How Do You Tell A Narcissist It's Over

View attachment 361445

Wow! He's like a new Huey Long! Whipping up the crowd........

lol ... aesop would have a field day with you.

The tortoise and the guy who can't complete a thought?

But he sure can draw a the single digits.

i'll bet everyone that came to joe's presser doesn't have coronakooties.

can't say that about the basket dwellers who showed up for donny's circle jerk in tulsa.

or his campaign staffers.

or the poor SS guarding his ass.

or herman cain.

or the slice 'n diced, botox & silicone infused CONcubine that sleeps with traitor tot for the lifestyle she covets.

in about another week - you'll hear about AZ. they are already reaching ICU capacity; that's not counting the ankle grabbers from his church rally- all them thar hayseeds singing without masks...

ticky tocky.

You won't be anything. You're balls, if they exist at all, won't can only be found with a magnifying glass.

All you Monday Morning Quarterbacks are fun to watch.

Please keep your fat asses in your chairs while you eat and get fact snug in the comfort you'll win.

Meanwhile, the country is struggling to get out from under your hysterical bullshit about a bug and black guy who was killed by a stupid cop.

But, since this is all about you, the remote in your your hand is your scepter and you lord over your 10 year old carpet and shitty out of date TV.

We'll see you in November.

And win or lose, you can bet there is going to be some payback.

balls? i've got ovaries, dipshit & anything you say about missing balls - is pure projection on yer part.
The good thing is Trump’s done. The bad news is Biden will be potus.

the good thing is fascism is not the american way & real patriots will make sure it's gone in november.
Sadly, you’re wrong. Fascism is here to stay and likely increases under Biden, as it did under O. The establishment hates Don and loves Joe. The establishment also loves Fascism and they have complete control of Joe.

tell you what - when biden rejects our NATO allies ... & makes his first oversees official visit as POTUS to the saudis; cuddles up to the likes of putin, duterte, erdogan, or the NK piglet, we'll revisit this thread, m'k?

Lol. You can bet he will bow to the Saudis, just as Ears did. He will seek war wherever he can find it, just as Ears did. But take heart, the MSM will not criticize him so you will FEEL better.

okey dokey - you go on with yer false equivalency that they are the same.

forget about the saudis for a second. how'z about addressing NATO & the rest of my reply? will you be writing someone in then or voting 3rd party, or are you sitting this one out? if you don't vote, then you will have no credible reason to whine.

i do give you many kudos for at least coming outa the methane filled bubble most trump voters still reside & seeing him for what he is.

biden was not my 1st choice, 2nd nor probably even 3rd. BUT he's not trump & i won't cringe everytime i get turn on my PC, wondering ' what fresh new hell is amerika gonna hafta endure today?'

it will be refreshing.
View attachment 361445

Wow! He's like a new Huey Long! Whipping up the crowd........

lol ... aesop would have a field day with you.

The tortoise and the guy who can't complete a thought?

But he sure can draw a the single digits.

i'll bet everyone that came to joe's presser doesn't have coronakooties.

can't say that about the basket dwellers who showed up for donny's circle jerk in tulsa.

or his campaign staffers.

or the poor SS guarding his ass.

or herman cain.

or the slice 'n diced, botox & silicone infused CONcubine that sleeps with traitor tot for the lifestyle she covets.

in about another week - you'll hear about AZ. they are already reaching ICU capacity; that's not counting the ankle grabbers from his church rally- all them thar hayseeds singing without masks...

ticky tocky.

You won't be anything. You're balls, if they exist at all, won't can only be found with a magnifying glass.

All you Monday Morning Quarterbacks are fun to watch.

Please keep your fat asses in your chairs while you eat and get fact snug in the comfort you'll win.

Meanwhile, the country is struggling to get out from under your hysterical bullshit about a bug and black guy who was killed by a stupid cop.

But, since this is all about you, the remote in your your hand is your scepter and you lord over your 10 year old carpet and shitty out of date TV.

We'll see you in November.

