Harley Davidson, and the other fakes

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Working Man

Aug 22, 2004
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Harley Davidson has enjoyed undeserved support from the American People.
The last straw was when I went into a bike shop yesterday and looked around.. There were plenty of chrome plated mirrors, brake cables, and garments for the Harley rider and wannabeees.

I couldn't help but look at the lables on the vacuum packed accessories to see where the products were made.. Custom Chrome and Kurryakin are two well known parts makers for Harleys and big twin customs.. Every package was marked "Made in Taiwan", or "Korea"

I checked out the Harley Davidson riding boots.. They cost about $139 a pair.. "Made in China" is on the little orange lable inside the shoe.

Then I checked out the Chippewa boots.. "Made in America since 19xx"
That is what the box and sales header claims,,, but when I looked inside the shoe??? "Made in China"... Not all were, but shoes that cost up to $169, and come inside the same Chippewa boxes should be labled as imports..

Lastly, for now,, I did see some garments and vehicle accessories with the infamous West Coast Choppers, and Orange County Choppers logos...

Yep, you guessed it.. Jesse James's doo dads and big Paul's Tuetal's crap is all being made in China.. Stainless steel license plate holders, toys, hats, etc.. All imported from China.. So when these clowns all wave the US flag in one hand, they are stabbing the American customers in the back with the other hand.

Talk about US job growth?? Being patriotic??? :piss2:
Working Man said:
Harley Davidson has enjoyed undeserved support from the American People.
The last straw was when I went into a bike shop yesterday and looked around.. There were plenty of chrome plated mirrors, brake cables, and garments for the Harley rider and wannabeees.

I couldn't help but look at the lables on the vacuum packed accessories to see where the products were made.. Custom Chrome and Kurryakin are two well known parts makers for Harleys and big twin customs.. Every package was marked "Made in Taiwan", or "Korea"

I checked out the Harley Davidson riding boots.. They cost about $139 a pair.. "Made in China" is on the little orange lable inside the shoe.

Then I checked out the Chippewa boots.. "Made in America since 19xx"
That is what the box and sales header claims,,, but when I looked inside the shoe??? "Made in China"... Not all were, but shoes that cost up to $169, and come inside the same Chippewa boxes should be labled as imports..

Lastly, for now,, I did see some garments and vehicle accessories with the infamous West Coast Choppers, and Orange County Choppers logos...

Yep, you guessed it.. Jesse James's doo dads and big Paul's Tuetal's crap is all being made in China.. Stainless steel license plate holders, toys, hats, etc.. All imported from China.. So when these clowns all wave the US flag in one hand, they are stabbing the American customers in the back with the other hand.

Talk about US job growth?? Being patriotic??? :piss2:

You know, you're right. We want jobs in America making low cost, consumer goods. I mean, we can pay the folks $5.25 and hour and everybody will be happy right?

Why don't you try looking at where we excel - in high-technology products, services, etc.

I don't know about you, but I really don't know too many AMERICANS (not talking about the illegals here) that want jobs making underwear, shoes, etc.
LOL - I own an '03 Honda Goldwing.

Obviously it's a Japanese bike.

It's made in Marysville Ohio by Americans.

Ain't that a hoot.
Working Man, I doubt you would be able to survive for very long without using any foreign made goods.
gop_jeff said:
Working Man, I doubt you would be able to survive for very long without using any foreign made goods.
and thats why we as a country need to be less dependent on other countries for goods. we get entirley too many of our goods from them. hypothetically speaking, if everyone decided to stop supplying up, we'd be up a creek.
Johnney said:
and thats why we as a country need to be less dependent on other countries for goods. we get entirley too many of our goods from them. hypothetically speaking, if everyone decided to stop supplying up, we'd be up a creek.

