Help! I'm being Bombarded by Colleges!!!!

Help! I'm being Bombarded by Colleges!!!!

I like your troll threads better (considering that I am a troll), but this is relevant to my interests.

I always shred such things (which comes in handy because I need the shredded paper for our rat cage). I start my kids thinking about college from a very young age so they've already got an idea where they want to go when the time comes. I have one that is in school in a foreign country because that's where he wanted to go. I'm proud of all of them.

Has mini-EZ taken the SAT or ACT yet? I'm sure you know this, but study, study, study!
I had my son apply to 11 schools. Being the caring, loving, proud, supportive, mom that I am, I was terrified he'd be rejected by at least ten of them. :lol: Lo and behold, we've heard from five schools - all acceptances. I guess I was being a bit paranoid.

We narrowed down searches by a: geography b: engineering programs Deciding which to attend will depend on c: COST!

His first two choices are the most expensive and furthest away. My top two are the cheapest and the closest to home. Mother knows best, right? :eusa_whistle:

Good luck mini EZ. It's not an easy process. Check out the College Board search service. It's pretty user friendly.