Gov. Andrew Cuomo Had the Worst Response to the Crisis of Any Governor in America

Former Gov. George Pataki slammed Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home policies during the coronavirus pandemic as a “disaster” that may have unnecessarily caused the deaths of “thousands” of vulnerable elderly residents.

In a rare swipe at his successor Friday night, Pataki called for an independent probe “so this never happens again.”

Pataki said the state Health Department should never have issued an edict requiring nursing homes to accept coronavirus virus patients into nursing home facilities filled with sick, elderly patients — the population most at risk from the killer COVID-19 bug.

PJMedia is RW garbage. Fake news.
Cuomo had the USS Comfort sitting empty...the javitz center sitting empty...and he ORDERED nursing homes to accept virus-positive patients.

They begged him not to do this! They pleaded with him!

What the bloody fuck?

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