And if we stopped buying junk from them, they would stop buying high-tech products and services from us. In world trade, there is a give and take. We can put up a factory making clothes tomorrow, whereas it will take them years, if not decades, to be able to manufacture the technologically advanced products we make here. The problem is that Americans need to educate themselves to be able to compete in the 21st Century. Again, I don't know too many Americans that want to work in factories making cheap products. There isn't any money in it.....
freeandfun1 said:
And if we stopped buying junk from them, they would stop buying high-tech products and services from us. In world trade, there is a give and take. We can put up a factory making clothes tomorrow, whereas it will take them years, if not decades, to be able to manufacture the technologically advanced products we make here. The problem is that Americans need to educate themselves to be able to compete in the 21st Century. Again, I don't know too many Americans that want to work in factories making cheap products. There isn't any money in it.....
its all part of my evil plot to close off the US borders!
be self sufficient
Johnney said:
its all part of my evil plot to close off the US borders!
be self sufficient

we can't be self-sufficient. sorry.
UNIONS??? Nope,,, they have their place on occasion, but for the most part I am not fond of them. I've seen one side in private industry. Seen the other side in public service.

Three types of unions you want to be part of. Public School Teachers, Firemen, and Police. In each case you have it made if you have your time in. And for each day that the members of these three unions go to work,, many in the private sector need to go to work too in order to pay for those Teachers, firemen and police.. And evey week, or two and twice a year, the private sector needs to pony up in taxes... So long as there is a private sector... Most local budgets are looking at 60%, or more, of every tax dollar collected going to public education alone.

Ever try telling the municipal tax collector that your job of twenty years,, designing airplanes, or jet engines went by by with the economy?? Or because the collapse of the airline industry, or just the price of fuel, or liability insurance forced your company under.. Does the tax man say,, "Don't worry about your property taxes fella,, when you get the money, you know where to send it"... Your ass and your shit is on the street real quick while the "government" auctions off your house to someone who has a more high tech job..

OK, back to the low wage jobs that are being offered up for grabs... Do I want to make shoes? No, I would rather set up and repair the computer aided lasers that cut the leather and soles.. At least that was a good job for a field engineer. And to be honest, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a person who can sew a pair, or craft a pair of shoes.. I wear them every day. And at $60 a pair, and up,,, I am sure that the company who makes them can pay Americans more than $5.25 an hour.. I don't buy the agument that because an item sells cheap, that we can't pay American employees a decent wage.. I am not saying that every job in America is going to be one that will allow a person to buy a house or a car.. There are entry level jobs, and transitional jobs, and then there are the career jobs.

Now,, do we have people in this country who would rather sit on their stupid lazy asses and do nothing but snort coke, crack and the rest all day??? Sure we do.. Who wants to hire some moron who shows up once in while and does nothing while there?? Nobody in their right mind, yet we have laws in America that allow people to tie the hands of well intention companies.. So many of these people, and so many of that type need to be hired or your company gets brought up on charges!!!! Sure,, I know there is a reason many companies bolt from the US...They were driven out by the very people who need those entry level jobs the most..

NOW,,, what do we do with the trash that are unemployed and are driving our culture in the sewer??? Are there numbers going up, or down???

Do you think that the "high tech" jobs will ever be within their grasp??

How about the HT jobs for the well meaning single moms and dads who never finished high school??? Some of these folks ARE good people who deserve a chance.. What about them??? How about the men and women who are in their mid to late forties that have worked in aerospace, manufacturing, and automotive fields and have been let go.. Do you know what age discrimination is?? I do. ((By the way, I have a decent job))

OK,, now about mr Merlin's Honda.. Assembling a motorcycle is better than doing nothing at all. I give you that. However, manufacturing a motorcycle with parts made in your plant, located in the US, or by other smaller US firms (such as done in Japan), was, is, and always will be the best type of company for this country. Each company that hires engineers, techs, machinists, assembly people, shippers, sales, marketing, etc, etc,, provides the most bang for the buck and employees the widest skill range of our FELLOW citizens.

Now what do you guys have to say? Some day, even the smart ass punks who think their shit doesn't stink will get the pink slip, and probably as a result of outsourcing to offshore places. Then, and perhaps only then,, will it dawn on them that having more good jobs in this country is a good thing. It brings stabilty and growth to all sectors and disciplines.
Working Man said:
UNIONS??? Nope,,, they have their place on occasion, but for the most part I am not fond of them. I've seen one side in private industry. Seen the other side in public service.

