Here is anything to know about Belarus and why NATO, EU, USA hate Lukashenko


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
President Lukashenko is one of the last politicians who instead of kissing NWO's ass cares for his people.
Kudos to him!


MINSK, BELARUS — Quietly, the U.S. national security state is turning up the heat on Belarus, hoping that the ex-Soviet country of 9 million will be the next casualty of its regime-change agenda. This sentiment was made clear in President Joe Biden’s recent speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Biden announced that the U.S. would pursue “relentless diplomacy” finding “new ways of lifting people up around the world, of renewing and defending democracy.” The 46th president was explicit in whom he meant by this: “The democratic world is everywhere. It lives in the anti-corruption activists, the human rights defenders, the journalists, the peace protestors on the frontlines of this struggle in Belarus, Burma, Syria, Cuba [and] Venezuela,” he said, putting Belarus first on the list of states in desperate need of a change in government.

This builds on the back of previous statements the administration has released. In June, a joint announcement by the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom and the European Union essentially pronounced the death penalty on the Lukashenko government, in power since 1994. “We are committed to support the long-suppressed democratic aspirations of the people of Belarus and we stand together to impose costs on the regime for its blatant disregard of international commitments,” they wrote, as they announced new sanctions.
The government heavily restricts polling, so any gauge of the public mood in Belarus is far from precise. However, judging by the Chatham House/RUSI survey, it is clear that significant portions of the country support Lukashenko while other significant portions oppose him, along with some who are unsure. Opposing Lukashenko, however, does not necessarily translate into backing Tsikhanouskaya. Russia is by far the most popular country among Belarusians, 32% of whom want to formally unify with their larger neighbor. Only 9% want to join the E.U. and only 7% wish to join NATO. The U.S. is the most distrusted country, even among the young, urban tech-savvy citizens Chatham House and RUSI polled. Thus, while Tsikhanouskaya consistently claims to be the authentic voice of Belarus, it appears her prime constituency is in Washington and Brussels.

The United States might be able to hurt the Belarusian economy through economic warfare, but it is unable to make the people accept Washington’s chosen candidate. Living under an authoritarian system, Belarusians understandably dream of a more democratic future. However, they should be extremely careful whom they align themselves with: the U.S., NATO and the World Bank’s vision of democracy and prosperity might not align with what they naively had in mind.

Exposing America's continuous warmongering is a side benefit of support for Trump and hate for Biden.
Unfortunately it won't lessen the chance of the US starting a major war if Trump can regain his 'stolen' presidency.
Trump will however present a challenge to the US on it's agenda of leading Nato countries toward hostilities against Russia and China.
Exposing America's continuous warmongering is a side benefit of support for Trump and hate for Biden.
Unfortunately it won't lessen the chance of the US starting a major war if Trump can regain his 'stolen' presidency.
Trump will however present a challenge to the US on it's agenda of leading Nato countries toward hostilities against Russia and China.

I can't see differences between Trump and Biden.
Both continue the policy of hostility against Russia and preparation to WWIII.
The can't understand Russia is capable to eliminate USA within 15 minutes without response.
I can't see differences between Trump and Biden.
Both continue the policy of hostility against Russia and preparation to WWIII.
The can't understand Russia is capable to eliminate USA within 15 minutes without response.
I don't know for sure what Biden's position on Russia is and that's because of his need to posture against Russia and China to satisfy the American people. However, there are some positive indications that Biden is softening away from the Cold War attitude toward China. That must be kept below the horizon because of the tremendous amount of hate for China that has already been ratcheted up. I see little support from Biden on Cold War tactics.
I can see Biden taking the opportunity to oppose Trump's positions on China.

Do you?

China allowed America's big business companies and corporations to go to China and be granted access to China's marketplace and low cost Chinese labour. In exchange China wanted access to America's markets and US technology in return. That created Walmarts in every corner of America.

I mention that because an understanding of what happened is the best way of stopping the Cold War hate toward China. They didn't steal anything from America. It was handed to China!
I don't know for sure what Biden's position on Russia is and that's because of his need to posture against Russia and China to satisfy the American people. However, there are some positive indications that Biden is softening away from the Cold War attitude toward China. That must be kept below the horizon because of the tremendous amount of hate for China that has already been ratcheted up. I see little support from Biden on Cold War tactics.
I can see Biden taking the opportunity to oppose Trump's positions on China.

Do you?

China allowed America's big business companies and corporations to go to China and be granted access to China's marketplace and low cost Chinese labour. In exchange China wanted access to America's markets and US technology in return. That created Walmarts in every corner of America.

I mention that because an understanding of what happened is the best way of stopping the Cold War hate toward China. They didn't steal anything from America. It was handed to China!