And win or lose, you can bet there is going to be some payback.

balls? i've got ovaries, dipshit & anything you say about missing balls - is pure projection on yer part.
The good thing is Trump’s done. The bad news is Biden will be potus.

the good thing is fascism is not the american way & real patriots will make sure it's gone in november.
Sadly, you’re wrong. Fascism is here to stay and likely increases under Biden, as it did under O. The establishment hates Don and loves Joe. The establishment also loves Fascism and they have complete control of Joe.

tell you what - when biden rejects our NATO allies ... & makes his first oversees official visit as POTUS to the saudis; cuddles up to the likes of putin, duterte, erdogan, or the NK piglet, we'll revisit this thread, m'k?

Lol. You can bet he will bow to the Saudis, just as Ears did. He will seek war wherever he can find it, just as Ears did. But take heart, the MSM will not criticize him so you will FEEL better.

okey dokey - you go on with yer false equivalency that they are the same.

forget about the saudis for a second. how'z about adrresing NATO & the rest of my reply? will you be writing someone in thern or voting 3rd party, or are you sitting this one out. if you don't vote, then you will have no credible reason to whine.

i do give you many kudos for at least coming outa the methane filled bubble most trump voters still reside & seeing him for what he is. biden was not my 1st choice, 2nd nor probably even 3rd. BUT he's not trump & i won't cringe everytime i get turn on my PC, wondering ' what fresh new hell is amerika gonna hafta endure today?'

it will be refreshing.
Okay I will. What has Donnie actually done about NATO? Not much is the right answer. He made some dumb statements, but NATO flourishes and continues to be aggressive against Russia. Dumb no? Biden will continue this dangerous policy.

It’s sad you lefties think Dumb Don “cuddles up to Putin” and other dictators. This merely proves how easy it is for the MSM to dupe you guys. Trump while to his credit hasn’t followed O’s policy of committing wars, has aggressively and dangerously confronted Russia, China, Iran, and Venezula. Do you know what those countries have in common? Of course, you don’t. They don’t allow the western Oligarchy to control them. Trump is doing the bidding of the Oligarchy that hates him. Biden will do the Oligarchy’s bidding to an even greater extent.

Stop getting your news from a clown.


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View attachment 361445

Wow! He's like a new Huey Long! Whipping up the crowd........

lol ... aesop would have a field day with you.

The tortoise and the guy who can't complete a thought?

But he sure can draw a the single digits.

i'll bet everyone that came to joe's presser doesn't have coronakooties.

can't say that about the basket dwellers who showed up for donny's circle jerk in tulsa.

or his campaign staffers.

or the poor SS guarding his ass.

or herman cain.

or the slice 'n diced, botox & silicone infused CONcubine that sleeps with traitor tot for the lifestyle she covets.

in about another week - you'll hear about AZ. they are already reaching ICU capacity; that's not counting the ankle grabbers from his church rally- all them thar hayseeds singing without masks...

ticky tocky.

You won't be anything. You're balls, if they exist at all, won't can only be found with a magnifying glass.

All you Monday Morning Quarterbacks are fun to watch.

Please keep your fat asses in your chairs while you eat and get fact snug in the comfort you'll win.

Meanwhile, the country is struggling to get out from under your hysterical bullshit about a bug and black guy who was killed by a stupid cop.

But, since this is all about you, the remote in your your hand is your scepter and you lord over your 10 year old carpet and shitty out of date TV.

We'll see you in November.

And win or lose, you can bet there is going to be some payback.

balls? i've got ovaries, dipshit & anything you say about missing balls - is pure projection on yer part.
The good thing is Trump’s done. The bad news is Biden will be potus.

the good thing is fascism is not the american way & real patriots will make sure it's gone in november.
Sadly, you’re wrong. Fascism is here to stay and likely increases under Biden, as it did under O. The establishment hates Don and loves Joe. The establishment also loves Fascism and they have complete control of Joe.

tell you what - when biden rejects our NATO allies ... & makes his first oversees official visit as POTUS to the saudis; cuddles up to the likes of putin, duterte, erdogan, or the NK piglet, we'll revisit this thread, m'k?

