How long before Republicans cave on immigration? Does Mexico finally have Republicans right where they want them?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?
I thought the GOP was a cave, somewhere in Kentucky, or is that Mammoth Cave?
Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?

In many ways Trump supporters were the last line of defense we had against THE FLOOD of mass human wave immigration the democrats have salivated over for years, because they held our President to his promise and new standard to slow or halt it. Now? Now most of those Trump supporters have thrown in the towel, thinking incorrectly, that they can batten down their hatches and ride out four years of Harris/Biden. Weak-minded fellow Americans make me sick.
Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?

In many ways Trump supporters were the last line of defense we had against THE FLOOD of mass human wave immigration the democrats have salivated over for years, because they held our President to his promise and new standard to slow or halt it. Now? Now most of those Trump supporters have thrown in the towel, thinking incorrectly, that they can batten down their hatches and ride out four years of Harris/Biden. Weak-minded fellow Americans make me sick.

That’s the conservative way...act pissed and fed up for a short period, then pretend to resist, then give in bend over and take it in the ass.
The Right has conceded ground to the Left over and over again...Now they’ll have to concede America to Mexico...OR ELSE.
Republicans have been caving on immigration for the past 50 years. That's how we got to the mess. They got this brilliant idea, if only we could become more like the third world. There people are more in tune with nature, we are savages by comparison.
Every filthy thing the asshole Democrats have done to screw up this country they were aided to some degree by weak minded Republicans.

That is way as a real Conservative I no longer consider myself to be a Republican.
Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?
Mexicans owned most of the southern states, and many have been living just water basically going back to its original place. Oh and since you guys are god fearing people, god when created this land he didn't create for you and your kind....and to finish, Jesus would've never built a wall. Live and let live hillbilly.
Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?
Mexicans owned most of the southern states, and many have been living just water basically going back to its original place. Oh and since you guys are god fearing people, god when created this land he didn't create for you and your kind....and to finish, Jesus would've never built a wall. Live and let live hillbilly.

Haha...a Raghead telling core Americans how America’s Declaration Of Independence and American sovereignty works...are you fucking serious?
I’ll play...enlighten me, how did Mexicans come to “own” the southern states..who did they steal it from?
What about the Russian Asians who were first...does America’s right to sovereignty not apply to Mexicans, Russians and Asians?
Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?
Mexicans owned most of the southern states, and many have been living just water basically going back to its original place. Oh and since you guys are god fearing people, god when created this land he didn't create for you and your kind....and to finish, Jesus would've never built a wall. Live and let live hillbilly.

Yes, it us true. Mehico owned many US states and TX too. These states were lost from greed over cheap Mexican labor.
"We're the real working class party!" says the GOP as it floods the country with cheap labor that undermines the wages and job security of blue, white, and pink collar workers
Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?
The GOP has been a worthless party of nothing since the Bush’s took it over ! They will grant amenity to the 40 million Mexicans at the drop of.a sombrero
Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?
The GOP has been a worthless party of nothing since the Bush’s took it over ! They will grant amenity to the 40 million Mexicans at the drop of.a sombrero

Bush was a weak Republican. The Democrats demonized him but in reality he was one of them. His father was also a RINO.

With an asshole Biden for President there will be Republicans that will be willing to compromise with the butt pirate Democrats.

The Democrats is the party of scumbags but one thing you can say for them. They stick togehter with their filth. Republicans jump ship frequently and that is despicable.

Just look at McCain voting to not do away with Obamacare as an example.
The war against illegal immigration has been lost.

So both Dems & Pubs should work together to come up with a realistic compromise that takes into consideration the situation on the ground.

President Biden has announced that he will propose a path to citizenship for the Dreamers. That sounds realistic. We all know that NO President could ever force millions & millions of Dreamers to "return" to the land of their parents.

With the dropping birth rate of Caucasians and the continued growth of the Hispanic population already here + continued immigration from Mexico & Central America, the United States of America is on track to becoming a Hispanic-majority nation by the next century.

That is just a fact, like it or not. Time to move on!
The war against illegal immigration has been lost.

So both Dems & Pubs should work together to come up with a realistic compromise that takes into consideration the situation on the ground.

President Biden has announced that he will propose a path to citizenship for the Dreamers. That sounds realistic. We all know that NO President could ever force millions & millions of Dreamers to "return" to the land of their parents.

With the dropping birth rate of Caucasians and the continued growth of the Hispanic population already here + continued immigration from Mexico & Central America, the United States of America is on track to becoming a Hispanic-majority nation by the next century.

That is just a fact, like it or not. Time to move on!

The Democrat filth needs to import poverty in order to have their welfare queens to vote for them.

Without Illegals and welfare queens the Democrats would have a hard time ever winning any election.
Those lawns are not going to mow themselves.

American women are not going to rape themselves.
Our healthcare and education system are not going to fail on their own.
Shitty diapers and Modello bottles are not going to throw themselves out car windows and on our beaches.

Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?
Mexicans owned most of the southern states, and many have been living just water basically going back to its original place. Oh and since you guys are god fearing people, god when created this land he didn't create for you and your kind....and to finish, Jesus would've never built a wall. Live and let live hillbilly.

Haha...a Raghead telling core Americans how America’s Declaration Of Independence and American sovereignty works...are you fucking serious?
I’ll play...enlighten me, how did Mexicans come to “own” the southern states..who did they steal it from?
What about the Russian Asians who were first...does America’s right to sovereignty not apply to Mexicans, Russians and Asians?
Jews will get great and cheap seats to professional sporting events .they’re happy lol
Two years ago I realized the once aggressive anti illegal rhetoric was completely abandoned. The Left insisted the tone shift into something softer and Trump and the nutless Republicans being the obedient suckers they are happily complied.
So now what....are Republicans ready to completely submit? Have they reached the point where they believe they must embrace Mexico’s slow and subtle takeover of America to stay relevant? Must the party succumb to the leverage that’s been applied by Mexico and Democrats?
Mexicans owned most of the southern states, and many have been living just water basically going back to its original place. Oh and since you guys are god fearing people, god when created this land he didn't create for you and your kind....and to finish, Jesus would've never built a wall. Live and let live hillbilly.

Haha...a Raghead telling core Americans how America’s Declaration Of Independence and American sovereignty works...are you fucking serious?
I’ll play...enlighten me, how did Mexicans come to “own” the southern states..who did they steal it from?
What about the Russian Asians who were first...does America’s right to sovereignty not apply to Mexicans, Russians and Asians?
You just proved my point god created this land who are you to dictate who lived in. The mexicans are taking over whether you like it or not and you know that and there is nothing you can do about it.

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