I don't understand... if there is nothing wrong why not turn them over???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

disputed ‘election routers’ or you lose $700 Million…​

In a major escalation in the fight over Arizona’s Maricopa County’s refusal to comply with a Senate election audit subpoena,
the state attorney general’s office ordered the county to give in or lose its state funding, which provides nearly a third of the county’s budget.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said that the county, America’s fourth largest in population, is violating state law by not complying with the Senate’s request for routers in its 2020 election audit.
If MCBOS does not change course, the AGO will notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold Maricopa County’s state-shared funds as required under the law.”
According to county and state estimates, the state provides about $700 million a year to the county, over a quarter of its $2.7 billion budget.

I just don't understand why the hesitancy to turning over the routers. WHY? All that does is make it appear there is something there, there!

disputed ‘election routers’ or you lose $700 Million…​

In a major escalation in the fight over Arizona’s Maricopa County’s refusal to comply with a Senate election audit subpoena,
the state attorney general’s office ordered the county to give in or lose its state funding, which provides nearly a third of the county’s budget.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said that the county, America’s fourth largest in population, is violating state law by not complying with the Senate’s request for routers in its 2020 election audit.
If MCBOS does not change course, the AGO will notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold Maricopa County’s state-shared funds as required under the law.”
According to county and state estimates, the state provides about $700 million a year to the county, over a quarter of its $2.7 billion budget.

I just don't understand why the hesitancy to turning over the routers. WHY? All that does is make it appear there is something there, there!
The AG has no authority to stop funding.

disputed ‘election routers’ or you lose $700 Million…​

In a major escalation in the fight over Arizona’s Maricopa County’s refusal to comply with a Senate election audit subpoena,
the state attorney general’s office ordered the county to give in or lose its state funding, which provides nearly a third of the county’s budget.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said that the county, America’s fourth largest in population, is violating state law by not complying with the Senate’s request for routers in its 2020 election audit.
If MCBOS does not change course, the AGO will notify the Arizona Treasurer to withhold Maricopa County’s state-shared funds as required under the law.”
According to county and state estimates, the state provides about $700 million a year to the county, over a quarter of its $2.7 billion budget.

I just don't understand why the hesitancy to turning over the routers. WHY? All that does is make it appear there is something there, there!

The audit is complete and the ninja nuts
Got their arse kicked. There was no fraud and everyone knows it now. Stop with your conspiracy theories about hiding something. They are compelled by law to declare the results. Fuck off with you ratbag theories.
I dare the Republicans in the Arizona Senate to withhold funds from America's 4th largest county and see what luck they have in holding onto their slim 1 member majority in next year's elections. Our state senators make it a practice of being stupid.
Thats because you dont have a clue what a router is. Besides, its none of their business.
Let's see... I bought routers for a major semi-conductor manufacturer in the 80s. Actually have owned a couple. And helped put into over 100 healthcare institutions routers around the country. So I have a little knowledge of them.
By the way have you ever heard of SNA, the predecessor to IP ? I use to use AS400s with SNA before their was the Internet!
Now as far as "none of their business". You aren't too smart are you. If nearly 25% of Maricopa's tax revenue is not available... ah but again way over your head!
Let's see... I bought routers for a major semi-conductor manufacturer in the 80s. Actually have owned a couple. And helped put into over 100 healthcare institutions routers around the country. So I have a little knowledge of them.
By the way have you ever heard of SNA, the predecessor to IP ? I use to use AS400s with SNA before their was the Internet!
Now as far as "none of their business". You aren't too smart are you. If nearly 25% of Maricopa's tax revenue is not available... ah but again way over your head!
You bought routers? Did you configure them? SNA is an old ass session protocol used by mainframes so long before my time. Youre talking to a CCNP so excuse me if I laugh at you. Obviously you have never worked with routers or you would know anything that they would need is not on those routers. It may still be available on logs delivered to a logging server. The logs on the routers themselves have long been overwritten. So what is it you think they are going to find on the routers. Please be specific.
You bought routers? Did you configure them? SNA is an old ass session protocol used by mainframes so long before my time. Youre talking to a CCNP so excuse me if I laugh at you. Obviously you have never worked with routers or you would know anything that they would need is not on those routers. It may still be available on logs delivered to a logging server. The logs on the routers themselves have long been overwritten. So what is it you think they are going to find on the routers. Please be specific.
Why would the routers logs be overwritten?
More importantly there wasn't suppose to be any connections to the Internet.
"Our teams looked at spirographs on the Dominion network on Election Day and showed the increased web traffic, Internet traffic on Election Day for Dominion servers,” he said, adding later: “In a nutshell, these systems are not what you’ve been told, if you’ve been told anything.
They are connected to the Internet.
There is no transparency of how the voter information is processed, moved, and stored. And, as a matter of fact, these companies have refused to allow any type of inspection into their code and they always decry, it’s our IP, it’s IP protection.