Lol. You can bet he will bow to the Saudis, just as Ears did. He will seek war wherever he can find it, just as Ears did. But take heart, the MSM will not criticize him so you will FEEL better.

okey dokey - you go on with yer false equivalency that they are the same.

forget about the saudis for a second. how'z about adrresing NATO & the rest of my reply? will you be writing someone in thern or voting 3rd party, or are you sitting this one out. if you don't vote, then you will have no credible reason to whine.

i do give you many kudos for at least coming outa the methane filled bubble most trump voters still reside & seeing him for what he is. biden was not my 1st choice, 2nd nor probably even 3rd. BUT he's not trump & i won't cringe everytime i get turn on my PC, wondering ' what fresh new hell is amerika gonna hafta endure today?'

it will be refreshing.
Okay I will. What has Donnie actually done about NATO? Not much is the right answer. He made some dumb statements, but NATO flourishes and continues to be aggressive against Russia. Dumb no? Biden will continue this dangerous policy.

It’s sad you lefties think Dumb Don “cuddles up to Putin” and other dictators. This merely proves how easy it is for the MSM to dupe you guys. Trump while to his credit hasn’t followed O’s policy of committing wars, has aggressively and dangerously confronted Russia, China, Iran, and Venezula. Do you know what those countries have in common? Of course, you don’t. They don’t allow the western Oligarchy to control them. Trump is doing the bidding of the Oligarchy that hates him. Biden will do the Oligarchy’s bidding to an even greater extent.

Stop getting your news from a clown.
View attachment 362406

i don't watch MSNBC.... i don't even have cable. so there's that.

i believe mueller.

why hasn't donny done anything about the bounties on US troops? we have a name, we have cash amounts - $100K on each troops' head - & we have hard copy bank transfers.

not ONE word - why? 'cause vlad is behind it. more will come out & donny will hafta answer for it.
Major Trump donors are done with him and Republican politicians are warning to stay away from him.

What does that mean? Losing. Trump knows he's losing to Biden.
He's losing ground and his base is bleeding off. Polling under 40%, Trump himself said he knows he is losing to Biden.

"Asking Trump to stop being a narcissist is some kind of psychiatric malpractice, since a narcissist isn’t free to think about other people. Asking him to talk policy is laughable. And to ask him to debate policy with a man who has spent a lifetime in the Senate and White House is a suicide mission. Lindsey Graham might as well advise Trump to levitate while farting firecrackers."

"If President Trump seems resigned to losing November’s election, he has good reason. The strategy he is pursuing—and it’s generous to call it a strategy—is premised on the idea that he is going to lose. His own advisers acknowledge that there are very few people who can be persuaded to vote for him, and his aim therefore is to do whatever he can to hold his strong supporters while reducing the overall level of turnout."

Oh, I don't think it's over. While I hope it's true, Biden is capable of running right off the cliff at any moment. So is the Democratic Party, for that matter.

Vote, vote, vote.

I and most Americans are voting for president Trump.

Morons are voting for the bag of dementia.

Now he is eyeing reparations, things that happened 200 years ago seems to be all he can remember.
Major Trump donors are done with him and Republican politicians are warning to stay away from him.

What does that mean? Losing. Trump knows he's losing to Biden.
He's losing ground and his base is bleeding off. Polling under 40%, Trump himself said he knows he is losing to Biden.

"Asking Trump to stop being a narcissist is some kind of psychiatric malpractice, since a narcissist isn’t free to think about other people. Asking him to talk policy is laughable. And to ask him to debate policy with a man who has spent a lifetime in the Senate and White House is a suicide mission. Lindsey Graham might as well advise Trump to levitate while farting firecrackers."

"If President Trump seems resigned to losing November’s election, he has good reason. The strategy he is pursuing—and it’s generous to call it a strategy—is premised on the idea that he is going to lose. His own advisers acknowledge that there are very few people who can be persuaded to vote for him, and his aim therefore is to do whatever he can to hold his strong supporters while reducing the overall level of turnout."

Oh, I don't think it's over. While I hope it's true, Biden is capable of running right off the cliff at any moment. So is the Democratic Party, for that matter.

Vote, vote, vote.

They already ran off the cliff. They went crazy in 2016. Republicans don't get a pass either. Through years of Rush, Hannity and local clear channel Republican propaganda outlets and "my pillow" sales and distribution sources those voters have been convinced they must vote for the lesser of two evils, or how down, take the mark and kiss the ring you your new communist God. What's going on in Washington is 1,000% the fault of fat, lazy spoiled voters. Both parties are corrupt. Both parties need purging.
View attachment 361445

Wow! He's like a new Huey Long! Whipping up the crowd........

lol ... aesop would have a field day with you.

