How humiliating for liberals

Except that, you fail to acknowledge your side's idea of "progress" is to shred the Constitution, surrender freedom's, and control others all for government handouts.

My idea for progress is to keep the constitution, regulate runs (not control), keep freedom in mind with security, and help this economy get off of handouts.

Like flight security for example. You don't have to fly. It's not your right to do so. You can drive, ride a boat, or buy your own fucking airplane.

The only "rights" I want to overturn is those of corporations to stop corporate personhood in politics and excersizing first amendment rights in the court of law. (faux news)

This would stop:
1. Lying
2. Using $$$ to lobby for laws in their favor
3. Political corruption
4. Having political puppets

They are a business, not a person.

Well, I have to say, I agree with almost everything you said. If that's really how you feel, then why are you a liberal?

The part I do disagree with though is getting corporations out of Washington D.C. If the government would get the fuck out of the free market, I would agree with you 100%. But since the rise of liberalism in the early 1900's, when government started to own corporations like slaves (take their money, tell them what to do, how to do it, etc.), I feel corporations have EVERY right to fight back.

Get Washington out of business, I'll support getting business out of Washington. Yes, it really is that simple.

Why am I an independent who is often on the same side as a liberal?

1. I'm not a conservative
2. I have no religion
3. I support the separation of the church and state
4. The economy and constitutional rights are my goals

Corporate personhood was one of the biggest contributors to Mitt Romney's campaign, which was one of the most cynical and out of touch campaigns in the history of this nation.

Barry was not on good terms either, since he has a bad record for civil liberties and rights.

So you can see why I favor 1 thing and dislike another.
Corporate personhood was one of the biggest contributors to Mitt Romney's campaign, which was one of the most cynical and out of touch campaigns in the history of this nation.

Jesus, what the hell campaign were you watching?

This is a man who stood up and said, I'll turn the country around - I have a track record of doing that with bad companies.

What is "out of touch" about that? It was unquestionably the best campaign since Ronald Reagan. Certainly way better than GWB or Bush Sr. And certainly way better than Bill Clinton or Obama.

Actually, since Obama could only say "Forward" over and over and offered NOTHING else, one would have to say he had one of the most out of touch campaign's in U.S. history. Perhaps you were watching Obama and thought his was the Romney campaign?
Corporate personhood was one of the biggest contributors to Mitt Romney's campaign, which was one of the most cynical and out of touch campaigns in the history of this nation.

Jesus, what the hell campaign were you watching?

This is a man who stood up and said, I'll turn the country around - I have a track record of doing that with bad companies.

What is "out of touch" about that? It was unquestionably the best campaign since Ronald Reagan. Certainly way better than GWB or Bush Sr. And certainly way better than Bill Clinton or Obama.

Actually, since Obama could only say "Forward" over and over and offered NOTHING else, one would have to say he had one of the most out of touch campaign's in U.S. history. Perhaps you were watching Obama and thought his was the Romney campaign?


you can't really be this stupid, but judging by this post and the op, you clearly are.
This doesn't make sense... How is this related to people having a liberal perspective???

Some guy is making money by passing info from prison. =/= People wanting to make progress in politics for a better economy.

Except that, you fail to acknowledge your side's idea of "progress" is to shred the Constitution, surrender freedom's, and control others all for government handouts.

My idea for progress is to keep the constitution, regulate runs (not control), keep freedom in mind with security, and help this economy get off of handouts.

Like flight security for example. You don't have to fly. It's not your right to do so. You can drive, ride a boat, or buy your own fucking airplane.

The only "rights" I want to overturn is those of corporations to stop corporate personhood in politics and excersizing first amendment rights in the court of law. (faux news)

This would stop:
1. Lying
2. Using $$$ to lobby for laws in their favor
3. Political corruption
4. Having political puppets

They are a business, not a person.