Both morons can decide nothing, their puppeteers want to instigate WWIII.
Both times I voted for Trump and I am very disappointed.
Both morons can decide nothing, their puppeteers want to instigate WWIII.
Americans don't want WW3 but they do want continuous Cold War pressure applied to both Russia and China.
I didn't really think you would be up to any kind of rational discussion, and then I just looked at your signature link and I'm now convinced there's nothing to be gained here.
Americans don't want WW3 but they do want continuous Cold War pressure applied to both Russia and China.
I didn't really think you would be up to any kind of rational discussion, and then I just looked at your signature link and I'm now convinced there's nothing to be gained here.

Unfortunately many Americans are deliberately dumbed down by presstitute propaganda and believe any shit written and spoken
Like now many accept the deadly 'jab' without even think about a little bit
I can't see differences between Trump and Biden.
Both continue the policy of hostility against Russia and preparation to WWIII.
The can't understand Russia is capable to eliminate USA within 15 minutes without response.
Trump has to stay friendly toward Russia but still send the message to the American people that he's being tough on Putin.
Putin has all the dirt on that which Steele revealed on the pissing hookers.

If Trump ever makes it back to his stolen presidency, he will have to do that juggling act. And US foreign policy will have a lot of trouble tolerating it!

In my opinion China is safe because they're too big to intimidate and they can't be bankrupted by the US promoting an arms race competition.

Stay abreast of what's being said at It's Russia's propaganda but not hearing it is unnecessarily handicapping oneself.

Here's one of today's that clearly indicates Putin's preference for Trump.
Why wouldn't any American want to know that?
President Lukashenko is one of the last politicians who instead of kissing NWO's ass cares for his people.
Kudos to him!


MINSK, BELARUS — Quietly, the U.S. national security state is turning up the heat on Belarus, hoping that the ex-Soviet country of 9 million will be the next casualty of its regime-change agenda. This sentiment was made clear in President Joe Biden’s recent speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Biden announced that the U.S. would pursue “relentless diplomacy” finding “new ways of lifting people up around the world, of renewing and defending democracy.” The 46th president was explicit in whom he meant by this: “The democratic world is everywhere. It lives in the anti-corruption activists, the human rights defenders, the journalists, the peace protestors on the frontlines of this struggle in Belarus, Burma, Syria, Cuba [and] Venezuela,” he said, putting Belarus first on the list of states in desperate need of a change in government.

This builds on the back of previous statements the administration has released. In June, a joint announcement by the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom and the European Union essentially pronounced the death penalty on the Lukashenko government, in power since 1994. “We are committed to support the long-suppressed democratic aspirations of the people of Belarus and we stand together to impose costs on the regime for its blatant disregard of international commitments,” they wrote, as they announced new sanctions.
The government heavily restricts polling, so any gauge of the public mood in Belarus is far from precise. However, judging by the Chatham House/RUSI survey, it is clear that significant portions of the country support Lukashenko while other significant portions oppose him, along with some who are unsure. Opposing Lukashenko, however, does not necessarily translate into backing Tsikhanouskaya. Russia is by far the most popular country among Belarusians, 32% of whom want to formally unify with their larger neighbor. Only 9% want to join the E.U. and only 7% wish to join NATO. The U.S. is the most distrusted country, even among the young, urban tech-savvy citizens Chatham House and RUSI polled. Thus, while Tsikhanouskaya consistently claims to be the authentic voice of Belarus, it appears her prime constituency is in Washington and Brussels.

The United States might be able to hurt the Belarusian economy through economic warfare, but it is unable to make the people accept Washington’s chosen candidate. Living under an authoritarian system, Belarusians understandably dream of a more democratic future. However, they should be extremely careful whom they align themselves with: the U.S., NATO and the World Bank’s vision of democracy and prosperity might not align with what they naively had in mind.

Exposing America's continuous warmongering is a side benefit of support for Trump and hate for Biden.
Unfortunately it won't lessen the chance of the US starting a major war if Trump can regain his 'stolen' presidency.
Trump will however present a challenge to the US on it's agenda of leading Nato countries toward hostilities against Russia and China.
the answer :
"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold,

Poland sees Putin behind border blackmail. "hybrid war on behalf of the Kremlin." Warsaw has dispatched 12,000 troops to police the border.​

Poland has no doubt who’s orchestrating a bitter humanitarian crisis on the border: Moscow tsar Vladimir Putin.

Since the summer, Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko has brought thousands of Middle Eastern migrants into his country and pressed them to attempt to cross the Polish border into the EU. The crisis escalated on Monday when a group of some 1,500 migrants ripped down fences and cut barbed wire near the village of Kuźnica, in northeastern Poland.

The men failed to smash their way through, but are likely to try again. Indeed, columns of migrants have been marched to the border by Belarusian soldiers with no possibility to go back. That raises the specter of a humanitarian emergency, with the migrants caught in a wooded no man’s land as temperatures dip beneath zero by night. While many of the migrants are young men, there are also elderly people among them, as well as women and children. Warsaw has dispatched 12,000 troops to police the border.



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