Give Hydroxychloroquine a Chance


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Give Hydroxychloroquine a Chance
April 8, 2020 ~~ By Spike Hampson
Controversy swirls around whether hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin ("H&A") should be used to treat people who have the Wuhan virus. Setting aside for now all the qualifications that for good reason are used whenever discussing the question (qualifications like "after consultation between the patient and the doctor" and "administered according to a well established protocol"), the core issue is whether or not to use a treatment that has shown positive results for some and has not shown obviously negative results for any.
Given the standard medical diktat that the first obligation of a health care worker is to do no harm, there is a case to be made that H&A treatment should be withheld until properly designed clinical trials have established to a high level of certainty that the treatment has a significantly more positive effect on patient health than it does negative. There are, however, two good reasons to challenge this well established approach in our current circumstance.
The first reason is that the current circumstances are abnormal. Virtually everybody understands this, so there is no need to discuss it in detail. Suffice it to say that the widespread suspension of people's rights to move about freely has already established the unusual nature of the world in a pandemic. If things are bad enough to justify keeping people home bound, they are bad enough to bend the rules regarding use of medicine.

Historical evidence indicates that the more intensely controlled a study and the larger the number of cases it uses, the more reliable it is likely to be. This is not a rejection of smaller, less well controlled studies.
To give an example, President Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on an expedition to the west coast so as to find out what conditions exist in the vast territory of the Louisiana Purchase. Relative to the task at hand, this was a small and poorly controlled study of the newly purchased land. It discovered that west of the Mississippi, there existed a great and relatively dry plain extending to a zone of high mountains that had to be surmounted before reaching the biotic abundance of a Pacific coastal zone. What a pity it would have been if President Jefferson and the rest of the country rejected the findings of Lewis and Clark because their investigation was insufficiently thorough, their sample size too small, their method of measuring things not as refined as was being done back in Massachusetts and Virginia.


A nasty problem exists here: the word “anecdotal” carries a negative connotation. It implies that people recovering from the Wuhan virus with unexpected frequency after having received HCQ, Azithromycin and Zn treatment is mere perception and is, therefore, not science. This is wrong. Anecdotal evidence is not hearsay evidence; it is evidence from direct observation. Anecdotal evidence compiled by somebody with an agenda other than saving lives might be readily dismissed, but doctors who are in the business of treating Wuhan virus patients are motivated to find what works best.
Right now there are politicians on the Left that are claiming that this is now the new normal and the quarantine should last another 18 months. That is a lie... The number of infections have plateaued and we should soon see a down turn. Granted the cities (mainly Blue) have been hit the hardest. In North Carolina the total number of cases presently is less than 3,500 and the number of deaths at 43. Again the two hardest areas are Charlotte and the Durham/Raleigh areas.
More and cases of the infection have been successfully arrested by the use of HCQ, Azithromycin and Zn treatment. The latest is 96 year old man with cardiac and diabetes complications.

I saw that segment last night. Siegel is on there all the time but he never mentioned treating his father until last night. Surprised me.

I have no idea why the libtardos are so much against trying something with a possibility of helping when there is no known cure.

If Trump told them it wouldn't work they'd be eating those pills like tic-tacs and railing Trump was trying to kill all the minorities. RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently, and as I've stated before, I'm no doc but it's supposed to help get zinc in to the cells fighting the virus and the virus doesn't like zinc. Zinc is the main ingredient in Cold-Eeze.
Give Hydroxychloroquine a Chance
April 8, 2020 ~~ By Spike Hampson
Controversy swirls around whether hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin ("H&A") should be used to treat people who have the Wuhan virus. Setting aside for now all the qualifications that for good reason are used whenever discussing the question (qualifications like "after consultation between the patient and the doctor" and "administered according to a well established protocol"), the core issue is whether or not to use a treatment that has shown positive results for some and has not shown obviously negative results for any.
Given the standard medical diktat that the first obligation of a health care worker is to do no harm, there is a case to be made that H&A treatment should be withheld until properly designed clinical trials have established to a high level of certainty that the treatment has a significantly more positive effect on patient health than it does negative. There are, however, two good reasons to challenge this well established approach in our current circumstance.
The first reason is that the current circumstances are abnormal. Virtually everybody understands this, so there is no need to discuss it in detail. Suffice it to say that the widespread suspension of people's rights to move about freely has already established the unusual nature of the world in a pandemic. If things are bad enough to justify keeping people home bound, they are bad enough to bend the rules regarding use of medicine.