Im surprised your being so honest about wanting to silence speech you don't like.
Corporate personhood was one of the biggest contributors to Mitt Romney's campaign, which was one of the most cynical and out of touch campaigns in the history of this nation.

Jesus, what the hell campaign were you watching?

This is a man who stood up and said, I'll turn the country around - I have a track record of doing that with bad companies.

What is "out of touch" about that? It was unquestionably the best campaign since Ronald Reagan. Certainly way better than GWB or Bush Sr. And certainly way better than Bill Clinton or Obama.

Actually, since Obama could only say "Forward" over and over and offered NOTHING else, one would have to say he had one of the most out of touch campaign's in U.S. history. Perhaps you were watching Obama and thought his was the Romney campaign?

Well, It was proven that Obama didn't lie as much.
Romney flipped waaay too much on matters.
Romney's main backers were ones who wanted tax cuts/corporations.

Romney is an excellent business man, I'll acknowledge that.
But this should not be welcome into politics because he will simply sell political power to other corporations so they can mend laws into their favor, and conduct unfair business.

As you said, you support keeping government out of business. Corporations are actually the ones manipulating the government to stick it's nose into business, so it will be swayed into their favor.

So it became down to where freedom of speech is substituted with money, the judicial system is broken and corrupt, civil liberties and rights can be infringed upon with enough lobbying through $$$, etc.

Romney sacrificed ethics for success, which made him a bad choice.
Corporate personhood was one of the biggest contributors to Mitt Romney's campaign, which was one of the most cynical and out of touch campaigns in the history of this nation.

Jesus, what the hell campaign were you watching?

This is a man who stood up and said, I'll turn the country around - I have a track record of doing that with bad companies.

What is "out of touch" about that? It was unquestionably the best campaign since Ronald Reagan. Certainly way better than GWB or Bush Sr. And certainly way better than Bill Clinton or Obama.

Actually, since Obama could only say "Forward" over and over and offered NOTHING else, one would have to say he had one of the most out of touch campaign's in U.S. history. Perhaps you were watching Obama and thought his was the Romney campaign?


you can't really be this stupid, but judging by this post and the op, you clearly are.

And yet you can't name one who was better, backed up with facts about why they were better. Typical Del... all dumb, nothing of value to add
Except that, you fail to acknowledge your side's idea of "progress" is to shred the Constitution, surrender freedom's, and control others all for government handouts.

My idea for progress is to keep the constitution, regulate runs (not control), keep freedom in mind with security, and help this economy get off of handouts.

Like flight security for example. You don't have to fly. It's not your right to do so. You can drive, ride a boat, or buy your own fucking airplane.

The only "rights" I want to overturn is those of corporations to stop corporate personhood in politics and excersizing first amendment rights in the court of law. (faux news)

This would stop:
1. Lying
2. Using $$$ to lobby for laws in their favor
3. Political corruption
4. Having political puppets

They are a business, not a person.

Im surprised your being so honest about wanting to silence speech you don't like.

If there is speech that I don't like, I don't give a shit.

But $$$ is not speech. Corporations substitutes speech with $$$ instead, and therefore could manipulate the laws and such into their favor unfairly, which will make them immune to laws and prosecution through the judicial system.

Now if they were actual human beings with a voice that didn't only spit out money (or money at all), then I wouldn't be so intent on denying the corporate right to freedom of "speech".
Corporate personhood was one of the biggest contributors to Mitt Romney's campaign, which was one of the most cynical and out of touch campaigns in the history of this nation.

Jesus, what the hell campaign were you watching?

This is a man who stood up and said, I'll turn the country around - I have a track record of doing that with bad companies.

What is "out of touch" about that? It was unquestionably the best campaign since Ronald Reagan. Certainly way better than GWB or Bush Sr. And certainly way better than Bill Clinton or Obama.

Actually, since Obama could only say "Forward" over and over and offered NOTHING else, one would have to say he had one of the most out of touch campaign's in U.S. history. Perhaps you were watching Obama and thought his was the Romney campaign?

