
Gop guy

Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
West Reading PA
This forum shouldn't exist, we don't need to hear whining from anti-American U.N. weakilngs.

Gop Guy when you post flames like this you are no better than the other trolls who come on here and flame out after 10 posts. Just a friendly piece of advice if you want respect.
Originally posted by OCA
Gop Guy when you post flames like this you are no better than the other trolls who come on here and flame out after 10 posts. Just a friendly piece of advice if you want respect.

Why whatever are you talking about OCA? LOL, I don't see any flames here....
This forum is basically the most enticing to drive by idiots and that is why the forum is here. MAkes it easier to keep them off of the regular forums. Just go down the list of names that started threads in this forum and you'll see a plethora of people that are banned.
Following RWA will keep you sitting on the fence of eternal bannation as well.
Originally posted by Gop guy
This forum shouldn't exist, we don't need to hear whining from anti-American U.N. weakilngs.


It DOES exist because of a couple of reasons....
#1 - we DO have the right of freedom of expression and freedom of speech.

#2 - Jim is enough of a man to include it on his board because he understands this and it doesnt threaten him as it seems to threaten you.

Why do you continue to make these 10 word or under posts that end up being nothing but complaints? My guess is because you have the FREEDOM to do so. Just as I have the FREEDOM to bitch about it because I get on here to get a break from teenagers and Im not getting that anymore, dammmit.
I have the FREEDOM to write lenghty proofs that then get assaulted by every wing nut in existence.

Those said wing nuts have FREEDOM to assault these said proofs.

I also have the FREEDOM to not be right and be reprimanded in public.

All of this under free speech.

Where would the line be drawn?
Well, I never said that freedom of speech or choice meant freedom from responsiblity
I exercise my freedom to choose to not answer that on the grounds that my modern liberal husband moderator might exercise his freedom to choose to ban me.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
I exercise my freedom to choose to not answer that on the grounds that my modern liberal husband moderator might exercise his freedom to choose to ban me.

that would not be a freedom, I'd have to consider it my liberal husbandly duty :p:
and then, refer to this:

I am cuter than you and smarter than you - deal with it. Dimissed.
by: Me
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