Three types of unions you want to be part of. Public School Teachers, Firemen, and Police. In each case you have it made if you have your time in. And for each day that the members of these three unions go to work,, many in the private sector need to go to work too in order to pay for those Teachers, firemen and police.. And evey week, or two and twice a year, the private sector needs to pony up in taxes... So long as there is a private sector... Most local budgets are looking at 60%, or more, of every tax dollar collected going to public education alone.

Ever try telling the municipal tax collector that your job of twenty years,, designing airplanes, or jet engines went by by with the economy?? Or because the collapse of the airline industry, or just the price of fuel, or liability insurance forced your company under.. Does the tax man say,, "Don't worry about your property taxes fella,, when you get the money, you know where to send it"... Your ass and your shit is on the street real quick while the "government" auctions off your house to someone who has a more high tech job..

OK, back to the low wage jobs that are being offered up for grabs... Do I want to make shoes? No, I would rather set up and repair the computer aided lasers that cut the leather and soles.. At least that was a good job for a field engineer. And to be honest, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a person who can sew a pair, or craft a pair of shoes.. I wear them every day. And at $60 a pair, and up,,, I am sure that the company who makes them can pay Americans more than $5.25 an hour.. I don't buy the agument that because an item sells cheap, that we can't pay American employees a decent wage.. I am not saying that every job in America is going to be one that will allow a person to buy a house or a car.. There are entry level jobs, and transitional jobs, and then there are the career jobs.

Now,, do we have people in this country who would rather sit on their stupid lazy asses and do nothing but snort coke, crack and the rest all day??? Sure we do.. Who wants to hire some moron who shows up once in while and does nothing while there?? Nobody in their right mind, yet we have laws in America that allow people to tie the hands of well intention companies.. So many of these people, and so many of that type need to be hired or your company gets brought up on charges!!!! Sure,, I know there is a reason many companies bolt from the US...They were driven out by the very people who need those entry level jobs the most..

NOW,,, what do we do with the trash that are unemployed and are driving our culture in the sewer??? Are there numbers going up, or down???

Do you think that the "high tech" jobs will ever be within their grasp??

How about the HT jobs for the well meaning single moms and dads who never finished high school??? Some of these folks ARE good people who deserve a chance.. What about them??? How about the men and women who are in their mid to late forties that have worked in aerospace, manufacturing, and automotive fields and have been let go.. Do you know what age discrimination is?? I do. ((By the way, I have a decent job))

OK,, now about mr Merlin's Honda.. Assembling a motorcycle is better than doing nothing at all. I give you that. However, manufacturing a motorcycle with parts made in your plant, located in the US, or by other smaller US firms (such as done in Japan), was, is, and always will be the best type of company for this country. Each company that hires engineers, techs, machinists, assembly people, shippers, sales, marketing, etc, etc,, provides the most bang for the buck and employees the widest skill range of our FELLOW citizens.

Now what do you guys have to say? Some day, even the smart ass punks who think their shit doesn't stink will get the pink slip, and probably as a result of outsourcing to offshore places. Then, and perhaps only then,, will it dawn on them that having more good jobs in this country is a good thing. It brings stabilty and growth to all sectors and disciplines.

More words don't make you right. Protectionism is bad mojo. :usa:
Merlin1047 said:
LOL - I own an '03 Honda Goldwing.

Obviously it's a Japanese bike.

It's made in Marysville Ohio by Americans.

Ain't that a hoot.

We have a goldwing too but Im sure it was made overseas......it is just the nicest ride there is
as far as buying american......its just about an impossible thing to do anymore. We are no longer a nation that produces goods, we are now a nation that CONSUMES goods.
Working Man said:
Harley Davidson has enjoyed undeserved support from the American People.
The last straw was when I went into a bike shop yesterday and looked around.. There were plenty of chrome plated mirrors, brake cables, and garments for the Harley rider and wannabeees.

