GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool

its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

"Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan."

Which is what I told you, THEY SPEAK PERSIAN and Persian ISN'T Arabic. And to this day it's Middle Persian, which is what I said already several pages ago.

You said they speak ARABIC, even what you post from Wikipedia tells you they DON'T speak Arabic they speak PERSIAN and it's Middle Persian.
What do you mean? Didn't the "people" foolishly go to the streets and remove the "Achameneid" style Shah, and beg for the country to be ruled by Khomeini who was the Arab Islamic cleric that imposed filthy Shariah law? The people are in the prison of Islamic hell and they don't even know it. Most of them are too young anyhow.
iranian hadnt any exprience of religious politican like european
always king and king
when mullah hadnt power.they were kind guys.most of them was poor.and they always talk about freedom and ..........
people thought khomeini was gandhi or martin luther king(black father)
they didnt know ..........

iranian woman protest against shah without hjab
people wanted democracy and freedom



So why are the mullah animals still in power and terrorizing their people and the world, 40 years later?
1:iraq war: iraq war was biggest gift for regime.people died for khomeini.regime could destroy all organize protest because of war

2: regime had 40 years ..... school/media.=brainwashing...

regime have 15 million fan now.iran have 85 million people .but welcome to 21 century.because of can controll 60 million by 15 million

3:iranian havnt official freedom.but iranian can do everything

most iranian have western life now.they have gf/bf.they can drink alcohol drink.

most iranian arent fathet was normal teacher and my mother is housewife.

but i had everything.i am not poor.i have sega and playstation and pc and labtop and car
i listening west music.i watching holywood movie

i was in europe(copenhagen) but believe me.i can do everything in european people
chera joonam ro be khatar bendazam.vase chi? kosam ro mikonam.mashroobam ro miram

baraye chi joonam ro bekhatar bendazam baraye jang ba sepah

4: we have secuirity and safety too .look at paris and san bernadino.look at california.
all school closed in california
because of email.

.when american or paris children are panic because of isis. isis is just joke for iranian children
baba inja middle east hast.yek lahze na aroom beshe.isis miad to khoonat
mifahmi man chi migam.? age geda boodim.faghir boodam.azadi nadashtim.amniat nadashtim
arzesh dasht risk konim baraye enghelab.but we havnt important and necessary reason for revolution

yes i know.regime isnt good.but they give us safety and......
bekhoda man kheyli gay mishnasam ke rahat darand zendegi mikonand .ta zamani ke tablo nashe .regime kari nadare

Dani I say Good Night to you in Persian....Shab Bekheir....I can't write it in Persian as I don't have Persian keypad, I only have German keypad for Umlaut = Ö eg. Österreich Bundesländer, möchten etc. and for Eszett = ß eg. Straße, groß etc.

My keyboard regularly turns itself into German. True story. It's a PITA.

Anyway ... tchüß.

A PITA, interesting.

Ja, tschüß....very good, but small spelling correction for you, the s, but very good.
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

Roudy rules no. i - x.

Women are ALWAYS right, on most accept this, then there's no problems :wink:
I am waiting on what will be the spark, what event will be the catalyst that will erupt into a true attack against the refugee camps. It is going to happen.
What will happen after that?
That will depend on what action is considered most politically expedient by those who wield the power to suppress objectionable actions. The military will be loosed against the citizenry if that is what is determined to be "best". If the government sides with the invaders, then I suspect there will be a huge, violent backlash from the real Germans. How tragic that a government might force such horrors on its own constituents simply to prove its "compassion".
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

Give it up, ass miner.

Coffee (especially in a carafe). Carob. Lacquer, lemon and lime. Orange, tangerine, apricot, saffron, crimson and sugar, as well as sucrose, elixir, syrup, sorbet and julep. As well as tamarind, tahini, tarragon, artichoke, spinach, safflower, caraway seed, sumac and hummus, down to the jar it comes in. Cotton candy (both). Alfalfa and albatross and tuna as well as giraffe, gazelle and gerbil. Azure. Borax. Admiral and arsenal. Magazine and mattress and sofa. Benzene, camphor, alkaline and even chemistry itself. Tambourine, tabla, tamboura, lute and guitar. When you use any of these words ---- and I dare you to try getting through a day without one --- are you speaking Arabic?

Because that is their origin. Or would you say therefore that English is an "Arabic language"?
Last edited:
What's the evidence?

You must be joking.... are you living under a stone? don't you read the news??

