How CTCL Helped Biden in Arizona and Nevada

But of course you don’t provide any. Remember, we’re not all your fellow Trumpistas and won’t blindly accept any BS you offer up.
I've provided tons of it. You simple stick your head in the sand.
Sounds to me, like a polarizing president being a one man get out the vote for both sides, only his side thinking they were comfortable failed to get out as much as the people that were scared sh#tless he might remain in office. Intentional polarization is a funny thing. It can work for or against you.
You nimbly dodged the issue of Mark Zuckerberg pouring millions of dollars into swing state elections
using some little known organization as his front.

Well done. What you choose to ignore says volumes.
McSally was a shit candidate when she lost to Sinema, and she was still shit in 2020.....Even so, there's a lot of compelling statistical evidence to strongly suggest that she got cheated too.

It applies to politics the very same as it does to sports, statistics are for losers.
You nimbly dodged the issue of Mark Zuckerberg pouring millions of dollars into swing state elections
using some little known organization as his front.

Well done. What you choose to ignore says volumes.
No. Just pointing out what happened. Money is money and both sides spent the heck out of it. I don't think money is what made the difference. Trump really did have a polarizing message and approach that stoked his base, but did not attract converts, while angering, scaring and inciting his opposition to get out and vote in higher numbers. Trump did not run out of money, unless you are talking about other people's money. He said he was a billionaire (which I doubt) but, definitely very rich. He could have poured more money into those swing states, but I do not think it would have changed the outcome. He didn't it would either or he probably would have done it, I'm sure.
No. Just pointing out what happened. Money is money and both sides spent the heck out of it. I don't think money is what made the difference. Trump really did have a polarizing message and approach that stoked his base, but did not attract converts, while angering, scaring and inciting his opposition to get out and vote in higher numbers. Trump did not run out of money, unless you are talking about other people's money. He said he was a billionaire (which I doubt) but, definitely very rich. He could have poured more money into those swing states, but I do not think it would have changed the outcome. He didn't it would either or he probably would have done it, I'm sure.
And none of what you said changes the fact that billionaire Zuckerberg used a non profit front to
pour millions into states like Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, etc. and got state voting laws changed
to dem's advantage, all illegally, of course.

If it's a question of who poured more money into the campaign Facebook Boy wins, hands down.
And none of what you said changes the fact that billionaire Zuckerberg used a non profit front to
pour millions into states like Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, etc. and got state voting laws changed
to dem's advantage, all illegally, of course.

If it's a question of who poured more money into the campaign Facebook Boy wins, hands down.
That's just it. It wasn't a case of money. Donny was his own worst messenger to people not in the cult.
That's just it. It wasn't a case of money. Donny was his own worst messenger to people not in the cult. shit! People on the fringe left still treat him like some sort of serial killer, or worse, purely as a formality and a matter of convention among fellow PBS listening elites.

If we'd had a fair election he still would have won comfortably, however.

Joe Biden? Who the fuck was all revved up for racist, liar and long time DC insider ne'er do well with
his questionable ethics and cognitive liabilities? A man whose son is also a racist
and misogynist and crack addict who Joe has kept employed through his connections for years!
Joe is a man whose own running mate called him a racist.

The DNC threw him overboard in the middle of the ocean. No one is surprised he is flailing wildly.
Last edited: shit! People on the fringe left still treat him like some sort of serial killer, or worse, purely as a formality and a matter of convention among fellow PBS listening elites.

If we'd had a fair election he still would have won comfortably, however.

Joe Biden? Who the fuck was all revved up for racist, liar and long time DC insider ne'er do well Joe with
his questionable ethics and cognitive liabilities?
A man whose own running mate called him a racist?

The DNC threw him overboard in the middle of the ocean. No one is surprised he is flailing wildly.
One simply talked to his base and displayed total disdain for anybody that did not think like him and the trump cult. The other tried and did communicate to his base, the centrists, independent and even some republican centrists a message saying it does not have to be disdain and hate for all that do not agree, as we need differing opinions and ideas to move forward, if we are to keep this constitutional republic together and not create or stoke a civil warlike mentality of the populace. He changed minds of people on the fence in the center. Trump was just a victim of his own message over the country.
One simply talked to his base and displayed total disdain for anybody that did not think like him and the trump cult. The other tried and did communicate to his base, the centrists, independent and even some republican centrists a message saying it does not have to be disdain and hate for all that do not agree, as we need differing opinions and ideas to move forward, if we are to keep this constitutional republic together and not create or stoke a civil warlike mentality of the populace. He changed minds of people on the fence in the center. Trump was just a victim of his own message over the country.
Your imagination is vivid. I congratulate you.
Biden is president not because of anything he said or did. But because he would pretend to be president
and do whatever his managers tell him to do.

His campaigning was extremely minimal at best. At best! Susan Rice and other Obama-ites run herd
on Joe and who knows who makes policy for him? They simply sit Joe down and bring out decrees that Joe signs and then he goes home. He doesn't even ask what he's signing.

This was a coup. Believe me.
Thank you, BriPat. It's clear that something rotten in Denmark penetrated the American west as well as the other deciding states like Georgia where we all saw that unmistakable expulsion of Republican watchers followed by a hasty pullout of extraneous votes which rocketed Biden to an unwatched and cheater victory he did not actually win considering how many times they pushed vote packs many times apiece on film gone viral.

As usual it never happened. Biden won Georgia. The number of votes are equal to the number of voters. That is proof that there was no fraud.
McSally was a shit candidate when she lost to Sinema, and she was still shit in 2020.....Even so, there's a lot of compelling statistical evidence to strongly suggest that she got cheated too.

No there is not. That sounds pretty but it is a fantasy and nothing more.
And none of what you said changes the fact that billionaire Zuckerberg used a non profit front to
pour millions into states like Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, etc. and got state voting laws changed
to dem's advantage, all illegally, of course.

If it's a question of who poured more money into the campaign Facebook Boy wins, hands down.

Zuckerburg poured money into activities to increase voting. It was not used for partisan campaign activities.
Election laws were not changed.
As usual it never happened. Biden won Georgia. The number of votes are equal to the number of voters. That is proof that there was no fraud.
Biden and his complement of Commie puppeteers are nothing but frauds. Their present agreement/arrangement with their palsy walsys in the press is destroying the Constitution.
Your imagination is vivid. I congratulate you.
Biden is president not because of anything he said or did. But because he would pretend to be president
and do whatever his managers tell him to do.

His campaigning was extremely minimal at best. At best! Susan Rice and other Obama-ites run herd
on Joe and who knows who makes policy for him? They simply sit Joe down and bring out decrees that Joe signs and then he goes home. He doesn't even ask what he's signing.

This was a coup. Believe me.
Thanks, Your lack of vision an objectivity suits you well. He is president because he got more votes than trump.

He did not have to campaign hard to beat trump as trump was proven a bad leader for the country and only appealed to his base.

No. The attempted coup against the constitutional government as elect and provided for in the constitution was put down on January 6. You got to be kidding. Nobody with a clue believes you.
That is why, August will come and go, just like January 20, and the month of march and now the month of August and Donny will still not be president, and won't be, ever again. Get used to it.
Ok. Let me get this straight:
The Democrats did fraud in 2012; forgot to do fraud in 2016; but remembered how to do it in 2020. That is your most recent allegation?
They probably thought they didn't need to engage in fraud in 2016.

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