GOP knows Iran wants nuclear WMDs to threaten the world if Israel is NOT eliminated.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Why is it that ONLY Republicans can see clearly what the Ayatollah Khamenei wants to do as he has responded to 9 key questions about elimination of Israel?

Doesn't the Obama administration have access to these responses from the leader of Iran?

Is it not clear to the rest of the world that Khamenei wants to confront Israel in an "ARMED" confrontation. see point 6
Pack up the Israelis and ship them off to some other country is his solution.

The Republicans see the below responses as only being accomplished if the world is confronted by a nuclear power Iran.
This is the end game. Iran gets uranium enrichment. Makes WMDs and now threatens to launch if the world doesn't agree that Israelis have to move as the objective is and I quote: "powerful confrontation and resolute and armed resistance is the cure of this ruinous regime."

From this web site...
Iran supreme leader touts 9-point plan to destroy Israel The Times of Israel

Now again.. which country wants to eliminate the other country? Israel with it's nuclear weapons could turn Iran to glass...but have we heard that from Israel? On the other hand below is concrete proof that Iran wants Israel eliminated.

Seems pretty clear to me and obviously to the GOP but for some reason Obama must not have seen the below Khamenei responses.


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