Exactly --- no one can cite any.
I asked that question immediately upon reading this thread, this morning, without even checking for myself.
I have yet to see an answer.

"I have yet to see an answer"

I gave you an answer. We have many people from the organisations we're associated with RIGHT across multiple nations in Europa, they are filing reports back each day, from on the front lines.

IF you insist on thinking none of this is happening, that's your foolish choice. I'm sorry that you wish to believe that the Muslims AREN'T savages, that they're NOT on disgusting rampages, that they're NOT raping women AND children etc. Keep in your Fantasy Land, if it makes you feel happier and cosier.


No link.
That's what I've noted all day.

You lose.

Do you COMPLETELY LACK the ability to READ? How am I posting a f-cking link from reports we're getting from our f-cking organisations....we DON'T provide links to horsecrap MSM sites you know.
Always hold in mind that if the link(s) provided fail to support the current PC narrative, those links will be ignored as if they never existed.

GW, as always in a totally different time zone.

We moved on from this a long time ago. The point was that no legitimate news story has been found reporting what the OP claimed. And to date that is still true. Has nothing to do with what "PC" is. It has to do with what "facts" are.
The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

Give it up, ass miner.

Coffee (especially in a carafe). Carob. Lacquer, lemon and lime. Orange, tangerine, apricot, saffron, crimson and sugar, as well as sucrose, soda and sodium and elixir, syrup, sorbet and julep. As well as tamarind, tahini, tarragon, artichoke, spinach, safflower, caraway seed, sumac and hummus, down to the jar it comes in. Cotton candy (both). Alfalfa and albatross and tuna as well as giraffe, gazelle and gerbil. Azure. Borax. Admiral and arsenal. Magazine and mattress and sofa. Benzene, camphor, alkaline and even chemistry itself. Tambourine, tabla, tamboura, lute and guitar. When you use any of these words ---- and I dare you to try getting through a day without one --- are you speaking Arabic?

Because that is their origin. Or would you say therefore that English is an "Arabic language"?

I'm talking about something which you have no idea about, ass licker. Yes, Arabs did invade Iran, yes, they did Islamicize Iran (which means shoving Arab religion, language and culture down the throats of Iranians), and therefore even though the ethos of the language was able to survive, it would be the Farsi version of Arabic, which means, most of the words have Arabic roots. Not to mention most Iranians today have Shiite Arab names.
"The Farsi version of Arabic".... :rofl:

Methinks somebody's behind the Not-so-Far version of alcohol or hashish.... damn, I'm speaking Arabic again.

(which means shoving Arab religion, language and culture down the throats of Iranians)

I'm uh, afraid languages don't work like that. For that matter neither does culture. If that were the case we should be posting in French, since that's what the Normans brought to Britain when they conquered it.

Or to look at it the other way, if that were how it worked ---- where did we get all those Arabic words I just posted? And that's not the whole list....
Last edited:
"The Farsi version of Arabic".... :rofl:

Methinks somebody's behind the Not-so-Far version of alcohol or hashish.... damn, I'm speaking Arabic again.

(which means shoving Arab religion, language and culture down the throats of Iranians)
yes, idiot, Farsi alphabet is almost entirely based on Arabic today. Don't give up your daytime job, ignoramus. LOL

Persian alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Persian alphabet (الفبای فارسی alefbā-ye fārsi) or Perso-Arabic script is a writing system based on the Arabic script and used for the Persian language. It has four letters more than Arabic: پ [p], چ [t͡ʃ], ژ [ʒ], and گ [ɡ].
The Perso-Arabic script is an abjad and is exclusively written cursively. That is, the majority of the letters in a word connect to each other. This is also implemented on computers. Whenever the Perso-Arabic script is typed, the computer auto-connects the letters to each other. Unconnected letters are not widely accepted. In Perso-Arabic, as with Arabic, words are written from right to left.

Below are the 32 letters of the modern Persian alphabet. Since the script is cursive, the appearance of a letter changes depending on its position: isolated, initial (joined on the left), medial (joined on both sides), and final (joined on the right) of a word.
The names of the letter are mostly the ones used in Arabic, except for the Persian pronunciation. The only ambiguous name is he, which is used for both ﺡ and ه. For clarification, these are often called ḥe-ye jimi (literally "jim-like ḥe" after jim, the name for the letter ج that uses the same base form) and he-ye do-češm (literally "two-eyed he", after the contextual middle letterform ﻬ), respectively.
Novel letters

The main Persian letters are ا, ب, پ, ت, ج, چ, خ, د, ر, ز, ژ, س, ش, ف, ک, گ, ل, م, ن, و, ه, ی and other letters that came into it from Arabic literature. The Persian alphabet adds four letters to the Arabic alphabet, /p/, /ɡ/, /t͡ʃ/ (ch in chair), /ʒ/ (s in measure):
[QUOT"Pogo, post: 13352214, member: 41527"]
The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

Give it up, ass miner.

