Hillary Aides To Be Used As 'Human Shields' To Protect Hillary?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Huma Abedin, Other Clinton Aides May Have More to Fear From FBI Email Probe Than Hillary

'Huma Abedin, Other Clinton Aides May Have More to Fear From FBI Email Probe Than Hillary'

"The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails will likely carry into the middle of the campaign season, and it’s her top aides who could be in the most trouble, former FBI and national security officials told The Hill.

Most of the emails marked classified on the former secretary of state’s private server were sent to her by top State Department aides, noted Bradley Moss, a lawyer who specializes in national security and protection of classified information.

Abedin, Mills and Sullivan were top Clinton aides at the State Department. Abedin and Sullivan now hold positions in Clinton’s presidential campaign.

More than 1,300 emails from Clinton’s private server were marked as classified, some at the highest level. Further, the FBI has reportedly expanded the investigation into how the State Department’s work intersected with the Clinton Foundation."


2 plausible scenarios I see are:

1. Hillary's defense team uses Abedin, Moss, Sullivan, and anyone else they can as 'human shields', blaming them for all the criminal violations under the Espionage act. Huma and others in Hillary's staff are already on record as having described Hillary as being 'often confused' and 'technology challenged', so it would be believable that due to her 'confusion' and 'lack of technical proficiency' Hillary can not be held accountable for all the UN-/MIS-marked classified information being sent to her and being on her server, that her aides - vastly more knowledgeable regarding technology - are to blame. Their 'sacrifice' would be acceptable as long as she saves her own ass and political career.

2. Prosecution / Grand Jury (if it is ever allowed to go that far) could offer Moss, Abedin, Sullivan immunity to 'turn state's evidence' / testify against Hillary. Attempting to convince one or more of them that they are about to be betrayed / abandoned and left holding the bag - 'in much the same way Hillary abandoned Stevens and left him on his own in Benghazi' (they could argue/tell them). That might get at least one of them to agree to take the deal...and one is all they would need.


All that being said, I believe the DOJ / Obama will simply REFUSE to call for a Grand jury / will do what they need to do (or don't do) to make sure Hillary isn't touched.
Hillary Aides To Be Used As 'Human Shields' To Protect Hillary?

From what? Rabid and gun carrying right winger-nuts?

The fact that conservatives AND LIBERALS are willing to / are suddenly having this kind of conversation...This entire conversation regarding who has more to lose and/or who faces more risk of legal trouble as a result of this investigation is pretty much an admission / acknowledgement that wrong-doing DID occur and that SOMEBODY is going to have to take the fall.
Blaming subordinates is a long time tradition in the democrat party going back to FDR.
To be fair, blaming ANYONE else is a long-standing tradition for politicians / BOTH parties....just more so for Liberals. :p

("This is not MY 'Red Line'...It's the WORLD'S 'Red Line'." ... "Buuussshhhhhhhhhh!: :p)
FBI's Hillary Clinton email investigation not letting up

It might not be Clinton herself who faces the music for any potential crime, however.

The former secretary of State did not appear to send most of the emails now marked classified. Instead, they were largely sent or forwarded to her by aides.

“It’d be a lot harder to make a criminal charge for having received [classified] information," said Bradley Moss, a lawyer who specializes in national security and protection of classified information
Blaming subordinates is a long time tradition in the democrat party going back to FDR.

Scooter Libby, Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy...

After millions of dollars, hundreds of hours of dozens of committee hearings in a desperate search by Democrats to find ANYTHING on Bush for which to Impeach him or indict him Liberals came up with NOTHING! In the end, to justify their waste and abuse Atty General Eric Holder - the same guy caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of Perjury under oath before Congress in the cover up of Fast and Furious but who was protected from prosecution from a criminal DOJ and President - indicted, charged, and had jailed 1 Scooter Libby. Libby was NOT charged with any crime that HAD ANYTHINIG to do with Bush. He was arrested for Perjury because in his testimony he mis-testified / erred in testifying about the DATES of several things he had done. That's it!

eric Holder, that corrupt, criminal POS, should be in Libby's old jail cell RIGHT NOW for his own crimes. While the DOJ and Obama protected him from indictment / punishment, they could NOT protect him from a bi-partisan vote to CENSURE Holder, making him the 1st Atty General in US History to be Censured, a stain that Obama's legacy carries with it!
Blaming subordinates is a long time tradition in the democrat party going back to FDR.

Scooter Libby, Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy...

After millions of dollars, hundreds of hours of dozens of committee hearings in a desperate search by Democrats to find ANYTHING on Bush for which to Impeach him or indict him Liberals came up with NOTHING! In the end, to justify their waste and abuse Atty General Eric Holder - the same guy caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of Perjury under oath before Congress in the cover up of Fast and Furious but who was protected from prosecution from a criminal DOJ and President - indicted, charged, and had jailed 1 Scooter Libby. Libby was NOT charged with any crime that HAD ANYTHINIG to do with Bush. He was arrested for Perjury because in his testimony he mis-testified / erred in testifying about the DATES of several things he had done. That's it!

eric Holder, that corrupt, criminal POS, should be in Libby's old jail cell RIGHT NOW for his own crimes. While the DOJ and Obama protected him from indictment / punishment, they could NOT protect him from a bi-partisan vote to CENSURE Holder, making him the 1st Atty General in US History to be Censured, a stain that Obama's legacy carries with it!

Settle down, Beavis.
That would be SOOOO Hillary. If Cheryl, Jake and Huma have any intelligence at all, they have to know that Hillary will use them as pawns. Thy'll lose clearances for TS materials and lose their jobs. But all would be well with Hillary, After all, it IS HER TURN!
Think John Dean.
Blaming subordinates is a long time tradition in the democrat party going back to FDR.

Scooter Libby, Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy...

After millions of dollars, hundreds of hours of dozens of committee hearings in a desperate search by Democrats to find ANYTHING on Bush for which to Impeach him or indict him Liberals came up with NOTHING! In the end, to justify their waste and abuse Atty General Eric Holder - the same guy caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of Perjury under oath before Congress in the cover up of Fast and Furious but who was protected from prosecution from a criminal DOJ and President - indicted, charged, and had jailed 1 Scooter Libby. Libby was NOT charged with any crime that HAD ANYTHINIG to do with Bush. He was arrested for Perjury because in his testimony he mis-testified / erred in testifying about the DATES of several things he had done. That's it!

eric Holder, that corrupt, criminal POS, should be in Libby's old jail cell RIGHT NOW for his own crimes. While the DOJ and Obama protected him from indictment / punishment, they could NOT protect him from a bi-partisan vote to CENSURE Holder, making him the 1st Atty General in US History to be Censured, a stain that Obama's legacy carries with it!

Settle down, Beavis.
She was right on the mark, Butthead.

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