The tortoise and the guy who can't complete a thought?

But he sure can draw a the single digits.

i'll bet everyone that came to joe's presser doesn't have coronakooties.

can't say that about the basket dwellers who showed up for donny's circle jerk in tulsa.

or his campaign staffers.

or the poor SS guarding his ass.

or herman cain.

or the slice 'n diced, botox & silicone infused CONcubine that sleeps with traitor tot for the lifestyle she covets.

in about another week - you'll hear about AZ. they are already reaching ICU capacity; that's not counting the ankle grabbers from his church rally- all them thar hayseeds singing without masks...

ticky tocky.

You won't be anything. You're balls, if they exist at all, won't can only be found with a magnifying glass.

All you Monday Morning Quarterbacks are fun to watch.

Please keep your fat asses in your chairs while you eat and get fact snug in the comfort you'll win.

Meanwhile, the country is struggling to get out from under your hysterical bullshit about a bug and black guy who was killed by a stupid cop.

But, since this is all about you, the remote in your your hand is your scepter and you lord over your 10 year old carpet and shitty out of date TV.

We'll see you in November.

And win or lose, you can bet there is going to be some payback.

balls? i've got ovaries, dipshit & anything you say about missing balls - is pure projection on yer part.
The good thing is Trump’s done. The bad news is Biden will be potus.

the good thing is fascism is not the american way & real patriots will make sure it's gone in november.
Sadly, you’re wrong. Fascism is here to stay and likely increases under Biden, as it did under O. The establishment hates Don and loves Joe. The establishment also loves Fascism and they have complete control of Joe.

tell you what - when biden rejects our NATO allies ... & makes his first oversees official visit as POTUS to the saudis; cuddles up to the likes of putin, duterte, erdogan, or the NK piglet, we'll revisit this thread, m'k?

Lol. You can bet he will bow to the Saudis, just as Ears did. He will seek war wherever he can find it, just as Ears did. But take heart, the MSM will not criticize him so you will FEEL better.

okey dokey - you go on with yer false equivalency that they are the same.

forget about the saudis for a second. how'z about adrresing NATO & the rest of my reply? will you be writing someone in thern or voting 3rd party, or are you sitting this one out. if you don't vote, then you will have no credible reason to whine.

i do give you many kudos for at least coming outa the methane filled bubble most trump voters still reside & seeing him for what he is. biden was not my 1st choice, 2nd nor probably even 3rd. BUT he's not trump & i won't cringe everytime i get turn on my PC, wondering ' what fresh new hell is amerika gonna hafta endure today?'

it will be refreshing.
Okay I will. What has Donnie actually done about NATO? Not much is the right answer. He made some dumb statements, but NATO flourishes and continues to be aggressive against Russia. Dumb no? Biden will continue this dangerous policy.

It’s sad you lefties think Dumb Don “cuddles up to Putin” and other dictators. This merely proves how easy it is for the MSM to dupe you guys. Trump while to his credit hasn’t followed O’s policy of committing wars, has aggressively and dangerously confronted Russia, China, Iran, and Venezula. Do you know what those countries have in common? Of course, you don’t. They don’t allow the western Oligarchy to control them. Trump is doing the bidding of the Oligarchy that hates him. Biden will do the Oligarchy’s bidding to an even greater extent.

Stop getting your news from a clown.
View attachment 362406

i don't watch MSNBC.... i don't even have cable. so there's that.

i believe mueller.

why hasn't donny done anything about the bounties on US troops? we have a name, we have cash amounts - $100K on each troops' head - & we have hard copy bank transfers.

not ONE word - why? 'cause vlad is behind it. more will come out & donny will hafta answer for it.
Oh Jesus, you believe the bounty story too? Damn. You have allowed yourself to be duped, because your hatred of Don overwhelms your ability to think.
Major Trump donors are done with him and Republican politicians are warning to stay away from him.

What does that mean? Losing. Trump knows he's losing to Biden.
He's losing ground and his base is bleeding off. Polling under 40%, Trump himself said he knows he is losing to Biden.

"Asking Trump to stop being a narcissist is some kind of psychiatric malpractice, since a narcissist isn’t free to think about other people. Asking him to talk policy is laughable. And to ask him to debate policy with a man who has spent a lifetime in the Senate and White House is a suicide mission. Lindsey Graham might as well advise Trump to levitate while farting firecrackers."

