Gun laws that turn law abiding citizens into felons, criminals, not so much...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Gun laws created by anti gunners have one reduce access to guns for normal, law abiding people, since the anti gunners know that criminals don't care about the law.....

but.....anti gunners know that by passing gun laws aimed at law abiding people...they can use those laws to intimidate and punish people who want to own guns.......

The gun laws passed in New York and Connecticut...did nothing to stop criminals...but they turned law abiding gun owners, people who do not use their guns to commit any crimes..into criminals...who risk felony convictions, massive fines, jail time and loss of employment....simply for owning a gun...a Constitutionally protected Right.......

Op-ed: New Gun Laws Create Hundreds of Thousands of New Felons

NY and CT passed some very restrictive gun laws after the Sandyhook school shooting, a typical knee jerk reaction by lawmakers. They passed laws requiring people who own certain weapons register them and banned certain weapons from being sold in the state anymore. So after this grand attempt at nothing, what happened? The lawmakers unwittingly created 100’s of thousands of new law breaking felons, out of previously law abiding average citizens.

In NY out of the estimated 1 million assault weapons owned, only 23,000 people registered their weapons. Meaning that all those other gun owners are now felons in the state of NY for not doing so.

Most of the 23,000 gun owners who registered weapons in New York were thought to be law enforcement and government officials in and around the New York City area, who were required to comply with the law in order to keep their jobs, according to Forbes.

In the state of CT they estimated there were a total 350,000 “assault weapons” and only 40,000 were registered. Again, creating 100’s of thousands of new Felons.

So what did these new laws accomplish? Did they stop any crimes from happening? Did they save any lives? The resounding answer to all of those questions, “No.” All these laws did was take average law abiding gun owners, who would never dream of breaking any laws, especially a felony, and made them into just that, felons.

This is a perfect example of how knee jerk reactions to shootings, and passing gun control laws that make no sense, do nothing but create bigger problems. We need just the opposite of this to help solve the safety issue out there in America today.

Remove restrictive gun laws like “gun free zones” since we know they do nothing to stop criminals, and only disarm those law abiding citizens who obey the restrictions. Get rid of laws preventing open carry of firearms. It’s common sense that it is likely to prevent crime from happening when visibly armed people are around. Why do you think cops open carry? And stop requiring a license to carry a concealed carry firearm, it does nothing but make the act of carrying of a firearm for self protection unavailable for the people that need it most. Lower income Americans who can’t afford the license, and live in the crime ridden areas, become victims.
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Criminals don't give a damn about laws. If you pass a law to stop citizens to own guns criminals are not affected by that law.
Here we have strict laws against guns. You can't own gun unless you're a soldier, police man or politician but we have bank robbers and other criminals and they are able to find all the guns they want to :(
I think it's the same thing in America and everywhere else in the world!
Gun laws created by anti gunners have one reduce access to guns for normal, law abiding people.
They actually told you that, did they? I don't suppose you recorded for us? I'd love to hear them say that. But maybe you're making it up just to create sensationalism.
Gun laws created by anti gunners have one reduce access to guns for normal, law abiding people.
They actually told you that, did they? I don't suppose you recorded for us? I'd love to hear them say that. But maybe you're making it up just to create sensationalism.

Hilary destroyed 33,000 emails that were under subpoena ....using a high tech program....I would show you where she said that but she destroyed it...
Criminals don't give a damn about laws. If you pass a law to stop citizens to own guns criminals are not affected by that law.
Here we have strict laws against guns. You can't own gun unless you're a soldier, police man or politician but we have bank robbers and other criminals and they are able to find all the guns they want to :(
I think it's the same thing in America and everywhere else in the world!
Trời đất ơi!
Gun laws created by anti gunners have one reduce access to guns for normal, law abiding people.
They actually told you that, did they? I don't suppose you recorded for us? I'd love to hear them say that. But maybe you're making it up just to create sensationalism.

Normal people, with functioning brains and the ability to think for themselves can read between the lines and get to the truth. Kool Aid drinking morons like you, cannot.
Gun laws created by anti gunners have one reduce access to guns for normal, law abiding people.
They actually told you that, did they? I don't suppose you recorded for us? I'd love to hear them say that. But maybe you're making it up just to create sensationalism.

Hilary destroyed 33,000 emails that were under subpoena ....using a high tech program....I would show you where she said that but she destroyed it...
Your source for believing Hilary destroyed those e-mails is well-established . Your source for what you said about anti-gun citizens is not.
Normal people, with functioning brains and the ability to think for themselves can read between the lines and get to the truth. Kool Aid drinking morons like you, cannot.
So those who think that arms made for civilians should not be manufactured (and those in circulation should be destroyed) are morons who drink kool aid? Ain't that sumpin'! You learn something every day! And those who are pro-gun distribution are morons who drink what ...... whiskey?
Normal people, with functioning brains and the ability to think for themselves can read between the lines and get to the truth. Kool Aid drinking morons like you, cannot.
So those who think that arms made for civilians should not be manufactured (and those in circulation should be destroyed) are morons who drink kool aid? Ain't that sumpin'! You learn something every day! And those who are pro-gun distribution are morons who drink what ...... whiskey?

Lol, see? That's what I'm talking about.
Normal people, with functioning brains and the ability to think for themselves can read between the lines and get to the truth. Kool Aid drinking morons like you, cannot.
So those who think that arms made for civilians should not be manufactured (and those in circulation should be destroyed) are morons who drink kool aid? Ain't that sumpin'! You learn something every day! And those who are pro-gun distribution are morons who drink what ...... whiskey?

The people of Mexico think you are stupid....they are being murdered in the 10s of thousands because only the police, the military and the drug cartels have the very guns you say we don't need....women, children, men....are all being murdered and put into ovens, mass graves and hung from highway overpasses........because they can't defend themselves against the very police, and military who own and control all the guns in Mexico....that is what you want....and don't understand.
The people of Mexico think you are stupid.... .
That's not true. You think I'm stupid .... the Mexicans don't. They want an end to the guns and the killings too.

The Mexican people don't have guns moron...the police, the military and the drug cartels do....the law abiding Mexicans are being murdered by the police, the military and the drug the 10s of thousands.......they have what you want..disarmed people...and they are getting killed by the hands of the government and criminals....
The Mexican people don't have guns moron...
'Moron'? You are beginning to see that you are 'losing' the debate, I see.

... the police, the military and the drug cartels do....the law abiding Mexicans are being murdered by the police, the military and the drug the 10s of thousands.......they have what you want..disarmed people...and they are getting killed by the hands of the government and criminals....
You are very confused about what I want, about what the Mexican population wants, and the difference between laws being passed by honest politicians for honest citizens and laws being passed - unmade - or ignored by corrupt politicians/police and criminals.

You are being very selective about what fits where, why, and how.

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