I cannot tell. Do the left wing peacenik anti war hypocrites want war with russia?

Predictably, I still cannot tell. They do not want a good relationship with Putin? They do want one? They are praising hillary for wanting the no fly zone and starting things with Putin?

Can someone please tell me. Do they want us to have an ally with Putin or not? Yes or no?

I just cannot comprehend their double talk and hypocrisy. Just cannot do it.

Yes or no?
When the left exhausts itself blaming Trump and the right, they fall back on blaming Russia also, with no proof. The simple and correct answer is, yes! (if you don't believe me, just ask George Soros.)

Blame Russia for what?

Supporting Assad? He does.
Questionable elections? Eh...yeah.
Hacking into the US to subvert our own elections? check
Invading neighboring countries? You bettcha'
Arresting people in his own country for being gay? Yep.
Assassinating journalists? You know it
Committing terrorist attacks against his own people? Possibly
When the left exhausts itself blaming Trump and the right, they fall back on blaming Russia also, with no proof. The simple and correct answer is, yes! (if you don't believe me, just ask George Soros.)

Blame Russia for what?

Supporting Assad? He does.
Questionable elections? Eh...yeah.
Hacking into the US to subvert our own elections? check
Invading neighboring countries? You bettcha'
Arresting people in his own country for being gay? Yep.
Assassinating journalists? You know it
Committing terrorist attacks against his own people? Possibly
So, they do want a war.

Huh, peaceniks anti-war?

traitorous loon.

why on earth do you think all democrats don't think there are EVER reasons to go to war?

they should just be good ones.

you hacks are funny, though. if a democrat was doing russia's bidding like your orange fascist you'd call them a coming, loon.

Why did the damn emails get in 'their' hands in the first damn place?! The NYPD is investigating Anthony Wiener for child pornography and found state department emails, ON A PEDOPHILE'S COMPUTER. Her campaign chairman is on record as collecting pedophile "photography" and now it comes out there are bizarre emails wikileaks.

What the hell is wrong you?
Learn definitions. Weiner does not lust after prepubescent children. Now that ugly desire has not been ruled out for Trump.

What the hell is wrong with you people? Anthony Weiner is about to lose custody of his children? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/02/n...hild-welfare-agency-is-investigating-him.html

Learn definitions? Are you that dumb? You think it's okay or justifiable because a 13 year old girl has hit puberty, that isn't pedophilia? WTF
Only in a sick mind would any of us think what MW did was right. What we are telling you is to grow the fuck up and use right definitions. You don't get to make them up, minion.

That is your point? Semantics on what to call a sexual predator?

Not surprising really I suppose, the left has been quietly defending and justifying pedophilia for a while now.
Even Rush knows words have meaning. You don't get your own definitions. Ever. No one is defending or justifying pedophilia here, so I caution you to very, very careful.
I really honestly cannot tell. They hold it against Trump for wanting to have an ally with Putin and praise the kuuunt for making enemies with him?

Can someone please decipher their double talk?

I can never do it.

Sure, Putin can be our ally, on our terms. He can start by stop protecting Asaad, quit hacking our insitutionations, support civil rights for his own citizens and get the fuck out of the Ukraine.

In the meantime, we'll stick with NATO.

You are only concerned with stopping Asaad from leaking the truth what lurks behind Liberals' minds. Show the same concern for civil rights across the board. How about civil rights for Cubans speaking out against Government?
No true American wants war with Russia. The left certainly does not want it, the center certainly does not want it, and the responsible does not want it.

But the American people will stomp the fascist alt right who want an alliance with Putin and end to American democracy
There you go again using the term "fascist" and still you haven't defined what you think that term means. What is it that makes the Alt-Right "fascist" in your view?
You are antidemocracy, pro-authoritarian, hate minorities, dominate women, want an indoctrinated education system, and, in your case, require penis enlargment for all party members.
You just described the Jewish-Israeli-Soros-Saban crowd (JISS) to a "T". You claim you love democracy but support overthrowing democratically elected leaders when it furthers your blood lust, while Israel denies voting rights to Palestinians under its rule. Israel also deports Ethiopian Jews for their skin color while Jews in this country regularly attack the minority whites without a high school education. Jews are primarily responsible for the indoctrination in our schools that has produced a generation who believes America invented slavery. And if there is any people with a penis issue, it is the people whose God commands them to hack the end of it off with a knife. In other words, the fascists are the very people always screeching fascist at everyone else.
Jake let it go while you are behind....:biggrin:
I am not the one who has yours. Ask theowl32.

America will not ally with Russia, ever, as long as it is an unber fascist state under the control of the uber fascist, Putin, himself.
When the left exhausts itself blaming Trump and the right, they fall back on blaming Russia also, with no proof. The simple and correct answer is, yes! (if you don't believe me, just ask George Soros.)

