Hillary's Friends in High Places

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
The WSJ Kimberly Strassel kills it with this piece on Hillary's corruption. If any Republican had been even accused of any ONE of these things his candidacy would be over. That Dems still support Hillary despite all this is testament to their own moral turpitude.
More at the source at WSJ.

‘Friends of Bill” was a 1990s Washington catchphrase, shorthand for President Clinton’s favored inner circle. His wife, it turns out, has a far bigger fan club. “Friends of Hillary”—the people looking out for her welfare, and benefiting in turn—seem to occupy the highest echelons of government and business.

That’s one way of synthesizing this week’s slew of disparate Clinton revelations. The Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee is grappling with a range of scandals, from her use of a private email server while secretary of state, to actions she took while in office that look to have financially benefited her family’s foundation. But what ties all these stories together is the extraordinary number of people who continue to run cover for Mrs. Clinton’s ambitions.

First there is that menagerie of longtime aides who follow her from post to post. At a federal court hearing on Wednesday, a State Department official dropped a new bomb regarding the email scandal, suggesting that Mrs. Clinton’s closest aides also might have been using private email accounts. This came out because the State Department attempted to excuse its failure to produce documents by noting that top Clinton aides—including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan—had not yet turned over their work-related emails. Had those aides used government servers, State presumably would already have their emails. Politico noted that only this week, Mrs. Clinton’s former spokesman, Philippe Reines, “turned over 20 boxes of work-related emails taken in part from a personal email account.”

The Associated Press requested the documents under the Freedom of Information Act while seeking details about how Ms. Abedin was given special permission to work with outside clients while still at the State Department. The news organization filed that request four years ago; Mrs. Clinton resigned as secretary of state more than two years ago. And yet her aides, to this day, are sitting on that paper. That’s highly helpful to Mrs. Clinton, who doesn’t want any more embarrassing exchanges made public.

Then there are Mrs. Clinton’s pals still in government. At Wednesday’s hearing, the second in two weeks on the AP request, U.S. District Judge Richard Leon bluntly voiced what everybody has known for a long time, accusing the State Department of, as Politico put it, “dragging out responses to FOIA requests to protect Clinton.” The agency has in fact spent the past nine months doing little else—ignoring congressional subpoenas, slow-walking responses, omitting key documents.

State Department officials initially said they wouldn’t release any of Mrs. Clinton’s emails until the end of this year, a deadline that surely and conveniently would have slipped past the 2016 election. They are only producing those emails now under court order. And they’re doing back bends to excuse away the fact that Mrs. Clinton emailed classified information through her private server. Why all this effort? Barack Obama may not love Hillary, but he needs another Democrat in 2016 to protect his legacy.

Mrs. Clinton has additional friends in law enforcement. Last week news broke that two inspectors general have asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Mrs. Clinton mishandled sensitive information. Team Clinton has attempted to fuzzy up the story by suggesting the information wasn’t classified at the time she sent it. Utterly irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that sensitive information flowed through a home-brew email system because Mrs. Clinton had evaded all the rules. Any lesser figure (say, David Petraeus) would be in hot water. Yet the New York Times reports that the Justice Department “hasn’t decided if it will open an investigation.” Ah, friends.

Finally, Mrs. Clinton has very good friends in the corporate world. This newspaper reported Thursday that while serving as secretary of state, she took the unusual step of intervening to fix a problem that Swiss banking titan UBS was having with the IRS. In the years that followed, UBS donated $600,000 to the Clinton Foundation, anted up another $32 million in loans via foundation programs, and dropped $1.5 million on Bill for a series of speaking events. Both sides deny any quid pro quo. But the pattern is clear: More than 60 major firms that lobbied the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure also donated some $26 million to her family’s foundation.

Those in the business and financial world, after all, understand how the Clintons operate: pure Arkansas, purely transactional. You scratch my family foundation; I’ll scratch your government problem. They’ve spent a lot of money getting on Mrs. Clinton’s right side (and they certainly don’t want to be on her wrong side) so expect the corporate cash to now flow toward her election effort. Yes, Mrs. Clinton has, and will continue to have, lots of amigos in the private sector.
Whoa Hillary has lots of loyal friends and a lot of them are successful people?! The horror! :cool:

Whoa Hillary has lots of loyal friends and a lot of them are successful people?! The horror! :cool:

Didnt read the article, obviously.
Hillary's "friends" have provided payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for consideration when she was SecState. Her friends have followed her from post to post, ignoring laws as they see fit. Her friends continue to protect her by not turning over material that has been requested under subpoena.
If you cannot read the article and respond appropriate then shut the fuck up.
Whoa Hillary has lots of loyal friends and a lot of them are successful people?! The horror! :cool:

