The sky-high gas prices we are seeing are the result of the reckless policies of green extremism. Biden began waging war on the oil industry almost as soon as he was done taking the oath of office. He's cancelled Prudhoe Bay drilling, cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline, and has worked hard to stop new drilling leases on federal lands. The oil market is like any other market: it responds to perception, to perceived future supply shortages, to hostile federal policies, etc.
Electric cars are not the answer yet. Except for Teslas, which are too expensive for most people, they are plagued with problems, as I discovered when I recently shopped for an electric car. Solar has many problems, one of which is reliability.
There is no renewable energy source even on the distant horizon that has any prospect of replacing fossil fuels. Until that day comes, we need to drill, drill, drill. Any other policy is reckless and dangerous.
Electric cars are not the answer yet. Except for Teslas, which are too expensive for most people, they are plagued with problems, as I discovered when I recently shopped for an electric car. Solar has many problems, one of which is reliability.
There is no renewable energy source even on the distant horizon that has any prospect of replacing fossil fuels. Until that day comes, we need to drill, drill, drill. Any other policy is reckless and dangerous.