I couldn't help but look at the lables on the vacuum packed accessories to see where the products were made.. Custom Chrome and Kurryakin are two well known parts makers for Harleys and big twin customs.. Every package was marked "Made in Taiwan", or "Korea"

I checked out the Harley Davidson riding boots.. They cost about $139 a pair.. "Made in China" is on the little orange lable inside the shoe.

Then I checked out the Chippewa boots.. "Made in America since 19xx"
That is what the box and sales header claims,,, but when I looked inside the shoe??? "Made in China"... Not all were, but shoes that cost up to $169, and come inside the same Chippewa boxes should be labled as imports..

Lastly, for now,, I did see some garments and vehicle accessories with the infamous West Coast Choppers, and Orange County Choppers logos...

Yep, you guessed it.. Jesse James's doo dads and big Paul's Tuetal's crap is all being made in China.. Stainless steel license plate holders, toys, hats, etc.. All imported from China.. So when these clowns all wave the US flag in one hand, they are stabbing the American customers in the back with the other hand.

Talk about US job growth?? Being patriotic??? :piss2:
Oh well as long as the bikes made in USA.
Sir Evil said:
What I get a kick out of is the hardcore biker that suggests being American is buying a Harley, that's hardly the truth anymore at all.

Well anyone from anywhere can buy a Harley Davidson, and that don't make you American.

But Harley Davidson motorcycles are 98% DESIGNED and MANUFACTURED in America. How do I know? Because I WORK for Harley Davidson, and you know that Evil.

So some of the boots and bolt on bling, bling in a Harley showroom is made else where, well I hate to inform you all of this, but that is the NORM for this day and age, so why the fuck beat up on Harley Davidson for it?

You start kicking Harley Davidson, you're kicking me, and nothing will piss me off quicker.
Working Man said:
Harley Davidson has enjoyed undeserved support from the American People.

Kiss my ass mother fucker. Harley Davidson is about as AMERICAN as AMERICAN can get.

You want to start with "underserved support" for a company who buys shit from china, then start with Wal - fucking - Mart OK!
rtwngAvngr said:
More words don't make you right. Protectionism is bad mojo. :usa:

Where do the people without the college degrees go to find decent work??

What jobs do we save for the returning men and women fighting over in Iraq and Afghanistan??
Pale Rider said:
Kiss my ass mother fucker. Harley Davidson is about as AMERICAN as AMERICAN can get.

You want to start with "underserved support" for a company who buys shit from china, then start with Wal - fucking - Mart OK!

Check the country of origin for the forks, the carbs, guages, starters,the radios, etc, etc... Until you know your shit ahole, don't chomp on my meat.

I suppose you and your buddies are the ones who buy all that shit with Harley Davidson logos on it, then plaster it all over the back of your rotted out pickups. If infact you own a bike, you probably ride without a helmet.. Hmmm,,, the last part might not be such a bad thing. Darwin may be right.
Originally Posted by Pale Rider
Well anyone from anywhere can buy a Harley Davidson, and that don't make you American.

But Harley Davidson motorcycles are 98% DESIGNED and MANUFACTURED in America. How do I know? Because I WORK for Harley Davidson, and you know that Evil.

So some of the boots and bolt on bling, bling in a Harley showroom is made else where, well I hate to inform you all of this, but that is the NORM for this day and age, so why the fuck beat up on Harley Davidson for it?

You start kicking Harley Davidson, you're kicking me, and nothing will piss me off quicker.

I am suppose to be picking up an used Electra Glide this weekend. It was suppose to be my way of saying that I am sick as hell of all the off shore crap being dumped on our shores while the dumpers are taking the value, and life from this country. ((What I saw last weekend has actually got me rethinking the deal)) The jap lookalikes cost about half that of a Harley, and I would be willing to bet that the Japs are subsidizing the mfg costs too, just as they have been doing in the other industries.

