Gov Abbot to pardon SGT Daniel Perry

What kinda bs is this? Courts get things wrong. That's why pardons and appeals are a thing.

Yes. And you used a court decision to "prove" that accepting a pardon is not an admission of guilt.

I disagree with that court decision

One more for the good guys! Can't wait to have a Governor like this. The DA hid evidence and should be disbarred. Soros DAs you're on notice

That's a surprise for me. Glad he grew a pair. Now if he will start shipping the criminal illegals out by the train car and tractor trailer load I might even vote for him next time.
No, the Uber driver working a second job that was harassed by Antifa and had an AK pointed at his face.

You sure giggle alot, must be the cleft asshole
So you like murderers?

In court, prosecutors brought up Facebook messages that Perry sent prior to Foster’s killing.

In one message, Perry wrote: “No protesters go near me or my car” and “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters,” the Austin television news outlet KTBC reported.

Another message that Perry sent on 31 May 2020 said: “I might have to kill a few people on my way to work they are rioting outside my apartment complex.” A few days later, Perry commented on a Facebook post of a video titled “Protesters Looters Get Shot San Antonio Texas”, writing, “glad someone finally did something”.

During the trial, Austin police detective William Bursley testified about evidence found on Perry’s cell phone. Part of the evidence included online searches for “protest tonight”, “protesters in Seattle gets shot”, “riot shootouts” and “protests in Dallas live”.

“This is an age-old story about a man who couldn’t keep his anger under control,” said prosecutor Guillermo Gonzalez, according to the Austin American-Statesman. “It’s not about police, and it’s not about protest marchers.

“Garrett Foster had every right to go up to him and see what the heck was going on and he had every right to do it with a deadly weapon.”
It's about time Hot Wheels delivered us a win. He's a little soft around the edges, but this is a good one. Anything that comes out of Travis County (affectionately known as "the asshole of Texas") needs to voided.

This will bring the knuckledraggers out in force but we know how to control insurrectionists..... fuck around and find out.

Thank you for your service Sgt Perry, and good shot!

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