'I don't know anybody like me': Meet Nashville's transqueer Latinx neurodivergent theologian

When you have publicly declared that "No one likes me, everyone hates me"... there is only one alternative... bon appetit.

"Robyn Henderson-Espinoza is the only Nashville-based transqueer Latinx neurodivergent public theologian that they know.

"I don’t know anybody like me," Henderson-Espinoza, who uses gender-neutral pronouns, said in an interview. "

So, there could literally be millions of Nashville-based TLNDPT's, the author and Ms. Henderson-Espinoza, are just not aware of them.

I really think much more research needs to go into this phenomenon until we can make a definitive judgement about whether or not she is, or isn't, the only one.

This is really lazy reporting.
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Maybe if it spent more time just trying to be a real person instead of a long string of disconnected pronouns it would be more accepted.

Have you ever noticed that these things are entirely one dimensional. They have no life. They can only complain and when that doesn't work it's because you are racist, homophobic, transphobic. Whatever phobic.

The simple reality is WE DON'T CARE!

And that bugs the hell out of them because then they aren't special.

They are ultimately narcissists to the nth degree.
Have you ever noticed that these things are entirely one dimensional. They have no life. They can only complain and when that doesn't work it's because you are racist, homophobic, transphobic. Whatever phobic.

The simple reality is WE DON'T CARE!

And that bugs the hell out of them because then they aren't special.

They are ultimately narcissists to the nth degree.

There are like 7.5 billion people in the world, and I actually care about like 10 of them. It's impossible for me to give a shit about 100 people let alone billions.

So honestly I don't care about it because it isn't in my personal life.

When I walk through a grocery store I come across dozens and dozens of strangers, and they mean nothing to me and I know I mean exactly as much to them as they do to me.

I just can't wrap my head around someone being upset because they aren't praised and welcomed everywhere they go.

I especially can't understand how someone can walk around saying "I'm special, unique, magnificent, amazing and awesome" and actually expect others to praise them for it.

Then again I freed myself from the shackles of caring about what people think of me a long time when I realized "one day I'll be dead and none of this will matter anymore" and at that moment I stopped caring what others think of me, I said I'd only invest in those actually in my personal life, and try to show atleast common consideration for strangers. It was quite freeing.
did she ever hurt anybody? she didn't! so why all the hate. hatred is wrong, that's in the bible!

Actual Hispanics HATE the term "Latinx". Why do you people insist on using a word that cannot be pronounced in Spanish to define Spanish-speaking people? It's straight up racist.
Here is a related question. Wtf is a transqueer?

Did it take a special surgery to confirm the “queer” part ?
This just screams "Look at me! I'm important!"

I mean why else is this "news" worthy?
This just screams "Look at me! I'm important!"

I mean why else is this "news" worthy?
it was retweeted by Ann Coulter, that's how i learned of it. she was intending to make fun of the woman/man, obviously

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