How many pages...


Calm as a Hindu cow
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
I know some of you are diehard bickerers, but I get fed up with most threads by page 4 or 5. Usually by then it's been derailed from the original point or become so muddled that no one can follow what's going on anyway. I usually unsub rather than get notifications about a thread I don't care about anymore, so...

How many pages do you read before you before exasperated and bail out?
I know some of you are diehard bickerers, but I get fed up with most threads by page 4 or 5. Usually by then it's been derailed from the original point or become so muddled that no one can follow what's going on anyway. I usually unsub rather than get notifications about a thread I don't care about anymore, so...

How many pages do you read before you before exasperated and bail out?

I dont even sub
It depends on the thread. Some of them are nothing more than copies of other threads, the same people having the same arguments over and over and over again. Those I don't even bother to start reading. I'm OK with tangents, the only thing that will really make my lose interest is if one or more posters start resorting to dishonest debate tactics.
I know some of you are diehard bickerers, but I get fed up with most threads by page 4 or 5. Usually by then it's been derailed from the original point or become so muddled that no one can follow what's going on anyway. I usually unsub rather than get notifications about a thread I don't care about anymore, so...

How many pages do you read before you before exasperated and bail out?

I dont even sub

Glutton for punishment then? Down on your knees, worm!
I know some of you are diehard bickerers, but I get fed up with most threads by page 4 or 5. Usually by then it's been derailed from the original point or become so muddled that no one can follow what's going on anyway. I usually unsub rather than get notifications about a thread I don't care about anymore, so...

How many pages do you read before you before exasperated and bail out?

I dont even sub

Glutton for punishment then? Down on your knees, worm!

Us "old people" can't get back up if we do that :lol:

I just click "new posts" and see what's current.
I know some of you are diehard bickerers, but I get fed up with most threads by page 4 or 5. Usually by then it's been derailed from the original point or become so muddled that no one can follow what's going on anyway. I usually unsub rather than get notifications about a thread I don't care about anymore, so...

How many pages do you read before you before exasperated and bail out?

Over 9,000.

Though usually depends.
Depends on the subject, and/or whether or not I've got a point to make that hasn't been made yet. But when there's someone in a thread that it becomes very clear that they just are NOT going to see things as you see them, no matter how much fact or reason you use, I bail too. Not worth your time.
it depends...i usually stop reading when I see the last post is by Chris or david or someone of that caliber
No mudslinging, i can only go three pages....

Good mudslinging, i can go at least 25 ........
I know some of you are diehard bickerers, but I get fed up with most threads by page 4 or 5. Usually by then it's been derailed from the original point or become so muddled that no one can follow what's going on anyway. I usually unsub rather than get notifications about a thread I don't care about anymore, so...

How many pages do you read before you before exasperated and bail out?


Many threads start out on topic but inevitably the topic tends to go from the issue at hand to two or three people bitching at each other.

I typically bail out if I think the original topic is so far in the past that nobody remembers what was being discussed before the bitchfest took over.

A page or two of

That's what I am, but what are you?"

type whining and I'm generally outa there.
it depends on the issue and the people going back and forth. I've been known to comb long threads for posts that I want to reply to. Then again, I've been known to keep a thread going forever. Then again, I enjoy the banter.

Now go make me some fucking pie.
I read the first post in this thread then bailed.
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