Harvard Poll- Not Good News for Obama


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Harvard poll: 57% of Millennials disapprove of Obamacare

WASHINGTON — President Obama is bleeding support among Millennials just as he begins a renewed push to boost enrollment under his health care law, according to a Harvard Institute of Politics poll published Wednesday.

The new poll shows that Obama's approval rating with 18- to 29-year-olds now stands at 41%, a dramatic 11-point drop from April. Fifty-four percent said they disapprove of the president's performance.

The Harvard pollsters noted that during the time they conducted their latest survey of young Americans, national polls of the general population showed that Obama's approval rating hovered between 37% and 40%.

Support from young voters was crucial to Obama's two successful presidential campaigns.

Perhaps more troubling for Obama, the poll showed 40% of young Americans believe Obamacare will bring worse care, 51% believe it will bring higher costs and 57% said they disapprove of the president's signature law.

Harvard poll: 57% of Millennials disapprove of Obamacare

Harvard Poll: US Youth Unhappy with Obama's Job Performance

Young Americans are unhappy with virtually every major thing President Barack Obama has done since he was re-elected, and those under 24 would vote to recall him if given the chance today, according to the results of a Harvard University survey released on Wednesday.

The national poll by Harvard's Institute of Politics of more than 2,000 people aged 18 through 29 is intended to provide insight into the political views of the youngest U.S. voters, an increasingly influential demographic known as the "millennial generation."

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They're probably not happy because they just figured out they have to pay for their own health care insurance. They probably thought some evil rich people were going to pay for it.
They're probably not happy because they just figured out they have to pay for their own health care insurance. They probably thought some evil rich people were going to pay for it.

The rats are jumping the ship

Why is this "bad news" for Obama?

The elections are over. He already won.


Why is this "bad news" for Obama?

The elections are over. He already won.


You're right. He hopes Obamacare goes belly up. Good call.

The point is a liberal institution like Harvard is a true indicator of just how epic the Obama fail trilogy is playing out. Not to mention the professors recently who testified rebellion may be a viable option against a lawless President.

The end is near

Does anyone hear from Hillary on this issue. Seems she's been pretty quiet.

The GOP should be taking the time to point out where she is so it can be recalled when she steps up in 2016.
Does anyone hear from Hillary on this issue. Seems she's been pretty quiet.

The GOP should be taking the time to point out where she is so it can be recalled when she steps up in 2016.

Its a closed debate, the various demographics that put Obama in office are turning on him. Not even his dire supporters, sans the handful of leftist loondrones on USMB, can continue to take the hateful, and unconcerning treatment at the hands of Obama and his goons

Does anyone hear from Hillary on this issue. Seems she's been pretty quiet.

The GOP should be taking the time to point out where she is so it can be recalled when she steps up in 2016.

Its a closed debate, the various demographics that put Obama in office are turning on him. Not even his dire supporters, sans the handful of leftist loondrones on USMB, can continue to take the hateful, and unconcerning treatment at the hands of Obama and his goons


She was going to dump this on us in 1003. I think we need to tie this to her as much as possible to drag her ass down in 2016.
Does anyone hear from Hillary on this issue. Seems she's been pretty quiet.

The GOP should be taking the time to point out where she is so it can be recalled when she steps up in 2016.

Its a closed debate, the various demographics that put Obama in office are turning on him. Not even his dire supporters, sans the handful of leftist loondrones on USMB, can continue to take the hateful, and unconcerning treatment at the hands of Obama and his goons


She was going to dump this on us in 1003. I think we need to tie this to her as much as possible to drag her ass down in 2016.

Hillary already has enough baggage to drag her down. But I agree, we need to pack her bags with all the weight we can because the stupidity of the American voter is mind boggling

Does anyone hear from Hillary on this issue. Seems she's been pretty quiet.

The GOP should be taking the time to point out where she is so it can be recalled when she steps up in 2016.

Hildebeast is too busy raking in $400k for speaking to Goldman Sachs employees and their clients.

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