Herbert Hoover: great president...or the greatest president?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the number of lives Hoover saved was 100 million...an act of unprecedented benevolence. he also single-handedly saved the european economy

Herbert Hoover was called "the Great Engineer." Donald Trump thought he was "the Great Businessman."


Hoover was a great man who did much to save refugees in WWI. He is a hero in Belgium and fed millions.

As a President, he got a bum deal
He was given a Depression not of his making

But his “Prosperity is right around the corner” attitude hurt millions
If he hadn't been an asshole who sicced Army troopers on veterans, he may not have lost to FDR. As it was, FDR was by far the best leader for the times; the right wingers were all hiding under their beds wetting themselves and weren't about to do anything to get the country back from the Depression they caused with their corruption and thievery. Hoover was an example of a man rising to his level of incompetence. Apparently he didn't have the same empathy for his own citizens as he did for foreigners.

The church programs were collapsing after years of strain, and it was obvious something was going to change, and nobody cared whether it was going to be for the worse or the better by the election of 1932. In any event, the economy started improving within three months of FDR winning the election, an his programs put actual food in many peoples' mouths, kept factories open, and save quite a few of the small farms still left. Obviously a majority of the country disagrees with the modern halfwits and their silly rubbish, since they re-elected him two more times.
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Herbert Hoover was the quietest but most industrious of all presidents!

he was blunt, almost to the point of utter tactlessness
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In the first weeks of World War I German forces overran most of Belgium and parts of northern France. The German occupying forces began confiscating significant amounts of food leaving the Belgian and French populations behind the lines in imminent threat of starvation.

A humanitarian organization run by businessmen from several neutral countries, though primarily from the United States, was formed to raise money to buy food and clothing for the relief effort. Negotiations with the British who were blockading the European ports and with the Germans who were likely to try and confiscate the goods resulted in a complex logistical network where the Committee for the Relief of Belgium (CRB) owned ships brought relief goods to Holland and then trans-shipped the goods via canal to Belgium and northern France and distributed the goods to local CRB partner relief organizations. The terms of the agreement with the warring parties required that an accurate accounting was made of all goods even up to the point where it was handed out and eaten by the Belgian and French people it was destined for. Numerous details were included in the accounting requirements, even the cotton sacks used in packaging flour had to be kept in the control of the Relief Organization because they were a war material that could be used by the Germans to make ammunition.

The relief effort continued even after the four years of war. By 1918 the Belgian Relief was feeding 11 million people every day. Surplus funds were used to help repair war damage to several universities in Belgium when the effort was no longer required following the war.

The CRB was largely organized and managed by an American mining engineer and businessman named Herbert Hoover who happened to be working in London when the war began and was approached to help with the effort because he had some experience with humanitarian work before the war when he was in China.

Leading the CRB was a springboard for Hoover's public service career. When the US entered the war he was named to head the American Relief Administration which brought food and goods to people in many parts of Europe including people in the defeated Central Powers and even to Soviet Russia. He was named Secretary of Commerce in the Coolidge administration and was elected President of the US in 1928. Following the Second World War President Truman recalled Hoover to service advising the American effort to fight starvation after that conflict.
Built a nice dam.
He was a good dam President
Boy the way Glenn Miller played
Songs that made the hit parade.
Guys like us we had it made,
Those were the days.

And you knew who you were then,
Girls were girls and men were men,
Mister we could use a man
Like Herbert Hoover again.

Didn't need no welfare state,
Everybody pulled his weight.
Gee our old LaSalle ran great.
Those were the days

source: All in the Family Lyrics - Theme Song Lyrics
Why do we feel the need to pit one presidential administration against another one? They all have their merits. Hoover was an engineer and a great organizer but not such a great orator. FDR was a great orator who could make a menu sound profound but he couldn't organize a trip to the bathroom. Hoover turned the Country over to FDR after a three year recession and in two terms FDR turned it into a man killing bodies in ditches soup line Great Depression.

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