The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners. The reason? So that unofficial election results can more quickly be relayed to the public. Those modems connect to cell phone networks, which, in turn, are connected to the internet.

FEC regulations prohibit voting machines from being connected to internet​

Back in 2014, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) enacted regulations towards this end, requiring that any electronic voting machines be standalone and disconnected, including wirelessly. And yet we know that Dominion Voting Systems machines were connected to the internet during the 2020 election.
Now if you ARE a CCNP you would have NO problem coming up with counter substantiations!
But so far you have done NOTHING but share your opinion! NO FACTS. And as a result you are a liar if you say you are A Cisco Certified Network Professional because all the CCNPs I know would NEVER leave statements to be construed as "opinions"! To many ways to screw up issues without substantiating your arguments. You evidently are too young to remember this event... all caused by an error in coding!
than 12 million customers nationwide last summer, a report by a communications firm and Bell officials said.

DSC Communications of Plano, Texas, and Bell Communications Research issued a report that a DSC employee typed the wrong character in a line of instructions distributed nationwide, knocking out service for various periods between June 26 and July 2."We're very, very embarrassed that it happened," DSC Chairman James Donald told the Dallas Morning News. "It's just such a little bitty difference there, but such a large effect upon other things."

The report said the error consisted of entering the numeral 6 instead of the letter D on a 23-character line known as a "patch" that was supposed to fix an earlier mistake
Why would the routers logs be overwritten?
More importantly there wasn't suppose to be any connections to the Internet.
"Our teams looked at spirographs on the Dominion network on Election Day and showed the increased web traffic, Internet traffic on Election Day for Dominion servers,” he said, adding later: “In a nutshell, these systems are not what you’ve been told, if you’ve been told anything.
They are connected to the Internet.
There is no transparency of how the voter information is processed, moved, and stored. And, as a matter of fact, these companies have refused to allow any type of inspection into their code and they always decry, it’s our IP, it’s IP protection.

The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners. The reason? So that unofficial election results can more quickly be relayed to the public. Those modems connect to cell phone networks, which, in turn, are connected to the internet.

FEC regulations prohibit voting machines from being connected to internet​

Back in 2014, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) enacted regulations towards this end, requiring that any electronic voting machines be standalone and disconnected, including wirelessly. And yet we know that Dominion Voting Systems machines were connected to the internet during the 2020 election.
Now if you ARE a CCNP you would have NO problem coming up with counter substantiations!
But so far you have done NOTHING but share your opinion! NO FACTS. And as a result you are a liar if you say you are A Cisco Certified Network Professional because all the CCNPs I know would NEVER leave statements to be construed as "opinions"! To many ways to screw up issues without substantiating your arguments. You evidently are too young to remember this event... all caused by an error in coding!
than 12 million customers nationwide last summer, a report by a communications firm and Bell officials said.

DSC Communications of Plano, Texas, and Bell Communications Research issued a report that a DSC employee typed the wrong character in a line of instructions distributed nationwide, knocking out service for various periods between June 26 and July 2."We're very, very embarrassed that it happened," DSC Chairman James Donald told the Dallas Morning News. "It's just such a little bitty difference there, but such a large effect upon other things."

The report said the error consisted of entering the numeral 6 instead of the letter D on a 23-character line known as a "patch" that was supposed to fix an earlier mistake
"Why would the routers logs be overwritten?"

Because thats what happens. They have limited onboard storage capabilities on a router so any network engineer with more than a couple of months on the job configures all the logs to be sent to a logging server. If that doesnt happen the router eventually overwrites the logs. Basically your guy is full of shit if he doesn't know this and full of shit because he should know this.

