Zone1 God Always Has Our Backs

So you dont think its god word?

No you didnt. Do you believe the bible is gods word? Yes or no?
I'll try to answer this. My advice has been to seek and find God...then study the Bible. TNHarley, let's put aside that you do not believe in God and you will not believe I've had any experiences of God. Let's accept and go beyond.

You do have the ability to imagine how someone who did have this great experience of God. From that experience came the certainty God is pure love, and He loves everyone beyond anything we can comprehend or even experience in this life. Emerging from such an experience, can you guess/imagine where that takes one next?

It leads directly into questioning the Old Testament. Someone has God all wrong. I had a certainty it wasn't me...but how could I question the Old Testament? I began to research and study. First, the English does not compare to the Hebrew. These are two very different languages. Second, modern Western culture sees through a very different lens from the lens of Biblical culture.

What we get from a passage today written in a modern language is astonishingly different from what those who speak Hebrew get from it--and from what people of the Jewish faith learn from it. (Pause here. Keep in mind Rabbis are not always of the same mind and can present different ideas.)

For example, the story of Noah is not one of God killing all the innocent babies. It is a lesson on the power of words. The story of the Amalekites...It's not a story of killing every single Amalekite, because the Bible continues discussing the ongoing lives of the Amalekites.

Overlooked in English is that just like people of old kept some evil Amalekites around in their lives, we, today, have this tendency to keep some current evils around in our own lives. The Israelites did not erase all the evil in their lives, and nor do we erase all the evils from our lives.

It is from these missing themes/lessons (lost in the translations/culture) that have some thinking the worst of God. We lose that God wishes to guide us, even down to the words we speak; He wishes to guide us away from those tiny bits of evil we may wish to retain in our lives.

With these lessons, The Old Testament can drown us in God's love because God's word is Love. And, in story form, God's Word springs out of the Old Testament for those who care to search deeply.

In conclusion: Yes, the Old Testament is God's Word, and that word is Love. Think about this. I've never heard anyone describe scripture as the words of God. It has always been described with one word. That Word of God is Love. Amidst all those other, man written words, find God's Word--Love. Then accounts will make more sense.
I simply cannot accept his actions are actions of "love"
Could it be you are reading Biblical accounts and today's world from your own point of view? Sometimes it pays to look at what is happening from God's point of view, keeping in mind God is working with people free to make their own choices and come to their own conclusions. God honors us, works with us, using our errors to teach and show us a better way.

What one action of God have you determined is not based on love? Let's discuss that one.
Could it be you are reading Biblical accounts and today's world from your own point of view? Sometimes it pays to look at what is happening from God's point of view, keeping in mind God is working with people free to make their own choices and come to their own conclusions. God honors us, works with us, using our errors to teach and show us a better way.

What one action of God have you determined is not based on love? Let's discuss that one.
Are you thinking of Dante's allegory of hell? The word 'hell' was first used in the year 720. The meaning is to cover up, the lowest point (same as Tartarus, the lowest, point, even covered up by the underworld. Catholic tradition is that hell is a choice, where one chooses complete separation from God. The Church does not know who--if anyone--is in hell, in complete separation from God. (For example, Satan and demons were not separated from Jesus, they were in and out of his life.)

Is it your position that God should never allow anyone to be completely separated from Him? Or, perhaps you are thinking of the Lake of Fire in Revelation, written by John? Remember, in John's time our idea of hell did not exist. The idea of fire being used to denote purification (as with gold) did. Fire was/is used to burn away impurities.
God honors us, works with us, using our errors to teach and show us a better way.

the deceivers insinuation of heavenly personification to lure the innocent to their false religion than the truth ...

truth found through self determination as taught by jesus - the heavens only observe their role being judgement prohibits involvement.

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