"If President Trump seems resigned to losing November’s election, he has good reason. The strategy he is pursuing—and it’s generous to call it a strategy—is premised on the idea that he is going to lose. His own advisers acknowledge that there are very few people who can be persuaded to vote for him, and his aim therefore is to do whatever he can to hold his strong supporters while reducing the overall level of turnout."

Oh, I don't think it's over. While I hope it's true, Biden is capable of running right off the cliff at any moment. So is the Democratic Party, for that matter.

Vote, vote, vote.

They already ran off the cliff. They went crazy in 2016. Republicans don't get a pass either. Through years of Rush, Hannity and local clear channel Republican propaganda outlets and "my pillow" sales and distribution sources those voters have been convinced they must vote for the lesser of two evils, or how down, take the mark and kiss the ring you your new communist God. What's going on in Washington is 1,000% the fault of fat, lazy spoiled voters. Both parties are corrupt. Both parties need purging.
Agreed, and the only people who can fix this are We The People. We have to change the system under which these people operate.

Unfortunately, We The People appear to be more concerned with who the Kardashian girls are currently banging.
Major Trump donors are done with him and Republican politicians are warning to stay away from him.

What does that mean? Losing. Trump knows he's losing to Biden.
He's losing ground and his base is bleeding off. Polling under 40%, Trump himself said he knows he is losing to Biden.

"Asking Trump to stop being a narcissist is some kind of psychiatric malpractice, since a narcissist isn’t free to think about other people. Asking him to talk policy is laughable. And to ask him to debate policy with a man who has spent a lifetime in the Senate and White House is a suicide mission. Lindsey Graham might as well advise Trump to levitate while farting firecrackers."

"If President Trump seems resigned to losing November’s election, he has good reason. The strategy he is pursuing—and it’s generous to call it a strategy—is premised on the idea that he is going to lose. His own advisers acknowledge that there are very few people who can be persuaded to vote for him, and his aim therefore is to do whatever he can to hold his strong supporters while reducing the overall level of turnout."

Oh, I don't think it's over. While I hope it's true, Biden is capable of running right off the cliff at any moment. So is the Democratic Party, for that matter.

Vote, vote, vote.

They already ran off the cliff. They went crazy in 2016. Republicans don't get a pass either. Through years of Rush, Hannity and local clear channel Republican propaganda outlets and "my pillow" sales and distribution sources those voters have been convinced they must vote for the lesser of two evils, or how down, take the mark and kiss the ring you your new communist God. What's going on in Washington is 1,000% the fault of fat, lazy spoiled voters. Both parties are corrupt. Both parties need purging.
Agreed, and the only people who can fix this are We The People. We have to change the system under which these people operate.

Unfortunately, We The People appear to be more concerned with who the Kardashian girls are currently banging.

Or which news channel is less of a liar. But, you only have two choices. Big fat douche or giant turd sandwich.
Major Trump donors are done with him and Republican politicians are warning to stay away from him.

What does that mean? Losing. Trump knows he's losing to Biden.
He's losing ground and his base is bleeding off. Polling under 40%, Trump himself said he knows he is losing to Biden.

"Asking Trump to stop being a narcissist is some kind of psychiatric malpractice, since a narcissist isn’t free to think about other people. Asking him to talk policy is laughable. And to ask him to debate policy with a man who has spent a lifetime in the Senate and White House is a suicide mission. Lindsey Graham might as well advise Trump to levitate while farting firecrackers."

"If President Trump seems resigned to losing November’s election, he has good reason. The strategy he is pursuing—and it’s generous to call it a strategy—is premised on the idea that he is going to lose. His own advisers acknowledge that there are very few people who can be persuaded to vote for him, and his aim therefore is to do whatever he can to hold his strong supporters while reducing the overall level of turnout."

Oh, I don't think it's over. While I hope it's true, Biden is capable of running right off the cliff at any moment. So is the Democratic Party, for that matter.

Vote, vote, vote.

