How many of you favoring EVs understand the cost in this massive migration?

There were complaints when we made the transition from horses to cars too. Just think of all the unemployed buggy whip makers, and farriers.
BUT NOT one Federal Government involvement in the transition! ZERO!
NO unemployment checks.
Hey even these guys were put out of work!
a quick calculation, we can estimate that each day in New York between two and four million lbs of equine excrement were "produced" every day, plus a 33 oz. of urine from each animal at least.
BUT NOT one Federal Government involvement in the transition! ZERO!
NO unemployment checks.
Hey even these guys were put out of work!
a quick calculation, we can estimate that each day in New York between two and four million lbs of equine excrement were "produced" every day, plus a 33 oz. of urine from each animal at least.
Damn you're dumb. What do you call all those grants and subsidies to oil companies, and massive road construction jobs? Transition from horses to cars was a huge government effort.

Carbon dioxide does NOT cause wildfires, floods, nor catastrophic weather events, ever.
You are repeating Big Lies foisted upon you by your Democrat handlers.
Richard Lindzen is a distinguished climate scientist. He has shown that your preening fears are a costly lie, perpetrated by Marxists bent on fleecing Americans.

Greatest mass delusion.jpg
Carbon dioxide does NOT cause wildfires, floods, nor catastrophic weather events, ever.
You are repeating Big Lies foisted upon you by your Democrat handlers.
Richard Lindzen is a distinguished climate scientist. He has shown that your preening fears are a costly lie, perpetrated by Marxists bent on fleecing Americans.

View attachment 736883

Fools like you will clutch at any straw to deny climate science:

Damn you're dumb. What do you call all those grants and subsidies to oil companies, and massive road construction jobs? Transition from horses to cars was a huge government effort.
PROVE it DUMMY! I want to see the total dollar amount from GRANTS and SUBSIDIES paid to oil companies !
That's bullshit! There WAS NOTHING LIKE the funding EVs is getting from the Government today!
Case in point:

U.S. awards $2.8 billion in grants for electric vehicle batteries in 12 states​

I've yet to find ANY funding or grants or money paid by the Federal Government in the 1900s towards moving away from horses!
ZERO! And that's the point! True dummies like you never do any effort to find out the facts.
For example... YOU obviously want to "rid fossil fuels" RIGHT???
HEY DUMMY!!! How will you get the tires for your EV if there are NO FOSSIL FUELS???
To make 2 Billion Tires a year REQUIRES 300 million barrels of OIL!
FACTS!!! The “sap” or latex is harvested and refined to produce natural rubber tires. Synthetic rubber is manmade from petrochemical feedstocks. Crude oil is the primary raw material. According to the Rubber Manufacturers Association, it takes “approximately seven gallons” of oil to produce a single tire.Mar 2, 2012

How Oil Prices Impact Tire Pricing​

7 Gallons to make 1 tire... 2,000,000,000 tires equals 14 billion gallons of oil or at 42 gallons/barrel!!! Dummy you know
that equals 333,333,333 BARRELS or dummy 333 MILLION!
And that is just tires!

asphalt: asphalt that makes up 94% of our roads depends on 3% of all oil production!
1.4 billion barrels!
Historically — over the last 10 years, that is — asphalt prices have risen an average of 0.7% for every 1% increase in the price of crude oil. But that increase is related to the cost of the raw materials necessary to produce asphalt
FACTS Dummies like you don't seem to understand these are direct affects on YOUR pocketbook!
When was the last time you were in a car on asphalt???
PROVE it DUMMY! I want to see the total dollar amount from GRANTS and SUBSIDIES paid to oil companies !
That's bullshit! There WAS NOTHING LIKE the funding EVs is getting from the Government today!
Case in point:

U.S. awards $2.8 billion in grants for electric vehicle batteries in 12 states​

The United States provides a number of tax subsidies to the fossil fuel industry as a means of encouraging domestic energy production. These include both direct subsidies to corporations, as well as other tax benefits to the fossil fuel industry. Conservative estimates put U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at roughly $20 billion per year; with 20 percent currently allocated to coal and 80 percent to natural gas and crude oil.

First, let’s consider just the direct subsidies for fossil fuel production—money that flows directly from the government to fossil fuel companies to support activities like exploration, extraction, and development. A conservative estimate from Oil Change International puts the U.S. total at around $20.5 billion annually, including $14.7 billion in federal subsidies and $5.8 billion in state-level incentives. A whopping 80 percent of this goes to oil and gas (with the rest supporting coal), and most of the subsidies are in the form of tax deductions and exemptions and other “obscure tax loopholes and accounting tricks” that result in massive avoided costs for fossil fuel producers.

