Hillary Tells Obama In Secret Meeting She Is Voting For McCain!


Jun 6, 2008
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AP Reports: In a secret meeting last night, Hillary told Obama that she would be voting for McCain. Obama Losses control while being secretly recorded. The statements he made may lose him the election in November sources say. The tape should be released by the end of next week.
AP Reports: In a secret meeting last night, Hillary told Obama that she would be voting for McCain. Obama Losses control while being secretly recorded. The statements he made may lose him the election in November sources say. The tape should be released by the end of next week.

Sure thing. I will believe it when I see it. And even then I will want someone with the skill to verify it isn't a fake.

I don't want Obama as President. But this is crazy. Ohh ya if this is an AP report, where is the link?
AP Reports: In a secret meeting last night, Hillary told Obama that she would be voting for McCain. Obama Losses control while being secretly recorded. The statements he made may lose him the election in November sources say. The tape should be released by the end of next week.

Right. And William Joyce is repaving Shogun's driveway.
OMG. another tape allegation... I would tell you to look up gullible but its not in the dictionary...

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