Hunting Seasons Ready to Expand in the U.S. See When Your States Begins

2018-2019 Hunting Seasons in the United States
Quick link for all the outdoors men and women who participate in this all American tradition. Good luck this year and hope you fill your tags!

Two American traditions rolled into one day! Great story!
Girl kills grizzly bear, attends first prom hours later
Last year I got a big 6 and a doe. The year before my brother got an 8. I'm looking at both of them on the wall right now. Not the doe just the big 6 and 8. Rule is if you shoot a buck, you got to mount the head. So for me 8 or better is the rule. Maybe a 7. So the pressure was on my brother. His wife was like, "jesus they're all over the property you can't shoot one?" Like it's easy. Anyways, this year he got a 8 and a doe. Shut his wife up. But he left this morning and I'm here by myself deerless, until about 5 minutes beyond sundown. The time the DNR would say stop but you can see just fine out of your scope. And I knew where they'd be coming from. So I had my scope eye focused on that one spot. I knew something would pop out just past freakin dark. So I zoom in so I'm on exactly where I want to shoot and POW, doe down. Me and the dog went out and my dog went right to it. It didn't go 2 feet.
How are hunting seasons expanding? It seems like legal hunting is under attack.
In my county this year we had a early rifle season for does that started in September and we will also have a late rifle season for does going into March. Urban seasons (mostly bow) in places like the blue-burbs of NOtVA have also been vastly expanded.....Lots of opportunity to fill the freezer this year. ;)

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