Hi, I am a father to thirty and grandfather to more.

Naaaah! Self publicist??? As I write, I will let you be the judge. What I put here was just an introduction and a brief telling about what was the most important thing in my life, the raising of children. You know almost nothing about me personally. I have had a lot of life experiences. I just do not know where on the board to put them down, and I most certainly did not want to bore you guys with a longer introduction.


Please accept my apology and best of luck selling your books.

Is there anyplace I can go to sample them?

I have more than a passing interest in illustrated books for children, you know.
Spent eight years in the Air Force myself. Was stationed at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas for four years, and MacDill AFB in Tampa, FL for four years. Loved it. Used to go to the base gym for lunch. I was buffed out myself. Could bench around 350 lbs and had a six pack on the stomach. It was nice being in good shape, until nerves got crushed in my neck and I got two holes poked in my right lung from an RPG. Now, at 53, I'm just a worn out old service connected disabled vet enjoying retirement.

The Bible says that when you die your flesh will be more supple than that of a new born babe, so, I think what you'll be reborn as is what ever point you would have been at to be in ultimate shape. The Lord knows what age that is.

I have a very good friend that's maintained a grave yard now for 28 years. I've even helped with the burial of quite a few people myself. I've seen the stones with pictures on them, but I don't have an answer for you about what age or what picture you should put on them. In my opinion, it should be what ever picture you want that isn't offensive. I think I'll have a picture of my Harley put on my grave stone... :D

I don't want a picture on mine, but I do want a tombstone with a saying that will make people come from all over and take etchings of. My son suggested "She's dead Jim". If you can't tell, I'm a Star Trek fan.
Naaaah! Self publicist??? As I write, I will let you be the judge. What I put here was just an introduction and a brief telling about what was the most important thing in my life, the raising of children. You know almost nothing about me personally. I have had a lot of life experiences. I just do not know where on the board to put them down, and I most certainly did not want to bore you guys with a longer introduction.

I throw a lot of my personal experiences in whereever they seem to fit. There are enough subjects here that you can talk about your life if you want. Most people don't though, as they want to remain anonymous. Me? I treat people the same way online as I would if they were right here in my living room. With me, what you see is what you get, and don't try to read in between the lines because I don't know how to write there.
No reading between the lines. I have never been able to see anything there except white and an occasional underline.

As I was growing up on the southside of Chicago ( I knew Leroy Brown), My playmate was Sean O'Reilly. He was my age almost to the day. He had an older sister named Sheila who was my older sister's age almost to the day. I considered her a good friend. I found her in San Francisco about five years ago, but mail to her address is returned (Moved left no forwarding address.) If there is anybody who knows a Sheila in Frisco tell her that I am looking for her.
Actually, we do not heat in winter and do not use air conditioning in summer as we live in Sandy Ego (San Diego) California about three miles from the beach on a mesa that is swept by cool ocean breezes in summer and warmed by the great heat source of the ocean in winter. Average temperature in San Diego is 72 degrees. I think that is supposed to be perfect according to somebody important. Don't ask me who.:eusa_angel:
Sounds great, but here in God's Country we have changes of seasons. :razz:
Sounds great, but here in God's Country we have changes of seasons. :razz:
Because of something called nostalgia, I miss that change of seasons thing. Now, mind you, I'm coming up on my sixty first birthday and I have bad knees (Surgery on one and I need surgery on the other) and the knees constantly tell me that they do not like the cold.

I came to live in Southern California in 1958, and my knees are spoiled rotten and start complaining if the morning temperature outside has managed to get down in the forties.

I talk to them and say, "Look, you were born in Ilinois and you are supposed to be able to withstand temperatures below freezing, so what is up with the complaining?"

They ignore me and go on complaining.
Knees are just like semi independant teenagers. They count on you for nutrition and the comfort of shelter, but they totally ignore any advice from you It is useless to talk to them as they are totally indiffernet to your lectures. ;^)
Ah the whining of men of men growing old, bah humbug, age is what you make it and sleep will be forever, enjoy.

PS welcome

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