I know that the HD bikes are not 100% US made. Although not pleased with that, I figured that most of a loaf is better than none at all. The problem as I see it is that YOUR company is not doing more to keep other AMERICANS employed by licensing FUCKING JUNK MADE IN CHINA>> FUCK YOU!!!!!

Every dollar spent on a part, or accessory, or garment with HD's name on it, that was made offshore, is putting one more of my neighbors out of work. ((My neighborhood is bounded by Canada, and Mexico, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.))

The dollars go out, but they are not coming back. That is why it's called a trade deficit...

You had better wake up junior cause they are coming to get you. (The japs and the chinks) The more bikes being sent over on a ship that compete for your paycheck dollars will hit home someday. Even though I think your an ahole, I promise I don't wish it on you. Nobody in my neighborhood wins if Harley gets in trouble again. The US economy just isn't strong enough to allow another comeback from behind trick. ((PS,, how much is HD in the hole for the VROD??? production, marketing, engineering???))
You and I are on the same page. Trust me.

I have watched the tape about the Harley Davidson comeback and I am proud that the people could do it. I also give credit to AMF for doing what they did with the R&D in the late 70’s. If it were not for the good things I have heard about the Evo engines, I would not be buying the bike. I have better things to do than attack one of the remaining US manufactures that has enjoyed the symbolism of being an American icon. I have already admitted that I too would like to use the icon (an HD FLHT) to voice my concern.

What I would like you to do is forward my concerns to the powers that be about Harley's licensing of the HD label on the riding boots and accessories, to those companies in China.. Chippewa boots does have plants, I GUESS, still left in the US who make boots. Can't Harley team up with them and allow them to make the boots that bare the HD label? Or even some other US shoe/boot manufacturer???

We both know what parts are made offshore now for the stock HD bikes. So be it.. If HD could ever retake the production of those parts back to Milwaukee, or some other US city, GREAT!!!!!! I am hoping that most of the VROD is US made. I am not that familiar with the bike. I have seen some used VRODs (W/less than 6000 miles) going for way below their sticker price and it has me concerned. HD has tried to answer the concerns of the American biker for an updated, reliable machine, that can bring HD into the future. I respect their effort. If I had the extra cash I would grab one.

I have been active in contacting both Senate and House members about this outsourcing stuff. I do try to protect all US jobs because we need each and every GOOD person in this country to be able to find a good job, maybe not on the first try, but ultimately after getting some experience.. If there are no jobs to go to, even entry level, then the R&D and remaining manufacturing will evaporate sooner or later too. **

( I am not saying each and every person deserves a job as some unemployed are totally useless and are a waste of flesh and space. )

PROOF??** look at what GM and UTC have done for their research and design needs. They built engineering facilities in India and have poured millions into that country for design work. Who is handling Dell's consumer/tech problems?

Bottom Line, I have seen some things lately that Harley has done that have upset me. HD has, in my opinion, as a consumer who wishes to buy YOUR company's product been acting a bit arrogant. Even their website doesn't lend itself to providing uncensored veiwing, and some of the HD dealers are pretty rude and have a "better than thow" attitude. I am glad that many HD dealers are good people who are looking to stay and business, but not be dicks about it.

HD can’t stop Custom Chrome and the rest of the slime from making parts in Asia, I don’t expect them to even try as CC is a competitor who has no moral values.

All I want is a commitment from HD that they will TRY to do what ever they can on keeping as many jobs here in the US as they can, either directly or indirectly with regard to those products that bare the HD label. I would hope that HD will make a vocal effort in reporting to the public that it is committed to keeping as much manufacturing here as they can.

Lick my lower left you chump moron. I don't need a fucking lecture about the economy or losing jobs to overseas, or Harley Davidson. I'm a Harley Davidson Techinician, and know more about the Harley Davidson Motor Company than you ever will in a life time, so fuck off.

But just to set your ignorant punk ass straight, Harley Davidson has grown in DOUBLE DIGITS for the last THREE DECADES! They're not "in the hole" for fucking ANYTHING!

Find someone, something else to be your new whipping post asswipe. This one ain't workin'.
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