Here Are 7 Ways That The U.S. Military Wastes Money


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by War News Updates Editor


The Pentagon. Wikipedia

7 Absurd Ways The Military Wastes Taxpayer Dollars -- Salon

If you thought the Petraeus scandal was embarrassing, wait 'til you hear how much is spent on military golf courses.

The David Petraeus scandal has shined a light on the luxurious, subsidized lifestyle of the U.S. military’s top generals. But so far, what the media has uncovered only scratches the surface of the abuses. Here are seven absurd ways the military wastes our money — and none of them have anything to do with national defense.

Read more .... 7 absurd ways the military wastes taxpayer dollars -

My Comment: This is my must read post for the weekend.

After reading the piece, I wholeheartedly agree. Get rid of half of the generals. :cool:
The revolving door between the Pentagon and the defense industry, and the royal treatment of senior officers is nothing new. It's been going on since George Washington had his own private quarters with plenty of heat and food at Valley Forge.

Beginning during the Reagan years, it began to get worse, reaching the heights of stupidity during the Bush II era when defense budgets were bloated and ripe for the picking due to the so-called War on Terror. General officer slots ballooned and the Armed Forces became saddled with incompetents "commanding" paper departments. Sadly, the quality of field officers hasn't been much better either.

A good bit of this is related to the un-official, and often denied, WPPA: the West Point Protective Association. Ring Knocker's make new general slots for Academy graduates so more get a taste of the high life. Of course, an occasional ROTC or OCS grad is allowed to slip in for appearance sake.

The first place to address this disgusting state of affairs would be to just simply shut down the service academies and make every officer rise through the ranks based upon demonstrated ability, rather than school affiliation. The academies no longer turn out combat soldiers anyhow. They just produce generation after generation of manipulators who can play the game to full effect and our combat effectiveness, not to mention the troops under their command, suffer and suffer greatly.
Funny how they failed to mention the dozens of military bases throughout the globe, that are still operating in places where the wars have been over for decades.

Nope...Much easier to bust on General officers.

Which ones? Can you name any?
The revolving door between the Pentagon and the defense industry, and the royal treatment of senior officers is nothing new. It's been going on since George Washington had his own private quarters with plenty of heat and food at Valley Forge.

Beginning during the Reagan years, it began to get worse, reaching the heights of stupidity during the Bush II era when defense budgets were bloated and ripe for the picking due to the so-called War on Terror. General officer slots ballooned and the Armed Forces became saddled with incompetents "commanding" paper departments. Sadly, the quality of field officers hasn't been much better either.

A good bit of this is related to the un-official, and often denied, WPPA: the West Point Protective Association. Ring Knocker's make new general slots for Academy graduates so more get a taste of the high life. Of course, an occasional ROTC or OCS grad is allowed to slip in for appearance sake.

The first place to address this disgusting state of affairs would be to just simply shut down the service academies and make every officer rise through the ranks based upon demonstrated ability, rather than school affiliation. The academies no longer turn out combat soldiers anyhow. They just produce generation after generation of manipulators who can play the game to full effect and our combat effectiveness, not to mention the troops under their command, suffer and suffer greatly.

Outrage: Army Announces Officer Promotions To Be Based On Merit, Performance | The Duffel Blog
Just because they're there doesn't mean they're unnecessary. Pick one and let's see.
Bullshit deflection.

America's military isn't the world's police force.

In other words, you don't wanna play? You'd just rather rant?

Ok, fine by me.
The list is there for you and everyone else to see.

Your opinion of whether any particular installation is "necessary" is a matter of ...well...opinion.

Fact remains that other nations can go ahead and defend their own dirt.

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