They already ran off the cliff. They went crazy in 2016. Republicans don't get a pass either. Through years of Rush, Hannity and local clear channel Republican propaganda outlets and "my pillow" sales and distribution sources those voters have been convinced they must vote for the lesser of two evils, or how down, take the mark and kiss the ring you your new communist God. What's going on in Washington is 1,000% the fault of fat, lazy spoiled voters. Both parties are corrupt. Both parties need purging.
Agreed, and the only people who can fix this are We The People. We have to change the system under which these people operate.

Unfortunately, We The People appear to be more concerned with who the Kardashian girls are currently banging.

And STOP buying this shit that we are stuck with the lesser of two evils. Stop watching any news other then local news. We have better stuff where you can youtube what all these polititions say right from their mouths. No need for Hannity or Maddow. Looked here, this is Mike Wallace interviewing Ann Rand. I watched all parts and I recommend them to everyone. I also recommend his interviews with Margret Sanger. That's how a news man asks questions. Interview is about the subject and the only opinions offered by the interviewer are what brand of smokes he likes. Now it's all flashy colors, blond MILF's and warm fuzzys in the morning. Folks are slaves and they don't even know it.
Major Trump donors are done with him and Republican politicians are warning to stay away from him.

What does that mean? Losing. Trump knows he's losing to Biden.
He's losing ground and his base is bleeding off. Polling under 40%, Trump himself said he knows he is losing to Biden.

"Asking Trump to stop being a narcissist is some kind of psychiatric malpractice, since a narcissist isn’t free to think about other people. Asking him to talk policy is laughable. And to ask him to debate policy with a man who has spent a lifetime in the Senate and White House is a suicide mission. Lindsey Graham might as well advise Trump to levitate while farting firecrackers."

"If President Trump seems resigned to losing November’s election, he has good reason. The strategy he is pursuing—and it’s generous to call it a strategy—is premised on the idea that he is going to lose. His own advisers acknowledge that there are very few people who can be persuaded to vote for him, and his aim therefore is to do whatever he can to hold his strong supporters while reducing the overall level of turnout."

Oh, I don't think it's over. While I hope it's true, Biden is capable of running right off the cliff at any moment. So is the Democratic Party, for that matter.

Vote, vote, vote.

They already ran off the cliff. They went crazy in 2016. Republicans don't get a pass either. Through years of Rush, Hannity and local clear channel Republican propaganda outlets and "my pillow" sales and distribution sources those voters have been convinced they must vote for the lesser of two evils, or how down, take the mark and kiss the ring you your new communist God. What's going on in Washington is 1,000% the fault of fat, lazy spoiled voters. Both parties are corrupt. Both parties need purging.
Agreed, and the only people who can fix this are We The People. We have to change the system under which these people operate.

Unfortunately, We The People appear to be more concerned with who the Kardashian girls are currently banging.

And STOP buying this shit that we are stuck with the lesser of two evils. Stop watching any news other then local news. We have better stuff where you can youtube what all these polititions say right from their mouths. No need for Hannity or Maddow. Looked here, this is Mike Wallace interviewing Ann Rand. I watched all parts and I recommend them to everyone. I also recommend his interviews with Margret Sanger. That's how a news man asks questions. Interview is about the subject and the only opinions offered by the interviewer are what brand of smokes he likes. Now it's all flashy colors, blond MILF's and warm fuzzys in the morning. Folks are slaves and they don't even know it.

Link to interview,

Major Trump donors are done with him and Republican politicians are warning to stay away from him.

What does that mean? Losing. Trump knows he's losing to Biden.
He's losing ground and his base is bleeding off. Polling under 40%, Trump himself said he knows he is losing to Biden.

"Asking Trump to stop being a narcissist is some kind of psychiatric malpractice, since a narcissist isn’t free to think about other people. Asking him to talk policy is laughable. And to ask him to debate policy with a man who has spent a lifetime in the Senate and White House is a suicide mission. Lindsey Graham might as well advise Trump to levitate while farting firecrackers."

"If President Trump seems resigned to losing November’s election, he has good reason. The strategy he is pursuing—and it’s generous to call it a strategy—is premised on the idea that he is going to lose. His own advisers acknowledge that there are very few people who can be persuaded to vote for him, and his aim therefore is to do whatever he can to hold his strong supporters while reducing the overall level of turnout."

Is that why he is doing all he can to make the virus worse?

Is that his scorched earth?

