Hilarious - GOP begs for Stimulus Money

You can't criticize a program, while benefiting from that very program. That is hypocrisy. Our local GOP Congressional Candidate owns a car dealership, at which they recieved both stimulus money, and participated in Cash For Clunkers. It worked for them, but not for anyone else, basically is what he says. He only took it to save jobs.. Which is the whole damn point, but is now campaigning against our Democratic Congressman on the fact he voted for it. GOP = Party of Hy-Po-Crites
You can't criticize a program, while benefiting from that very program. That is hypocrisy. Our local GOP Congressional Candidate owns a car dealership, at which they recieved both stimulus money, and participated in Cash For Clunkers. It worked for them, but not for anyone else, basically is what he says. He only took it to save jobs.. Which is the whole damn point, but is now campaigning against our Democratic Congressman on the fact he voted for it. GOP = Party of Hy-Po-Crites

Same answer and it just can't be more simply put....

There is no hypocrisy here. They are all in the same gang of looters. When the faction that would prefer to rob other gangs is outvoted by the faction that would prefer to rob banks, then so be it, they all still get a portion of the loot when all is said and done.

Government has a legal monopoly on the use of force. They make the rules and when they make bad ones, you can oppose them while at the same time playing by the new rules. Indeed one has a moral obligation to fight for the crumbs from one's own stolen bread.
You can't criticize a program, while benefiting from that very program. That is hypocrisy. Our local GOP Congressional Candidate owns a car dealership, at which they recieved both stimulus money, and participated in Cash For Clunkers. It worked for them, but not for anyone else, basically is what he says. He only took it to save jobs.. Which is the whole damn point, but is now campaigning against our Democratic Congressman on the fact he voted for it. GOP = Party of Hy-Po-Crites

When you're older, and see the gray instead of the black and white - of both parties - I hope you realize that you do what you can do to save what you have. Cash for Clunkers happened on a global scale - and it was a ridiculous idea from the start. However, if you ever run your own business, you do whatever you can to survive. Principles don't pay your employees, or feed your own family. I wouldn't criticize anyone - GOP or Dem - for doing what was in the best interests of their people.
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Exactly. The money is going to be spent one way or another. Why should Republicans who were against passing the bill, have to not take any of the money from it now that it did pass.

This is an interesting attempt at excusing the blatent hypocrisy of these politicians. Don't be a bucket carrier for your party. If you're against this type of spending, stand firm.

It's exactly this kind of stuff that makes the GOP a bit of a joke - their constant tirades against government spending while, in reality, many heavily GOP leaning states are the most federally dependent in the Union. Get your ducks in a row.
I wouldn't criticize anyone - GOP or Dem - for doing what was in the best interests of their people.

Perhaps you can tell me this: if accepting these types of federal funds is in the best interest of these politicians' constituents (as you admit it is), why are they campaigning against it in the first place?
Let's see if we can put this in terms that you can understand..

Let's envision a couple.. we'll call them Bobby and Mary.

Bobby and Mary had no groceries so they borrowed $300.00 from Mary's dad. Bobby and Mary go to the grocery store with the $300.00 dollars in hand but can't come to an agreement on what food they need to buy. Mary wanted to buy a lot of chicken and vegetables to put in the freezer, but Bobby wants to buy steak and invite his friends to a cook-out. Mary says no, we had to borrow this money and we don't need to waste it and then heads over to price the chicken. Meanwhile, Bobby grabs $300.00 worth of steak and beer and heads to the checkout. By the time Mary gets to the checkout, it's too late to stop Bobby's purchase. Mary is quite pissed about it and reminds him that she thought it was stupid to waste their loan that way, but realizes that since all their money is tied up in Bobby's purchase, and she still has to pay her dad the $300.00 that they borrowed, she may as well try to enjoy the steak.

Did that make it easier?

I'd argue that your analogy if a bit off the mark. This isn't really a question of two sides arguing for money to be spent in different ways, as your suggest, but instead a case of one side arguing that no money needed to be spent whatsoever for the problem to solve itself. Which, if we place it in terms of your analogy, sounds kind've ridiculous.

After all, who would side with Mary if she stated that they shouldn't spend a single penny at the grocery store and that both she and Bobby would magically be fed far more quickly as a result? I mean, would you take her side on that one?
Exactly. The money is going to be spent one way or another. Why should Republicans who were against passing the bill, have to not take any of the money from it now that it did pass.

This is an interesting attempt at excusing the blatent hypocrisy of these politicians. Don't be a bucket carrier for your party. If you're against this type of spending, stand firm.

It's exactly this kind of stuff that makes the GOP a bit of a joke - their constant tirades against government spending while, in reality, many heavily GOP leaning states are the most federally dependent in the Union. Get your ducks in a row.

How can this be more simply stated than it already has?