Fools like you will clutch at any straw to deny climate science:

Hey... dragon lady... tell me what the temperature is on the thermometer in the attached article is. Can you read it?
From 1880 to 2012 the earth's temperature WAS RECORDED...NOTE: increased 1.53° F.
Now inquiring minds asked the below questions as to how this 1.53° F was achieved.
1) If the basis of 1.53° F increase is based on humans standing in heat or cold reading a difficult thermometer as illustrated AND then
those readings are hand written, transmitted, hand written again most likely several times what are the chances for errors?
2) Also if 12% of the earth's colder land mass WAS NOT included in the readings wouldn't that affect the temperature.
3) Finally there is an issue of most of the reading stations that were located in "Heat islands"... urbanized areas that experience higher temperatures than outlying areas. Structures such as buildings, roads, and other infrastructure absorb and re-emit the sun’s heat more than natural landscapes such as forests and water bodies.
"We conclude that about 11%–16% of global warming is due primarily to the UHI effect based on our median estimates in Table 8. This estimate would likely increase if other feedbacks were included. However, this provides strong engineering judgment that land-use/land-cover albedo effects (i.e., UHI and land-use changes) are responsible for an important portion of global warming and that albedo management of urbanization is an urgent matter'
The United States provides a number of tax subsidies to the fossil fuel industry as a means of encouraging domestic energy production. These include both direct subsidies to corporations, as well as other tax benefits to the fossil fuel industry. Conservative estimates put U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at roughly $20 billion per year; with 20 percent currently allocated to coal and 80 percent to natural gas and crude oil.

First, let’s consider just the direct subsidies for fossil fuel production—money that flows directly from the government to fossil fuel companies to support activities like exploration, extraction, and development. A conservative estimate from Oil Change International puts the U.S. total at around $20.5 billion annually, including $14.7 billion in federal subsidies and $5.8 billion in state-level incentives. A whopping 80 percent of this goes to oil and gas (with the rest supporting coal), and most of the subsidies are in the form of tax deductions and exemptions and other “obscure tax loopholes and accounting tricks” that result in massive avoided costs for fossil fuel producers.

BUT THAT HAS NOTHING to do with the transition from horses to cars!
That was the time frame.

I certainly don't disagree that today's OIL industry gets a lot financial help! NO QUESTION!
BUT DUMMY!!! The point was WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY of that going on during the transition between horse and car!
ZERO! It has been this totally dependent current population that has been promoting this and that's the problem!
With horses to cars transition it was DRIVEN by the people's adopting a better system!
BUT EVs are NOT a better system. I bet you $1,000 that at some point in your EV driving experiences YOU will not
be able to recharge your car because there was a "BLACKOUT" or that the temperature outside affects your EV batteries!
The cold weather alone takes a toll on the batteries' performance. Ultimately, since batteries use chemical reactions to create power, and reactions occur more slowly in cold temperatures, there's a limit to how much energy you can get from a battery in the wintertime. Yes, electric vehicles lose range in cold weather
BUT THAT HAS NOTHING to do with the transition from horses to cars!
That was the time frame.

I certainly don't disagree that today's OIL industry gets a lot financial help! NO QUESTION!
BUT DUMMY!!! The point was WE DIDN'T HAVE ANY of that going on during the transition between horse and car!
ZERO! It has been this totally dependent current population that has been promoting this and that's the problem!
With horses to cars transition it was DRIVEN by the people's adopting a better system!
BUT EVs are NOT a better system. I bet you $1,000 that at some point in your EV driving experiences YOU will not
be able to recharge your car because there was a "BLACKOUT" or that the temperature outside affects your EV batteries!
The cold weather alone takes a toll on the batteries' performance. Ultimately, since batteries use chemical reactions to create power, and reactions occur more slowly in cold temperatures, there's a limit to how much energy you can get from a battery in the wintertime. Yes, electric vehicles lose range in cold weather
Ending every sentence with an exclamation point as you move the goalposts does not convince anyone of your points. In fact, I don't even understand what point you are trying to make.

Speaking of the transition to cars, I imagine someone like you was exclaiming, "We don't have enough gas stations for cars! WHERE ARE ALL THE GAS STATIONS GOING TO COME FROM!?!?! ZOMG!! We don't even produce enough oil to replace all these horses and buggies!!!!"
PROVE it DUMMY! I want to see the total dollar amount from GRANTS and SUBSIDIES paid to oil companies !
That's bullshit! There WAS NOTHING LIKE the funding EVs is getting from the Government today!
Case in point:

U.S. awards $2.8 billion in grants for electric vehicle batteries in 12 states​

I've yet to find ANY funding or grants or money paid by the Federal Government in the 1900s towards moving away from horses!
ZERO! And that's the point! True dummies like you never do any effort to find out the facts.
For example... YOU obviously want to "rid fossil fuels" RIGHT???
HEY DUMMY!!! How will you get the tires for your EV if there are NO FOSSIL FUELS???
To make 2 Billion Tires a year REQUIRES 300 million barrels of OIL!
FACTS!!! The “sap” or latex is harvested and refined to produce natural rubber tires. Synthetic rubber is manmade from petrochemical feedstocks. Crude oil is the primary raw material. According to the Rubber Manufacturers Association, it takes “approximately seven gallons” of oil to produce a single tire.Mar 2, 2012

