How about maps for areas where no data exists?


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Yes you read that correctly....lets just assign a number because we want too! Yeah that's the ticket! These clowns commit this fraudulent behavior all the fricking time and old fraud, chris, konradv, trolling blunder and a whole host of others ignore this. Why? What is so distorted in their fundamental makeup that they can see this desecration of science and ignore it? In fact they support and revere it. Bizarre.

NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, GISS Admits | Watts Up With That?
Yes, they have been extrapolating temps for areas where they had no direct measurement. However, as they stated, one should use the NCDC measurements for those areas, if very accurate measurements are desired.

Yet, for all of Watts yapping, none of this changes the fact that the warming continues, and differant agencies have better accuracy in some places than others, depending on the methods used.

Another item concerning Watts. He is not a meteorologist. He is a fraud in that department.

Anthony Watts - SourceWatch

Background and education
Watts grew up around Cincinnati, Ohio and reportedly attended Purdue University[1], studying Electrical Engineering and Meteorology.[2]. Watts's "About" page mentions neither his Purdue attendance nor whether he graduated. [3]. Watts has not been willing to say whether he graduated.[4]

"Anthony began his broadcasting career, in 1978 in Lafayette, Indiana."[5]


Credentials held
Watts holds an American Meteorological Society Seal of Approval (a discontinued credential that does not require a bachelor's or higher degree in atmospheric science or meteorology from an accredited college/university)[6] with a status of "retired".[7]

Credentials not held
Some online lists incorrectly refer to Watts as "AMS Certified"[8], but this is incorrect; the American Meteorological Society reserves its "AMS Certified" designation for its Certified Broadcast Meteorologists and Certified Consulting Meteorologists[9], and Watts posesses neither certification.[
Yes, they have been extrapolating temps for areas where they had no direct measurement. However, as they stated, one should use the NCDC measurements for those areas, if very accurate measurements are desired.

Yet, for all of Watts yapping, none of this changes the fact that the warming continues, and differant agencies have better accuracy in some places than others, depending on the methods used.

Another item concerning Watts. He is not a meteorologist. He is a fraud in that department.

Anthony Watts - SourceWatch

Background and education
Watts grew up around Cincinnati, Ohio and reportedly attended Purdue University[1], studying Electrical Engineering and Meteorology.[2]. Watts's "About" page mentions neither his Purdue attendance nor whether he graduated. [3]. Watts has not been willing to say whether he graduated.[4]

"Anthony began his broadcasting career, in 1978 in Lafayette, Indiana."[5]


Credentials held
Watts holds an American Meteorological Society Seal of Approval (a discontinued credential that does not require a bachelor's or higher degree in atmospheric science or meteorology from an accredited college/university)[6] with a status of "retired".[7]

Credentials not held
Some online lists incorrectly refer to Watts as "AMS Certified"[8], but this is incorrect; the American Meteorological Society reserves its "AMS Certified" designation for its Certified Broadcast Meteorologists and Certified Consulting Meteorologists[9], and Watts posesses neither certification.[

Sorry old chum but that is not science that is charlatanism, something the AGW crowd is VERY GOOD AT! And while we're at it old fraud your own side's resident expert of experts Dr. Phil Jones stated that there has been no warming since 1998. How does that jibe with your statement that the warming continues? Are you calling your best expert of all a liar?
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Ever heard of satellite data? Suggesting that there are places we can't measure is the REAL fraud. Peddle that garbage somewhere else.

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