If you get mugged at the ATM one day and see your mugger handing out free lollipops the next day... you are not a hypocrite for getting in line for a free lolly.
How can this be more simply stated than it already has?

If you get mugged at the ATM one day and see your mugger handing out free lollipops the next day... you are not a hypocrite for getting in line for a free lolly.

Of course, this isn't like being mugged at the ATM at all. I mean, I could understand that line of reasoning *if* this was not a democratic republic and you had no say it what has taken place, but it is one and you have had a say.
The stimulus is working but truth doesnt play well with the republican base.

The R candidates like to go to their best tactic, lying.

Hey fucktard. You on that story about Illiniois and New York disenfranchising the soldiers? Huh fucktard? Tell us.
Riiiight....that's why the unemployment rate is inching towards 10% and not inching down towards 9%. :lol:

Got it....carry on TDM

More accurately, it held steady from a month ago (well...actually, it dropped a tenth of a percent, but who's counting?).

Construction was down around 21,000 jobs, though we saw improvement in food related industiries, temp. work, and the health care industry.
Exactly. The money is going to be spent one way or another. Why should Republicans who were against passing the bill, have to not take any of the money from it now that it did pass.

This is an interesting attempt at excusing the blatent hypocrisy of these politicians. Don't be a bucket carrier for your party. If you're against this type of spending, stand firm.

It's exactly this kind of stuff that makes the GOP a bit of a joke - their constant tirades against government spending while, in reality, many heavily GOP leaning states are the most federally dependent in the Union. Get your ducks in a row.

I couldnt have said it better myself
How can this be more simply stated than it already has?

If you get mugged at the ATM one day and see your mugger handing out free lollipops the next day... you are not a hypocrite for getting in line for a free lolly.

Of course, this isn't like being mugged at the ATM at all. I mean, I could understand that line of reasoning *if* this was not a democratic republic and you had no say it what has taken place, but it is one and you have had a say.

No that's an argument against mugging qua mugging.

The analogy holds because it is just an analogy to simplify the case against calling the losers of the argument (the losers of the vote) hypocrites for sharing in the ill gotten loot. If you are against free lollipops and your constituents are taxed/indebted for them anyway, you are not a hypocrite to try and collect on said lollipops. And it does not mean you can't come out against free lollipops in the future.

The above is the same argument a little (very little) less simply stated.

One can make the case that they are right or wrong in the argument for or against free lollipops. One may point out the jobs created for the Lollipop Guild United Short Peoples Union. One may say our funds are better spent elsewhere or not at all. However, no one may correctly label as "hypocrite" someone who argues against free lollipops and then seeks them after the program was created against their will and with their wealth to boot. (even if done by a fair election)
Riiiight....that's why the unemployment rate is inching towards 10% and not inching down towards 9%. :lol:

Got it....carry on TDM

More accurately, it held steady from a month ago (well...actually, it dropped a tenth of a percent, but who's counting?).

Construction was down around 21,000 jobs, though we saw improvement in food related industiries, temp. work, and the health care industry.

Actually Gallup is seeing this different from a month ago.
Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment at 10.0% in Mid-October
When I read the Republicans "solutions" to fixing the country, I'm amazed that they could believe what they are saying.

Go back through these posts. Are they saying that investing in America is a "waste of money"? Don't build railways, roads, bridges. Don't build up our electrical grid or promote Broad Band.

What is the plan? They spent ten years investing in China but don't want to invest here? What is it the Chinese have that we don't?

I just don't get it.
It's a bit ridiculous to demand that those who were and are opposed to stimulus money simply reject the funds. It is the taxpayer's money (or future taxpayers). Denying your constituents THEIR funds would be a bit stupid. Nothing hypocritical in that.
It's a bit ridiculous to demand that those who were and are opposed to stimulus money simply reject the funds. It is the taxpayer's money (or future taxpayers). Denying your constituents THEIR funds would be a bit stupid. Nothing hypocritical in that.

You speak about it as if it were a "handout". It's an "investment". Why do corporations "invest" in China? When Republican politicians gave them subsidies and tax breaks, that was an "investment". Where is all this secret campaign money coming from? The "investment" is paying off.

Even Tea Party Centerfold Scott Brown says:

"Broadband is essential to the economy well being and recovery of Western Massachusetts, as many of our citizens telecommute and have home-based businesses."
"For any small business in the region, staying connected is critical to remaining competitive in the increasingly global economy."
"Broadband coverage is crucial in bringing together educators and students in order to help prepare our next generation of entrepreneurs and job creators."

Center for Public Integrity: Stimulus opponents... | Gather

See, some jobs come with building the infrastructure, but the bulk come BECAUSE of the rebuilt infrastructure.

And "Magical Creationist" Ron Paul:

"The project proposed by the GCFRD application will facilitate freight movement in the Houston region, which will enhance economic development, safety, livability and sustainability benefits."

Same thing.