How Oil Prices Impact Tire Pricing​

7 Gallons to make 1 tire... 2,000,000,000 tires equals 14 billion gallons of oil or at 42 gallons/barrel!!! Dummy you know
that equals 333,333,333 BARRELS or dummy 333 MILLION!
And that is just tires!

asphalt: asphalt that makes up 94% of our roads depends on 3% of all oil production!
1.4 billion barrels!
Historically — over the last 10 years, that is — asphalt prices have risen an average of 0.7% for every 1% increase in the price of crude oil. But that increase is related to the cost of the raw materials necessary to produce asphalt
FACTS Dummies like you don't seem to understand these are direct affects on YOUR pocketbook!
When was the last time you were in a car on asphalt???
You're just a silly little goober, aren't you?
You're just a silly little goober, aren't you?
View attachment 736961

U.S. House Democrats seek at least $160 billion in new EV funding​

Let's see... $160 Billion for EVs $20 billion for fossil fuels.... Hmmm... now which is a bigger number? I'd ask the Bulldog idiot but he doesn't know as expected.
Ending every sentence with an exclamation point as you move the goalposts does not convince anyone of your points. In fact, I don't even understand what point you are trying to make.

Speaking of the transition to cars, I imagine someone like you was exclaiming, "We don't have enough gas stations for cars! WHERE ARE ALL THE GAS STATIONS GOING TO COME FROM!?!?! ZOMG!! We don't even produce enough oil to replace all these horses and buggies!!!!"
You can imagine all you want which is your way of thinking. And I'm 100% confident there was at least one or more who did what you imagined. So f...king WHAT? The point is WE all will suffer from a word that will become like "woke" is to you..."BLACKOUT"!
Calif already has warned people and here is the fact...

California Declares Grid Emergency, Warning of Blackouts​

  • Electricity use seen hitting five-year high early next week
  • Consumers were asked to conserve as temperatures soar

About 135,000,000 results (0.64 seconds) "CA warns of blackouts"!!
You want to know where the biggest environmental problem will be?

Potable water.

We are running out of water, and it takes a tremendous amount of electricity to desalinate water.

This is where we need to focus our immediate attention.
The United States provides a number of tax subsidies to the fossil fuel industry as a means of encouraging domestic energy production. These include both direct subsidies to corporations, as well as other tax benefits to the fossil fuel industry. Conservative estimates put U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at roughly $20 billion per year; with 20 percent currently allocated to coal and 80 percent to natural gas and crude oil.

First, let’s consider just the direct subsidies for fossil fuel production—money that flows directly from the government to fossil fuel companies to support activities like exploration, extraction, and development. A conservative estimate from Oil Change International puts the U.S. total at around $20.5 billion annually, including $14.7 billion in federal subsidies and $5.8 billion in state-level incentives. A whopping 80 percent of this goes to oil and gas (with the rest supporting coal), and most of the subsidies are in the form of tax deductions and exemptions and other “obscure tax loopholes and accounting tricks” that result in massive avoided costs for fossil fuel producers.

U.S. House Democrats seek at least $160 billion in new EV funding

Let's see... $160 Billion for EVs
$20 billion for fossil fuels.... Hmmm... now which is a bigger number?
You want to know where the biggest environmental problem will be?

Potable water.

We are running out of water, and it takes a tremendous amount of electricity to desalinate water.

This is where we need to focus our immediate attention.
FACTS:: Easy to research or 3.8 kilowatt-hours per thousand gallons (kwh/kgal).
how much electricity to desalinate water
Now how much "potable" water is used in the USA??
let's see...The average person drinks 8 cups per day, equaling to 1/2 gallon per day and 182.5 gallons per year.
OK population of the USA entirely babies to older people...!.. 331,900,000 or 60,571,750,000 gallons.
At 3.8 kWh for 1,000 gallons total amount of electricity used in making drinking water: 230,172,650 kWh OR
of the 4.165 Trillion kWh generated per year:
OR... to make potable water: 0.0055263% of total electricity generated.
Hmmm... I'm really scared!


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U.S. House Democrats seek at least $160 billion in new EV funding​

Let's see... $160 Billion for EVs $20 billion for fossil fuels.... Hmmm... now which is a bigger number? I'd ask the Bulldog idiot but he doesn't know as expected.
Sure I know. 20 bllion this year, 20 billion last year, 20 billion the year before, and the year before, and before, and.. every year all the way back to more than a century ago when the oil companies started receiving subsidies. Of course, that' is just the subsidies. It doesn't count all the out and out grants and tax abatements. All during times when oil companies were among the top profit making industries in the world. Often, they weren't just among the top profit making industries, they were the top profit making industry in the world. It will be many decades before EVs even come close to matching the gifts we give to oil companies.

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