Historical evidence indicates that the more intensely controlled a study and the larger the number of cases it uses, the more reliable it is likely to be. This is not a rejection of smaller, less well controlled studies.
To give an example, President Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on an expedition to the west coast so as to find out what conditions exist in the vast territory of the Louisiana Purchase. Relative to the task at hand, this was a small and poorly controlled study of the newly purchased land. It discovered that west of the Mississippi, there existed a great and relatively dry plain extending to a zone of high mountains that had to be surmounted before reaching the biotic abundance of a Pacific coastal zone. What a pity it would have been if President Jefferson and the rest of the country rejected the findings of Lewis and Clark because their investigation was insufficiently thorough, their sample size too small, their method of measuring things not as refined as was being done back in Massachusetts and Virginia.


A nasty problem exists here: the word “anecdotal” carries a negative connotation. It implies that people recovering from the Wuhan virus with unexpected frequency after having received HCQ, Azithromycin and Zn treatment is mere perception and is, therefore, not science. This is wrong. Anecdotal evidence is not hearsay evidence; it is evidence from direct observation. Anecdotal evidence compiled by somebody with an agenda other than saving lives might be readily dismissed, but doctors who are in the business of treating Wuhan virus patients are motivated to find what works best.
Right now there are politicians on the Left that are claiming that this is now the new normal and the quarantine should last another 18 months. That is a lie... The number of infections have plateaued and we should soon see a down turn. Granted the cities (mainly Blue) have been hit the hardest. In North Carolina the total number of cases presently is less than 3,500 and the number of deaths at 43. Again the two hardest areas are Charlotte and the Durham/Raleigh areas.
More and cases of the infection have been successfully arrested by the use of HCQ, Azithromycin and Zn treatment. The latest is 96 year old man with cardiac and diabetes complications.

No, it might cure people and kill The Democrats chances in 2020.
Give Hydroxychloroquine a Chance
April 8, 2020 ~~ By Spike Hampson
Controversy swirls around whether hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin ("H&A") should be used to treat people who have the Wuhan virus. Setting aside for now all the qualifications that for good reason are used whenever discussing the question (qualifications like "after consultation between the patient and the doctor" and "administered according to a well established protocol"), the core issue is whether or not to use a treatment that has shown positive results for some and has not shown obviously negative results for any.
Given the standard medical diktat that the first obligation of a health care worker is to do no harm, there is a case to be made that H&A treatment should be withheld until properly designed clinical trials have established to a high level of certainty that the treatment has a significantly more positive effect on patient health than it does negative. There are, however, two good reasons to challenge this well established approach in our current circumstance.
The first reason is that the current circumstances are abnormal. Virtually everybody understands this, so there is no need to discuss it in detail. Suffice it to say that the widespread suspension of people's rights to move about freely has already established the unusual nature of the world in a pandemic. If things are bad enough to justify keeping people home bound, they are bad enough to bend the rules regarding use of medicine.

Historical evidence indicates that the more intensely controlled a study and the larger the number of cases it uses, the more reliable it is likely to be. This is not a rejection of smaller, less well controlled studies.
To give an example, President Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on an expedition to the west coast so as to find out what conditions exist in the vast territory of the Louisiana Purchase. Relative to the task at hand, this was a small and poorly controlled study of the newly purchased land. It discovered that west of the Mississippi, there existed a great and relatively dry plain extending to a zone of high mountains that had to be surmounted before reaching the biotic abundance of a Pacific coastal zone. What a pity it would have been if President Jefferson and the rest of the country rejected the findings of Lewis and Clark because their investigation was insufficiently thorough, their sample size too small, their method of measuring things not as refined as was being done back in Massachusetts and Virginia.