If so he's doing a great job. The virus is out of control. We have over 3.3 million confirmed cases. We have over 140 thousand dead. Our health care system is on the verge of collapse in some areas. People are dying in their homes. Our economy is in shambles.

This is his idea of making America great?
View attachment 361445

Wow! He's like a new Huey Long! Whipping up the crowd........

lol ... aesop would have a field day with you.

The tortoise and the guy who can't complete a thought?

But he sure can draw a the single digits.

i'll bet everyone that came to joe's presser doesn't have coronakooties.

can't say that about the basket dwellers who showed up for donny's circle jerk in tulsa.

or his campaign staffers.

or the poor SS guarding his ass.

or herman cain.

or the slice 'n diced, botox & silicone infused CONcubine that sleeps with traitor tot for the lifestyle she covets.

in about another week - you'll hear about AZ. they are already reaching ICU capacity; that's not counting the ankle grabbers from his church rally- all them thar hayseeds singing without masks...

ticky tocky.

You won't be anything. You're balls, if they exist at all, won't can only be found with a magnifying glass.

All you Monday Morning Quarterbacks are fun to watch.

Please keep your fat asses in your chairs while you eat and get fact snug in the comfort you'll win.

Meanwhile, the country is struggling to get out from under your hysterical bullshit about a bug and black guy who was killed by a stupid cop.

But, since this is all about you, the remote in your your hand is your scepter and you lord over your 10 year old carpet and shitty out of date TV.

We'll see you in November.

And win or lose, you can bet there is going to be some payback.

balls? i've got ovaries, dipshit & anything you say about missing balls - is pure projection on yer part.
The good thing is Trump’s done. The bad news is Biden will be potus.

the good thing is fascism is not the american way & real patriots will make sure it's gone in november.
Sadly, you’re wrong. Fascism is here to stay and likely increases under Biden, as it did under O. The establishment hates Don and loves Joe. The establishment also loves Fascism and they have complete control of Joe.

tell you what - when biden rejects our NATO allies ... & makes his first oversees official visit as POTUS to the saudis; cuddles up to the likes of putin, duterte, erdogan, or the NK piglet, we'll revisit this thread, m'k?

Lol. You can bet he will bow to the Saudis, just as Ears did. He will seek war wherever he can find it, just as Ears did. But take heart, the MSM will not criticize him so you will FEEL better.

okey dokey - you go on with yer false equivalency that they are the same.

forget about the saudis for a second. how'z about adrresing NATO & the rest of my reply? will you be writing someone in thern or voting 3rd party, or are you sitting this one out. if you don't vote, then you will have no credible reason to whine.

i do give you many kudos for at least coming outa the methane filled bubble most trump voters still reside & seeing him for what he is. biden was not my 1st choice, 2nd nor probably even 3rd. BUT he's not trump & i won't cringe everytime i get turn on my PC, wondering ' what fresh new hell is amerika gonna hafta endure today?'

it will be refreshing.
Okay I will. What has Donnie actually done about NATO? Not much is the right answer. He made some dumb statements, but NATO flourishes and continues to be aggressive against Russia. Dumb no? Biden will continue this dangerous policy.

It’s sad you lefties think Dumb Don “cuddles up to Putin” and other dictators. This merely proves how easy it is for the MSM to dupe you guys. Trump while to his credit hasn’t followed O’s policy of committing wars, has aggressively and dangerously confronted Russia, China, Iran, and Venezula. Do you know what those countries have in common? Of course, you don’t. They don’t allow the western Oligarchy to control them. Trump is doing the bidding of the Oligarchy that hates him. Biden will do the Oligarchy’s bidding to an even greater extent.

Stop getting your news from a clown.
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i don't watch MSNBC.... i don't even have cable. so there's that.

i believe mueller.

why hasn't donny done anything about the bounties on US troops? we have a name, we have cash amounts - $100K on each troops' head - & we have hard copy bank transfers.

not ONE word - why? 'cause vlad is behind it. more will come out & donny will hafta answer for it.
Oh Jesus, you believe the bounty story too? Damn. You have allowed yourself to be duped, because your hatred of Don overwhelms your ability to think.

NYTimes: Russia offered terrorists up to $100,000 per US troop killed in Afghanistan

Report: Russia paid Taliban bounties for killing US troops

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