'Great White Hope: The National Martin Luther King Memorial'


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Interesting piece of today and a past history so many forget.

"The U.S. census recently reported that the income gap between the richest and the poorest in the United States has doubled since 1968 (from a ratio of 7.69 to 1 to 14.5-to-1 in 2010), the United States is currently active in not one but three major wars, and there are more black men in American prisons today than there were slaves in 1850. You don’t need a crystal ball, or a giant granite one, to know Martin Luther King’s response to this condition."
"Coke, Ford, Target, ExxonMobil, BP, FannieMae, JPMorgan Chase @ Co., NFL, McDonalds, and Lehman Brothers all donated to the Memorial and are listed on the major contributors page. General Motors donated $10 million. Wall-Mart gave $1 million....Those boardrooms, high above the people occupying the street, did not offer large donations in order to memorialize the fact that King was assassinated in 1968 while in Memphis supporting striking sanitation workers; that just days after her husband’s murder Coretta Scott King and 42,000 people peacefully marched through Memphis to demand that the Mayor of Memphis recognize the sanitation worker’s union; that at the time of his assassination King was hard at work on the Poor People’s Campaign. Neither Walmart nor Target, companies that have dedicated massive financial resources to fighting labor unions, could be expected to memorialize King’s vision for the power of organized labor. Certainly not Coke, with its history of fighting unions in Guatemala and accusations that the company has used prison labor in China, and its probable complicity in the death of union organizers in Columbia." The Contemporary Condition: Great White Hope: The National Martin Luther King Memorial
A sign of the times?

A telling indicator?

What, almost seventy replies on a very attractive woman, but none on Martin Luther King's work when he was killed? Nor a comment on corporatism today?

"...Coretta Scott King and 42,000 people peacefully marched through Memphis to demand that the Mayor of Memphis recognize the sanitation worker’s union; that at the time of his assassination King was hard at work on the Poor People’s Campaign. Neither Walmart nor Target, companies that have dedicated massive financial resources to fighting labor unions, could be expected to memorialize King’s vision for the power of organized labor. Certainly not Coke, with its history of fighting unions in Guatemala and accusations that the company has used prison labor in China, and its probable complicity in the death of union organizers in Columbia." The Contemporary Condition: Great White Hope: The National Martin Luther King Memorial
One thing that I find troubling.

MLK wasn't killed when he was marching and demandings voters rights, and civil rights. It was not until he started talking about ECONOMIC RIGHTS that he was gunned down.



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