Well, It was proven that Obama didn't lie as much.
Romney flipped waaay too much on matters.
Romney's main backers were ones who wanted tax cuts/corporations.

Romney is an excellent business man, I'll acknowledge that.
But this should not be welcome into politics because he will simply sell political power to other corporations so they can mend laws into their favor, and conduct unfair business.

As you said, you support keeping government out of business. Corporations are actually the ones manipulating the government to stick it's nose into business, so it will be swayed into their favor.

So it became down to where freedom of speech is substituted with money, the judicial system is broken and corrupt, civil liberties and rights can be infringed upon with enough lobbying through $$$, etc.

Romney sacrificed ethics for success, which made him a bad choice.

You make some valid points, but "Obama didn't lie as much"? The guy is a pathological liar. He lied to the American people about the cost of Obamacare. He lied about Benghazi. He was completely exposed for lying about "job creation" under his Administration. He lied about his energy policy. He was completely humiliated when he lied about how his demands on the car industry will (and I quote) "save the average family $8,000 per year in gas" (the average family only spends $3,000 per year - which means the federal government would have to pay each of us $5,000 per year for that to be true).

I could literally go on for hours. I never thought I would see a bigger pathological liar than the Clintons, but Obama makes them look like "Honest Abe"... :lol:
Even from prison, with no freedom and absolutely nothing, this man displays innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Meanwhile, all the completely free liberal can do is cry like little bitches that life is not fair and demand that government provide all of their wants & needs....

Convicted robber sells information to would-be snitches
A convicted armed robber has found a way to make money from behind bars -- by acting as an information broker for would-be snitches. The man pays his underworld connections for information about crimes, sells at a premium to fellow inmates, who in turn pass the information to prosecutors in the hope of having their sentences reduced. "[H]e's an entrepreneur ... Adam Smith would applaud that," says former federal prosecutor Robert McBurney.

Federal prisoners use snitching for personal gain

Rott, what has gone wrong my man. Why the anger? Is this some kind of perverted attempt to show the evils of capitalism by tying it in with the terrible things ppl do for money?
This doesn't make sense... How is this related to people having a liberal perspective???

Some guy is making money by passing info from prison. =/= People wanting to make progress in politics for a better economy.

Except that, you fail to acknowledge your side's idea of "progress" is to shred the Constitution, surrender freedom's, and control others all for government handouts.

My idea for progress is to keep the constitution, regulate runs (not control), keep freedom in mind with security, and help this economy get off of handouts.

Like flight security for example. You don't have to fly. It's not your right to do so. You can drive, ride a boat, or buy your own fucking airplane.

The only "rights" I want to overturn is those of corporations to stop corporate personhood in politics and excersizing first amendment rights in the court of law. (faux news)

This would stop:
1. Lying
2. Using $$$ to lobby for laws in their favor
3. Political corruption
4. Having political puppets

They are a business, not a person.

Can you explain how a corporation (a group of people) is any different than a union (also a group of people)?
Jesus, what the hell campaign were you watching?

This is a man who stood up and said, I'll turn the country around - I have a track record of doing that with bad companies.

What is "out of touch" about that? It was unquestionably the best campaign since Ronald Reagan. Certainly way better than GWB or Bush Sr. And certainly way better than Bill Clinton or Obama.

Actually, since Obama could only say "Forward" over and over and offered NOTHING else, one would have to say he had one of the most out of touch campaign's in U.S. history. Perhaps you were watching Obama and thought his was the Romney campaign?


you can't really be this stupid, but judging by this post and the op, you clearly are.

And yet you can't name one who was better, backed up with facts about why they were better. Typical Del... all dumb, nothing of value to add

please tell me you're not this fucking dumb. :lol:

here's a hint- good campaigns win elections

see if you can suss out what that means, brainiac :lmao:

you can't really be this stupid, but judging by this post and the op, you clearly are.