""Our teams looked at spirographs on the Dominion network on Election Day and showed the increased web traffic, Internet traffic on Election Day for Dominion servers,” he said, adding later: “In a nutshell, these systems are not what you’ve been told, if you’ve been told anything. "

WTF is a spirograph? How would you be able to tell the internet traffic came from a Dominion server vs somebody on Domnions network watching youtube videos? I'm pretty sure Dominion doesn't broadcast what the IP address of their internal servers are you dumbass. Please explain with supporting packet captures how someone ID'd a Dominion server vs someones IPad.

"The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners. The reason? So that unofficial election results can more quickly be relayed to the public. "

So now you think someone is hacking Dominion through a modem? :auiqs.jpg:
Those scanners and tabulators are not servers.
"Why would the routers logs be overwritten?"

Because thats what happens. They have limited onboard storage capabilities on a router so any network engineer with more than a couple of months on the job configures all the logs to be sent to a logging server. If that doesnt happen the router eventually overwrites the logs. Basically your guy is full of shit if he doesn't know this and full of shit because he should know this.

""Our teams looked at spirographs on the Dominion network on Election Day and showed the increased web traffic, Internet traffic on Election Day for Dominion servers,” he said, adding later: “In a nutshell, these systems are not what you’ve been told, if you’ve been told anything. "

WTF is a spirograph? How would you be able to tell the internet traffic came from a Dominion server vs somebody on Domnions network watching youtube videos? I'm pretty sure Dominion doesn't broadcast what the IP address of their internal servers are you dumbass. Please explain with supporting packet captures how someone ID'd a Dominion server vs someones IPad.

"The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners. The reason? So that unofficial election results can more quickly be relayed to the public. "

So now you think someone is hacking Dominion through a modem? :auiqs.jpg:
Those scanners and tabulators are not servers.
I don't believe ONE word you wrote! NO sources. No links. No substantiation. JUST a dumb ass person who can't seem to support his statements!
Means nothing to me because you made it all up!
I provided links. YOU ZERO! What a pompous butt thinking JUST because you say so it is so? Full of crap!
I don't believe ONE word you wrote! NO sources. No links. No substantiation. JUST a dumb ass person who can't seem to support his statements!
Means nothing to me because you made it all up!
I provided links. YOU ZERO! What a pompous butt thinking JUST because you say so it is so? Full of crap!
I didnt ask you to believe me I just gave you the information you needed to think coherently and with intelligence. If you dont believe me read this link.

"The problem with Cisco routers is that when you enable logging, the default size of the log is only 4096 bytes. With a log file this big it can typically only store about 60 messages. If your router is very busy these 60 messages will quickly scroll out of the buffer and be replaced by the next 60 messages of events going on with your router."

"For more logging then what is possible on the router itself – try sending your logs to a remote syslog server! This will allow for most of your log data to be stored in a long term archive."

"Syslog stands for System Logging Protocol and is a standard protocol used to send system log or event messages to a specific server, called a syslog server. It is primarily used to collect various device logs from several different machines in a central location for monitoring and review."
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Doesn't matter son. He's the president and no one found fraud.
The sooner you accept you were democratically defeated by a smart politician, the sooner the trump defeat syndrome will subside. Suck eggs.
I didnt ask you to believe me I just gave you the information you needed to think coherently and with intelligence. If you dont believe me read this link.

"The problem with Cisco routers is that when you enable logging, the default size of the log is only 4096 bytes. With a log file this big it can typically only store about 60 messages. If your router is very busy these 60 messages will quickly scroll out of the buffer and be replaced by the next 60 messages of events going on with your router."

"For more logging then what is possible on the router itself – try sending your logs to a remote syslog server! This will allow for most of your log data to be stored in a long term archive."

"Syslog stands for System Logging Protocol and is a standard protocol used to send system log or event messages to a specific server, called a syslog server. It is primarily used to collect various device logs from several different machines in a central location for monitoring and review."
How pompous of you to write "think coherently and with intelligence" after I have to remind you that just because YOU write it doesn't make it so!
For someone who says they are a "CCNP" you certainly didn't provide any proof of it by not doing substantiation.
A "CCNP" doesn't make unsubstantiated statements. Thank you for your links.

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