Glenn Beck exposed.


A guy in ariZONA
Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ.
Glenn Beck EXPOSED - Crying On Cue Using Vicks under His Eyes.

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck EXPOSED - Crying On Cue Using Vicks under His Eyes.[/ame]
I always said he should go into acting, the fraud that he is. :lol:
I always said he should go into acting, the fraud that he is. :lol:

I don't think you understand the importance of his popularity. Fox sycophants will spout over and over how great his ratings are.

That is the scary part. He has fantastic ratings! Do you honestly think Fox "fans" really understand he is a joke?
Too funny! He's fundamentally a showman like Rush. But he asks very good questions..... and I still want the answers.
I always said he should go into acting, the fraud that he is. :lol:

I don't think you understand the importance of his popularity. Fox sycophants will spout over and over how great his ratings are.

That is the scary part. He has fantastic ratings! Do you honestly think Fox "fans" really understand he is a joke?

No, they don't.

But his ex sponsors do.
I'm shocked!

Are you saying Glenn Beck is not sincere?
Oh Gawd are the Hopey Changey's still whining about Glenn Beck? Man that's gotten to be pretty lame & repetitious at this point. I think we get it by now. You warped Hopey Changey's hate anyone in the Media who doesn't lick your Hopey Changey's boots. I really do think Chris Wallace nailed it when he called this White House the Whiniest White House in History. You guys really are becoming pretty boooooooring.
Sorry for interrupting the Zona-Chris circle jerk...

*closes door*
Oh Gawd are the Hopey Changey's still whining about Glenn Beck? Man that's gotten to be pretty lame & repetitious at this point. I think we get it by now. You warped Hopey Changey's hate anyone in the Media who doesn't lick your Hopey Changey's boots. I really do think Chris Wallace nailed it when he called this White House the Whiniest White House in History. You guys really are becoming pretty boooooooring.

Look who's whinning now....
Oh Gawd are the Hopey Changey's still whining about Glenn Beck? Man that's gotten to be pretty lame & repetitious at this point. I think we get it by now. You warped Hopey Changey's hate anyone in the Media who doesn't lick your Hopey Changey's boots. I really do think Chris Wallace nailed it when he called this White House the Whiniest White House in History. You guys really are becoming pretty boooooooring.

Sure they are! Til Sarah Palin makes her next move. And they think Beck's the joke,, well we know better don't we?
I'm shocked!

Are you saying Glenn Beck is not sincere?

I think they are trying to say that...based on the video of the GQ photo shoot where both Beck and the editors of GQ thought it would be funny to make fun of his highly emotional and out of bounds commentary.

I don't think it's so much about fake tears for a photo shoot. They just like calling a truthseeker a fraud.

Is there anything wrong with playing on your emotions. I've seen Clinton do it...Bill AND Hillary. I've seen Michelle do it. I've never seen BO do it...but it's still early. ANYTHING could happen.

Personally, I rarely watch Beck. But what I have seen does provoke some good questions. But at any rate, this video isn't the big exposure bomb that it was intended by the poster. Now, that being said, if he had been recording his show and they were stopping to put drops in his eyes or stomping on his foot to make him feel some real pain, then they MIGHT have a better case. But this is weak and falls way short of a shocking revalation. I can't even say it was a good try.
The Hopey Changeys are such whiny frauds at this point. Go get em Mr. Beck! :)
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