Didnt read the article, obviously.
Hillary's "friends" have provided payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for consideration when she was SecState. Her friends have followed her from post to post, ignoring laws as they see fit. Her friends continue to protect her by not turning over material that has been requested under subpoena.
If you cannot read the article and respond appropriate then shut the fuck up.
Why are you so mad about Hillary, while Planned Parenthood is KILLING BABIES???!!! :eek:
Whoa Hillary has lots of loyal friends and a lot of them are successful people?! The horror! :cool:

Didnt read the article, obviously. How about a link?
Hillary's "friends" have provided payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for consideration when she was SecState. Her friends have followed her from post to post, ignoring laws as they see fit. Her friends continue to protect her by not turning over material that has been requested under subpoena.
If you cannot read the article and respond appropriate then shut the fuck up.
Whoa Hillary has lots of loyal friends and a lot of them are successful people?! The horror! :cool:

Didnt read the article, obviously.
Hillary's "friends" have provided payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for consideration when she was SecState. Her friends have followed her from post to post, ignoring laws as they see fit. Her friends continue to protect her by not turning over material that has been requested under subpoena.
If you cannot read the article and respond appropriate then shut the fuck up.
Why are you so mad about Hillary, while Planned Parenthood is KILLING BABIES???!!! :eek:
Anyone want the rest of this sandwich?
Whoa Hillary has lots of loyal friends and a lot of them are successful people?! The horror! :cool:

Didnt read the article, obviously.
Hillary's "friends" have provided payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for consideration when she was SecState. Her friends have followed her from post to post, ignoring laws as they see fit. Her friends continue to protect her by not turning over material that has been requested under subpoena.
If you cannot read the article and respond appropriate then shut the fuck up.

She sounds like a perfect Republican.
Whoa Hillary has lots of loyal friends and a lot of them are successful people?! The horror! :cool:

Didnt read the article, obviously.
Hillary's "friends" have provided payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for consideration when she was SecState. Her friends have followed her from post to post, ignoring laws as they see fit. Her friends continue to protect her by not turning over material that has been requested under subpoena.
If you cannot read the article and respond appropriate then shut the fuck up.

She sounds like a perfect Republican.
You understand she is a Democrat, right? Not jus a Democrat but the clear front runner for the Democrat nomination for President. No Republican running has been accused of anything remotely like what she has. And if they did they would be out of the race, if not in prison.
This is the difference between Republcians and Democrats.
Tripp looking for another payday.
Really? What pay day would that be?
Do you have anything to contribute here except your own stupidity?
Are you joking?
About your stupidity? No, absolutely serious. You are clearly one of the dumbest motherfuckers on this board. Totally without facts or logic or argument. You simply spew the first excuse that comes into your head. Why you arent on my ignore list is a mystery.
Tripp looking for another payday.
Really? What pay day would that be?
Do you have anything to contribute here except your own stupidity?
Are you joking?
About your stupidity? No, absolutely serious. You are clearly one of the dumbest motherfuckers on this board. Totally without facts or logic or argument. You simply spew the first excuse that comes into your head. Why you arent on my ignore list is a mystery.
Lol okay fake rabbi. So when are you going to start a thread about your clown car nominees friends in high places?
Whoa Hillary has lots of loyal friends and a lot of them are successful people?! The horror! :cool:

Didnt read the article, obviously.
Hillary's "friends" have provided payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for consideration when she was SecState. Her friends have followed her from post to post, ignoring laws as they see fit. Her friends continue to protect her by not turning over material that has been requested under subpoena.
If you cannot read the article and respond appropriate then shut the fuck up.

She sounds like a perfect Republican.
You understand she is a Democrat, right? Not jus a Democrat but the clear front runner for the Democrat nomination for President. No Republican running has been accused of anything remotely like what she has. And if they did they would be out of the race, if not in prison.
This is the difference between Republcians and Democrats.

She sounds just like Republicans from the last administration and their comfy relations with dozens of corporations, chief among them Haliburton.
Tripp looking for another payday.
Really? What pay day would that be?
Do you have anything to contribute here except your own stupidity?
Are you joking?
About your stupidity? No, absolutely serious. You are clearly one of the dumbest motherfuckers on this board. Totally without facts or logic or argument. You simply spew the first excuse that comes into your head. Why you arent on my ignore list is a mystery.
Lol okay fake rabbi. So when are you going to start a thread about your clown car nominees friends in high places?
There arent any, dumbshit. Liek I said, if a Republican had done any one of the things Hillary is accused of he'd be out of the race. If you have counter evidence then post it or shut the fuck up, dogface.

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