this time Kevins out looking too and I could hardly breathe. I have never been so scared. I got to the point towhere my legs felt like Jello. I started having horrible flashes and everything started to go slow while these horrid pictures are going through my head. You don't know fear,until you have lost a child.The neighbors mom called the police as we continued to look. By now,I am in serious panic. I jump in the car and drive aroung the block and find a couple who had just seen them in the woods,so I call for my husband and he yells back that they were back.

Thank God he is fine,and apparently him and his bud went for a walk in the woods.A few minutes after he got back,a cop pulls up and I told him they were o.k. He came up to our place and gave our son a talkin too about how 3 cops had been pulled off of what they were doing to find him and his friend. The look on my son's face was priceless! This cop could have been an army General he was so stern. Need less to say,we are calmed down now ,but I wanted to share as I find this board to be a nice place for me for "quiet time"! I will never forget the feeling I had today and still feel shook up. Hopefully,I will feel better tomorrow.
I did this to my parents back in the day. I was like 10, I think, we were still living in New Jersey. A couple of "friends" told me to ask my mom if I could go to 7-11 around the corner so we could get Slurpees. She let me and my friends decided we were going to go all the way across town because there was a house on Elm Street that looked just like Freddy's. I didn't want to, but they were the cool kids, so I didn't have a choice. We ended up going to the park and swimming in the creek and stuff. Long story short (sort of), we got back about three hours later, and I got ripped a new one. At the time, I was mad at my parents, but looking back, I deserved way more punishment than I got.
Wow, you surely need a hug today. I'm so glad that your son is okay. I only have a 3 year old so I don't have that problem...I don't let him out of my sight. I know I will have to eventually but right now I'm paranoid.

I'm sure your son learned though and that's an important lesson (luckily a cheap one for you this time).
It was a really bad scare. We just started letting him go out without us this year. I havealways been a pretty paranoid parent as well. It wasn't even a few minutes and bam,their in the woods and gone for half an hour. My son's other friend across the street did this same thing to his mom about 2 months ago. He had taken off to play and was gone 2 and a half hours!!! She ran over here crying. It was the police that found him though,down the street at a friends. I knowI pulled this on my mom and dad a couple times when I was young. Needless to say,he won't be leaving my sight for a while. He knew he wasn't allowed in those woods!!!!! I love him more than life though and I'n thanking God he is fine.
Glad to hear all is ok. Hope our feeling better.

My younger cousin did this to us once, except he crawled into the back of a conversion van we had and fell asleep. Well the van was taken to another town. We had the whole police force and town out looking for him. We couldnt find him for about two hours until another little cousin told us he was in the van.

It was very relieving to find he was still in the van after 2 hours.
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