How the left loses their sons


Well that and turning them into "girls".

Actually after the gender crap put into school curriculum by the DNC, gender confusion is up some 4000%, but the predominate sex that ends up wanting to change their sex are girls, something like 10 to 1.

Add to the fact that the Left now says that women don't exist anymore cuz everything is fluid.

I would say that they are more at war with women now.

Did I mention that the Left allows men to beat all female athletes now as well?

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Total rubbish.

Amazingly...this "turning them into girls" is also teaching them to shoot up places? Strange how girls are not the ones pulling the trigger.
Total rubbish.

Amazingly...this "turning them into girls" is also teaching them to shoot up places? Strange how girls are not the ones pulling the trigger.
It is leftist white rappers and AOC kooks shooting up the place you GD fucking bitch Hall Monitir
Nobody mentioned shootings. Keep your fantasies to yourself.

Do you deny that young folks buying WMDs and shooting places up is a problem? Of course you do. You guys love violence.

The reason white kids are becoming more right wing is because conservatism appeals to juvenile ideals such as hate, chauvinism, etc... Your blob legitimized such things. Essentially he legitimized the same things that make professional wrestling popular.
Do you deny that young folks buying WMDs and shooting places up is a problem? Of course you do. You guys love violence.

The reason white kids are becoming more right wing is because conservatism appeals to juvenile ideals such as hate, chauvinism, etc... Your blob legitimized such things. Essentially he legitimized the same things that make professional wrestling popular.
Semi-automatic rifles are not weapons of mass destruction. Get back with me when you're not so stupid.
Do you deny that young folks buying WMDs and shooting places up is a problem? Of course you do. You guys love violence.

The reason white kids are becoming more right wing is because conservatism appeals to juvenile ideals such as hate, chauvinism, etc... Your blob legitimized such things. Essentially he legitimized the same things that make professional wrestling popular.

WMD's are nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, not semi-automatic rifles.

Words mean things.
WMD's are nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, not semi-automatic rifles.

Words mean things.
Yet strangely more people have died from these semi-automatic rifles in this nation than any of the means you mentioned.

Deaths mean more.
Yet strangely more people have died from these semi-automatic rifles in this nation than any of the means you mentioned.

Deaths mean more.

Nice dodge attempt, dickless.

What is the actual death rate from semi-auto rifles? Probably lower than those from cars, handguns, knives, bats, pools, and plenty of other things.

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