How Many Arrests Does It Take To Be Considered Corrupt??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?
..I'd rather have corruption than racism like Obama had/was/is
corruption--hahahahahahah...they lied on their taxes!!!!
hahahahahah = corruption--hahahhahahahaha
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?

Blagojevich's is still in federal prison, sweeping floors the last I heard
The GOP is about to get its turn at the plate.
Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will start handing out indictments shortly, so the GOP will start putting "arrest" points up soon.
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?
You've highlighted what is undoubtedly the most dangerous aspect of Trumpery. The willingness of its followers to suspend reality in their cult-like loyalty to an incompetent fraud.
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?

Blagojevich's is still in federal prison, sweeping floors the last I heard
Connected to Obama how??

You don't know what happened in that case do you? Or are you just that desperate
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?
You've highlighted what is undoubtedly the most dangerous aspect of Trumpery. The willingness of its followers to suspend reality in their cult-like loyalty to an incompetent fraud.
so DANGEROUS --hahahah
...they went looking for collusion and found they lied on their taxes..........
..a lot of Americans lie on their taxes
..I'd rather have corruption than racism like Obama had/was/is
corruption--hahahahahahah...they lied on their taxes!!!!
hahahahahah = corruption--hahahhahahahaha
Please tell me what racism Obama gave you??

Aside from him being black of course.....and triggering you idiots...

in fact, him being black triggered you idiots so much that you suddenly started praising a guy you idiots never ever gave a fuck about the previous times he ran for president --- only because he joined the racist birther movement....

Obama didn't give you that, you had it already..and still do
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?
You've highlighted what is undoubtedly the most dangerous aspect of Trumpery. The willingness of its followers to suspend reality in their cult-like loyalty to an incompetent fraud.
....what's dangerous is anti-Trumpers acting like nazis/SA/etc ..trying to overthrow a legally/fairly elected official --a lot more DANGEROUS than lying on your taxes
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?
You've highlighted what is undoubtedly the most dangerous aspect of Trumpery. The willingness of its followers to suspend reality in their cult-like loyalty to an incompetent fraud.
so DANGEROUS --hahahah
...they went looking for collusion and found they lied on their taxes..........
..a lot of Americans lie on their taxes
So we should be seeing Obama getting convicted for lying on his taxes too..since everybody does it.....

Oh I forgot, he is black...and blacks get a pass in the justice system.....
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?
You've highlighted what is undoubtedly the most dangerous aspect of Trumpery. The willingness of its followers to suspend reality in their cult-like loyalty to an incompetent fraud.
so DANGEROUS --hahahah
...they went looking for collusion and found they lied on their taxes..........
..a lot of Americans lie on their taxes
So we should be seeing Obama getting convicted for lying on his taxes too..since everybody does it.....

Oh I forgot, he is black...and blacks get a pass in the justice system.....
he did/does worse = he hates America/whites/cops
he's LOVES criminals
....he sent his AG [ who is supposed to be anti-criminal ] to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL!! that attacked a WHITE cop!!!!!
The GOP is about to get its turn at the plate.
Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will start handing out indictments shortly, so the GOP will start putting "arrest" points up soon.
I'm curious, who do you imagine will be indicted and for what?
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?

OMG! Are you still on about Mueller? Have you gotten over the Reichstag Fire and the Sinking of the Maine yet?
Here's a breakdown of indictments and cases in Mueller's probe

Before you get triggered by the facts, I just want you to ask yourself a question -- If you were to do business with someone -- and you discovered 8 or 9 people who works for him all got arrested AND CONVICTED for money laundering, wire fraud, etc etc -- would you have second thoughts about doing business with him?? Or would you assume that he was just being framed by a rival company??

Right now, there are 34 people and 3 Russian businesses that have been indicted just based off of the Mueller investigations alone....Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison. We got names like Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, but let's talk about Konstanin Kilimnik, or as Manafort likes to call him, "KK". Mr. Kilimnik is the same guy that got the whole "it was Ukraine who interfered in the elections, not Russia" conspiracy started -- at the command of corrupt oligarch Oleg Deripaska using the likes of Lev and Igor (who are also federally indicted) -- they pushed this already debunked conspiracy theory to benefit Russia...Why isn't KK in jail?? Well, Yuri Lutsenko (maybe you heard of him) allowed Kilimnik to escape from Ukraine to Russia after he was indicted.

Now I know none of these ancillary arrests of campaign staff and operatives connected to Trump proves Trump himself is corrupt or did anything wrong -- but what I don't understand is, how does it prove he didn't??

In fact, if Obama's long-time personal lawyer got indicted on a federal charge in which Obama was named as a co-conspirator, and then his current lawyer gets named in another criminal investigation -- are you telling me you trumpers wouldn't be holding that up as proof that Obama is guilty of something?? anything?? How does that level of cognitive dissonance work?

OMG! Are you still on about Mueller? Have you gotten over the Reichstag Fire and the Sinking of the Maine yet?
So in your world.....the guy with all of the other guys around him getting convicted is the innocent one...

and the black guy who has no one around him convicted is the criminal thug??

Sounds about right
The GOP is about to get its turn at the plate.
Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz will start handing out indictments shortly, so the GOP will start putting "arrest" points up soon.
I'm curious, who do you imagine will be indicted and for what?

Comey & McCabe for FISA abuses, plus whomever edited a 302-Form. Then the longshots are Brennan, Clapper and up the chain if they used foreign assets to illegally spy on the Trump campaign. Then there was the unverified Steele Dossier and Strzok's "insurance policies". There are a lot of potential crimes. We'll see what Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz can find. Not to mention the coverup of Hillary's crimes, why didn't the FBI examine her bathroom server?? Is the Clinton Foundation legitimate? Was there a crime for the UraniumOne scam? Was all the unmasking legal, or not? Was all of the surveillance on Trump legal or not?

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