Republicans have been trying desperately to make a case, without a shred of evidence, that Hillary Clinton somehow, engaged in "pay for play". Because they believe from their own rhetoric that she is crooked, she must have done "something".
Remember a couple of days ago when Trump said people wanted "things" and the kinds of things they wanted? "Plenty". In fact, the examples are "too many to say". Those were his words.
And then he said she was a bigot. This is a woman who worked to keep black children out of adult prisons, helped millions in Africa get HIV life saving drugs, and helped over 8 million children get health care.
He's lost two Federal Lawsuits charging housing discrimination. But she's the bigot.
On Morning Joe, Joe asked her if she thought Trump himself was actually a racist and she just pointed out his campaign and what he is saying, and NEVER called him a racist.
As long as she wasn't being affected in the polls, Hillary kept cool, low and didn't comment. Finally, when she felt he was going to far and some on the fence began to believe the nonsense, she casually, in one 30 minute speech, eviscerated him.
v. e·vis·cer·at·ed, e·vis·cer·at·ing, e·vis·cer·ates
2. To take away a vital or essential part of; weaken, damage, or destroy
In a low calm voice, she repeated his comments and retweets.
Pointed out the people he "pals around" with. (Remember Obama pals around with terrorists?)
She made "Alt-right" mainstream.
Read Titles from the article's of his campaign manager's website.
And she did it all without calling him any names. She only said his campaign appears racist, but never called him, get this, "bigot" like he did her.
And now, every bigoted remark he has said for the last 14 months is going to be rehashed.
And more hilarious, Trump is crying and whining that he is being "bullied". And the GOP says she has to stop with the name calling. Only she didn't call any names. He did.
I predict, she will give a few press conferences and then continue to maintain a low profile. Until Trump once again comes up with something he thinks will "stick". The question, what will she unleash next from the arsenal Trump has given her from the last 14 months? Trump's strategy is to throw everything at her hoping something sticks. Her strategy is to figure out which of the many terrible things he's done that she can shape into a narrative the will resonate with honest and moral people as something terrible and then magnify it.
And he has given her so much to work with:
I don't think she will talk much about Trump's ties to Russia. Most don't understand. But wait until the debates. I suspect she will bring it up.
And the half billion he owes China. That will be at the debates.
It's possible she might come out with video starring the employees he's stiffed. Remember, not only are there many lawsuits, but the court has public records.
His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons. Probably debate fodder.
His not knowing what the nuclear triad is. I bet he never even finds out. If asked, which he will be, it will be his "Rick Perry" moment.
His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for. Someone else will bring that up.
No one will bring up his many affairs. I think we all know why. But he might be stupid enough to bring them up for her. Could you imagine, the loving wife, standing by her man? Every women who's husband has cheated everywhere will be on her side.
His bribing Texas Attorney General.
His bribing Florida's Attorney General.
The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe. Somebody is going to be asking about those cases. They are highly illegal.
I also suspect, the press will begin talking about his Nov 28th Court Date just before the election. The one the unfair Mexican judge born in Indiana is presiding over. His Trump U case not going away. Not with the people he's scammed including veterans and the elderly. That will also be in the debate.
His 3500 lawsuits and 169 federal lawsuits. I suspect they will get an honorable mention.
His attack on a Gold Star family has probably run it's course.
His flip flops will definitely be part of the debates.
His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions funneling their contributions into his bank account. Eventually, someone will bring this up.
Can't wait for next week's polls.
Remember a couple of days ago when Trump said people wanted "things" and the kinds of things they wanted? "Plenty". In fact, the examples are "too many to say". Those were his words.
And then he said she was a bigot. This is a woman who worked to keep black children out of adult prisons, helped millions in Africa get HIV life saving drugs, and helped over 8 million children get health care.
He's lost two Federal Lawsuits charging housing discrimination. But she's the bigot.
On Morning Joe, Joe asked her if she thought Trump himself was actually a racist and she just pointed out his campaign and what he is saying, and NEVER called him a racist.
As long as she wasn't being affected in the polls, Hillary kept cool, low and didn't comment. Finally, when she felt he was going to far and some on the fence began to believe the nonsense, she casually, in one 30 minute speech, eviscerated him.
v. e·vis·cer·at·ed, e·vis·cer·at·ing, e·vis·cer·ates
2. To take away a vital or essential part of; weaken, damage, or destroy
In a low calm voice, she repeated his comments and retweets.
Pointed out the people he "pals around" with. (Remember Obama pals around with terrorists?)
She made "Alt-right" mainstream.
Read Titles from the article's of his campaign manager's website.
And she did it all without calling him any names. She only said his campaign appears racist, but never called him, get this, "bigot" like he did her.
And now, every bigoted remark he has said for the last 14 months is going to be rehashed.
And more hilarious, Trump is crying and whining that he is being "bullied". And the GOP says she has to stop with the name calling. Only she didn't call any names. He did.
I predict, she will give a few press conferences and then continue to maintain a low profile. Until Trump once again comes up with something he thinks will "stick". The question, what will she unleash next from the arsenal Trump has given her from the last 14 months? Trump's strategy is to throw everything at her hoping something sticks. Her strategy is to figure out which of the many terrible things he's done that she can shape into a narrative the will resonate with honest and moral people as something terrible and then magnify it.
And he has given her so much to work with:
I don't think she will talk much about Trump's ties to Russia. Most don't understand. But wait until the debates. I suspect she will bring it up.
And the half billion he owes China. That will be at the debates.
It's possible she might come out with video starring the employees he's stiffed. Remember, not only are there many lawsuits, but the court has public records.
His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons. Probably debate fodder.
His not knowing what the nuclear triad is. I bet he never even finds out. If asked, which he will be, it will be his "Rick Perry" moment.
His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for. Someone else will bring that up.
No one will bring up his many affairs. I think we all know why. But he might be stupid enough to bring them up for her. Could you imagine, the loving wife, standing by her man? Every women who's husband has cheated everywhere will be on her side.
His bribing Texas Attorney General.
His bribing Florida's Attorney General.
The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe. Somebody is going to be asking about those cases. They are highly illegal.
I also suspect, the press will begin talking about his Nov 28th Court Date just before the election. The one the unfair Mexican judge born in Indiana is presiding over. His Trump U case not going away. Not with the people he's scammed including veterans and the elderly. That will also be in the debate.
His 3500 lawsuits and 169 federal lawsuits. I suspect they will get an honorable mention.
His attack on a Gold Star family has probably run it's course.
His flip flops will definitely be part of the debates.
His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions funneling their contributions into his bank account. Eventually, someone will bring this up.
Can't wait for next week's polls.