A nasty problem exists here: the word “anecdotal” carries a negative connotation. It implies that people recovering from the Wuhan virus with unexpected frequency after having received HCQ, Azithromycin and Zn treatment is mere perception and is, therefore, not science. This is wrong. Anecdotal evidence is not hearsay evidence; it is evidence from direct observation. Anecdotal evidence compiled by somebody with an agenda other than saving lives might be readily dismissed, but doctors who are in the business of treating Wuhan virus patients are motivated to find what works best.
Right now there are politicians on the Left that are claiming that this is now the new normal and the quarantine should last another 18 months. That is a lie... The number of infections have plateaued and we should soon see a down turn. Granted the cities (mainly Blue) have been hit the hardest. In North Carolina the total number of cases presently is less than 3,500 and the number of deaths at 43. Again the two hardest areas are Charlotte and the Durham/Raleigh areas.
More and cases of the infection have been successfully arrested by the use of HCQ, Azithromycin and Zn treatment. The latest is 96 year old man with cardiac and diabetes complications.

I'd say go for it. Let us know how you do. I'll wait until I'm sure it works.
You can get latent T.B. from Prescription Psoriasis medication. Listen to the potential side effects of other FDA approved prescription drugs including "fatal events". Is Hydrox...more of a political issue than a potential cure? If you hate the President you hate the drug?
I saw that segment last night. Siegel is on there all the time but he never mentioned treating his father until last night. Surprised me.

I have no idea why the libtardos are so much against trying something with a possibility of helping when there is no known cure.

If Trump told them it wouldn't work they'd be eating those pills like tic-tacs and railing Trump was trying to kill all the minorities. RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently, and as I've stated before, I'm no doc but it's supposed to help get zinc in to the cells fighting the virus and the virus doesn't like zinc. Zinc is the main ingredient in Cold-Eeze.

Sorry about the misquote.. He said that the cardiac Specialist used the HCQ, Azithromycin and Zn treatment... However, I'm quite sure that the Doctor of record conferred with Dr. Siegel before he began the treatment... Thde Chinese claim that high doses of Vitamin C also works. But I have my doubts.
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You can get latent T.B. from Prescription Psoriasis medication. Listen to the potential side effects of other FDA approved prescription drugs including "fatal events". Is Hydrox...more of a political issue than a potential cure? If you hate the President you hate the drug?

Indeed, it is a political is primarily formulated by the PMS/DSA Leftists. Funny you should mention T.B., during my stint in the AF I tended to active T.B. patients.. I also inoculated over 1,000 personnel with supposed Asian Flu vaccine. Never got either the Flu or TB.... All part of the job... But that was then
Believe in what the Quackcident promotes.
"Believe me... What do you have to lose?"

As is always the case with Trump cult conspiracy theories, this thread has aged very badly.

A U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) study (PDF) found that severe COVID-19 patients treated with antimalarial hydroxychloroquine alone or in combination with antibiotic azithromycin showed "no evidence" of reduced risk of death or mechanical ventilation over supportive care, according to data posted Tuesday.

In a small-scale analysis of 368 COVID-19 patients treated in VA hospitals, researchers found there was no significant difference in ventilation risk for all three cohorts. Meanwhile, patients treated with hydroxychloroquine alone showed a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality over either supportive care of a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

Not only do researchers said the stuff doesn't work, they said to stop testing it because the testing is killing people. As is always the case, the Trump cult was as wrong as it's possible to be.

Trump cultists, your propaganda looks to have killed some veterans. But then, that's clearly a sacrifice you're willing to have others make for the glory of DerParteiRepublikkan.

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