And yet you can't name one who was better, backed up with facts about why they were better. Typical Del... all dumb, nothing of value to add

please tell me you're not this fucking dumb. :lol:

here's a hint- good campaigns win elections

see if you can suss out what that means, brainiac :lmao:

No, Maobama has proven you can win with charter assassination and lies, that may be effective but it doesn't mean it's good. Considering the money that changes hands in an election the Federal Trade Commission should be busting ANY politician that lies in a campaign ad.
Do you blame liberals because you don't really have the grey matter to handle complex problems, or is it because you're just a chicken-little packing heat? Because broadstroking the reason our society is fucked right now down to one thing, is pretty dumb.

Hey pal, what little actual "corporate welfare" exists is YOUR fault.
If it's my fault, then why is it the republican's who refuse to raise taxes on the rich?

It's your side that has shit and pissed on the Constitution while laughing, traded rights and freedoms for handouts, and grown the federal government into an unconstitutional monstrosity.
What's Constitutional about the Patriot and Military Commission's Acts? Wasn't "your side" chief proponants of those bills? Two bills which virtually nullified the Bill of Rights. Don't talk to me about dissin' the Constitution you fuckin' hypocrite!

If they are unconstitutionally bailing out Wall Street and GM, you guys have no one to blame but yourself...
Wasn't it a lame duck Bush 43 who threatened Congress with Marshall Law, if they didn't bail out Wall Street with the 1st stimulus bill?

Do you consider yourself a coward? Because going around blaming everyone but yourself for the mess you're in, is what a coward does.
Can you explain how a corporation (a group of people) is any different than a union (also a group of people)?
A corporation is an entity that exists only on paper.

I'm sure the share holders will be happy to know that, you do know a union is also a corporation that also just exist on paper by your definition. Only difference is the particular part of the code they incorporate under.
I'm sure the share holders will be happy to know that, you do know a union is also a corporation that also just exist on paper by your definition. Only difference is the particular part of the code they incorporate under.
I don't mean to split hairs, but there is more than one difference between the two.

an association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members.

Labor union:
an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer;
You can't say a union can exist without its members, but a corporation can.
Even from prison, with no freedom and absolutely nothing, this man displays innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Meanwhile, all the completely free liberal can do is cry like little bitches that life is not fair and demand that government provide all of their wants & needs....

Convicted robber sells information to would-be snitches
A convicted armed robber has found a way to make money from behind bars -- by acting as an information broker for would-be snitches. The man pays his underworld connections for information about crimes, sells at a premium to fellow inmates, who in turn pass the information to prosecutors in the hope of having their sentences reduced. "[H]e's an entrepreneur ... Adam Smith would applaud that," says former federal prosecutor Robert McBurney.

Federal prisoners use snitching for personal gain

Rott, what has gone wrong my man. Why the anger? Is this some kind of perverted attempt to show the evils of capitalism by tying it in with the terrible things ppl do for money?

It's "terrible" that he's providing information about criminal activity which is helping law enforcement?!? :cuckoo:

Seriously folks, only the liberal.... The only thing "evil" is your belief in communism.
I know which who killed your oh, i'm not tellin unleas you throw in another ten grand.....
Even from prison, with no freedom and absolutely nothing, this man displays innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Meanwhile, all the completely free liberal can do is cry like little bitches that life is not fair and demand that government provide all of their wants & needs....

Convicted robber sells information to would-be snitches
A convicted armed robber has found a way to make money from behind bars -- by acting as an information broker for would-be snitches. The man pays his underworld connections for information about crimes, sells at a premium to fellow inmates, who in turn pass the information to prosecutors in the hope of having their sentences reduced. "[H]e's an entrepreneur ... Adam Smith would applaud that," says former federal prosecutor Robert McBurney.

Federal prisoners use snitching for personal gain


Admiring a snitch?

Even in prison culture..that's the lowest of the low. After that is pedophile.

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