Blame Russia for what?

Supporting Assad? He does.
Questionable elections? Eh...yeah.
Hacking into the US to subvert our own elections? check
Invading neighboring countries? You bettcha'
Arresting people in his own country for being gay? Yep.
Assassinating journalists? You know it
Committing terrorist attacks against his own people? Possibly
So, they do want a war.

Huh, peaceniks anti-war?


Huh? Where did I say war?
I really honestly cannot tell. They hold it against Trump for wanting to have an ally with Putin and praise the kuuunt for making enemies with him?

Can someone please decipher their double talk?

I can never do it.

Sure, Putin can be our ally, on our terms. He can start by stop protecting Asaad, quit hacking our insitutionations, support civil rights for his own citizens and get the fuck out of the Ukraine.

In the meantime, we'll stick with NATO.

Protecting Assad is the fastest way to get order and govt back to Syria. DESPITE our totally insane DEM policies to make Democracy bloom there. Putin KNOWS how stupid the Obama/Clinton/Kerry plan is. He's "helping" us stay out of fight we don't NEED to be in.

ALSO -- the fastest way to start exterminating ISIS. He happens to be right here. And Clinton STILL wants to do to Syria what did to fuck up Libya. These people never learn.
thread closed for moderation -- MIGHT reopen soon...

So the topic here is WAR WITH RUSSIA and you partisan loons can't STAY on that topic or resist taunting each other? Maybe Twitter would be a better choice til your sanity returns.
33 posts marked for deletion. 4 or 6 different topics goin here. Topic is "war with Russia" --- NOT pedophile politicians, not Cuba, not the Joooos, not each other. Can't imagine that so many are more interested in derailing this thread and taunting each other than the topic.

40% of this thread is now trashed. Multiple warnings and thread bans issued. When we work THIS HARD to keep threads open -- we're not real happy to be coming back AGAIN to clean it. Only SANE people are allowed in this thread from now on... :bang3:
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The freaking left wing hypocrites cheered when Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country when he was caught with his pants down. The left doesn't care about war and killing, it's all about politics. Cindy Sheehan's radical anti-war protesters were all over the place during the Bush administration. They even camped in the president's driveway in Texas but they freaking disappeared the day Obama was elected even though the military situation remained the same and they haven't been seen since.
The freaking left wing hypocrites cheered when Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country when he was caught with his pants down. The left doesn't care about war and killing, it's all about politics. Cindy Sheehan's radical anti-war protesters were all over the place during the Bush administration. They even camped in the president's driveway in Texas but they freaking disappeared the day Obama was elected even though the military situation remained the same and they haven't been seen since.
Yeap. The left are nothing but bloviated, arrogant asshats who only stand for one thing. That is a commitment to the destruction of the free market and Christianity. That is all.

They are ALL pieces of hypocritical shit and everyday I am proven 100% right about them.

They are actually rattling sabers and do not care that it may lead to thermonuclear war. They condemn Putin while they make every fucking excuse in the book for all brown muslims.....unless it is a democrat that kills them.

They were all TRUTHERS and then all of a sudden cheer when "obama" killed osama. They are fucking feckless and liars. All of them.
Predictably, I still cannot tell. They do not want a good relationship with Putin? They do want one? They are praising hillary for wanting the no fly zone and starting things with Putin?

Can someone please tell me. Do they want us to have an ally with Putin or not? Yes or no?

I just cannot comprehend their double talk and hypocrisy. Just cannot do it.

Yes or no?

Perhaps some sort of accord with Russia might interfere with the only religion that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced.
Putin can be our ally, on our terms. He can start by stop protecting Asaad, quit hacking our insitutionations, support civil rights for his own citizens and get the fuck out of the Ukraine.

Thanks for proving that ignorance is bliss:

1. Countries become allies on mutually beneficial terms.

2. Why do you want to depose Assad? Didn't we learn our lesson with Sadaam?

3. Should we also dispense with our surveillance of other countries?

4. Why not accept the fact that Russians are Russians and deal with them accordingly?

5. Russia doesn't want offensive weaponry in Ukraine any more than we want it in Cuba.

But don't worry, be HappyJoy.
The alt right bad actors are only antidemocratic, antiAmerican snowflakes.

We have bad actors on right and left, and both sides are at fault as well as the American people for not stomping on them.

But thermonuclear war chances does not exist except in the heads of the sillies from the far right and alt right.

Russia is not threatening war, Putin is not threatening war, America is not threatening war; the only one talking about it are the fascist admirers in America of Putin and Russia.

Scare tactics and war mongering, nothing more, and absolutely feckless.

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