Coffee (especially in a carafe). Carob. Lacquer, lemon and lime. Orange, tangerine, apricot, saffron, crimson and sugar, as well as sucrose, elixir, syrup, sorbet and julep. As well as tamarind, tahini, tarragon, artichoke, spinach, safflower, caraway seed, sumac and hummus, down to the jar it comes in. Cotton candy (both). Alfalfa and albatross and tuna as well as giraffe, gazelle and gerbil. Azure. Borax. Admiral and arsenal. Magazine and mattress and sofa. Benzene, camphor, alkaline and even chemistry itself. Tambourine, tabla, tamboura, lute and guitar. When you use any of these words ---- and I dare you to try getting through a day without one --- are you speaking Arabic?

Because that is their origin. Or would you say therefore that English is an "Arabic language"?[/QUOTE]
English is a Germanic language despite that so many of our words have a latin root.
"Pogo, post: 13352214, member: 41527"]
The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
Land of Aryans invaded and raped by Arabs who are now walking around with Arab names, speaking Arab language, and worshipping Arab God. :rofl:


Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

Give it up, ass miner.

Coffee (especially in a carafe). Carob. Lacquer, lemon and lime. Orange, tangerine, apricot, saffron, crimson and sugar, as well as sucrose, elixir, syrup, sorbet and julep. As well as tamarind, tahini, tarragon, artichoke, spinach, safflower, caraway seed, sumac and hummus, down to the jar it comes in. Cotton candy (both). Alfalfa and albatross and tuna as well as giraffe, gazelle and gerbil. Azure. Borax. Admiral and arsenal. Magazine and mattress and sofa. Benzene, camphor, alkaline and even chemistry itself. Tambourine, tabla, tamboura, lute and guitar. When you use any of these words ---- and I dare you to try getting through a day without one --- are you speaking Arabic?

Because that is their origin. Or would you say therefore that English is an "Arabic language"?
English is a Germanic language despite that so many of our words have a latin root.

I'm throwing his own ass-mined logic back in his face. I suspect that's why he had no answer.
"Pogo, post: 13352214, member: 41527"]

Diga me Tonto, when did Persian become an Arabic langauge?

Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

Give it up, ass miner.

Coffee (especially in a carafe). Carob. Lacquer, lemon and lime. Orange, tangerine, apricot, saffron, crimson and sugar, as well as sucrose, elixir, syrup, sorbet and julep. As well as tamarind, tahini, tarragon, artichoke, spinach, safflower, caraway seed, sumac and hummus, down to the jar it comes in. Cotton candy (both). Alfalfa and albatross and tuna as well as giraffe, gazelle and gerbil. Azure. Borax. Admiral and arsenal. Magazine and mattress and sofa. Benzene, camphor, alkaline and even chemistry itself. Tambourine, tabla, tamboura, lute and guitar. When you use any of these words ---- and I dare you to try getting through a day without one --- are you speaking Arabic?

Because that is their origin. Or would you say therefore that English is an "Arabic language"?
English is a Germanic language despite that so many of our words have a latin root.

I'm throwing his own ass-mined logic back in his face. I suspect that's why he had no answer.

Already answered, pay attention. I even posted a link that shows most of the Persian alphabet was converted into Arabic. It doesn't get worse than that...not only did Arabs rape their people and culture, they did the same to their language. This is what Islam does though, even today. No surprises.
More ofthe standard libtard rabble rousing.

Note how the man defending his family is denounced as a Nazi scum by these fascist provocateurs.

"The Farsi version of Arabic".... :rofl:

Methinks somebody's behind the Not-so-Far version of alcohol or hashish.... damn, I'm speaking Arabic again.

(which means shoving Arab religion, language and culture down the throats of Iranians)

I'm uh, afraid languages don't work like that. For that matter neither does culture. If that were the case we should be posting in French, since that's what the Normans brought to Britain when they conquered it.

Or to look at it the other way, if that were how it worked ---- where did we get all those Arabic words I just posted? And that's not the whole list....
we have more than 1000 english and french word in persian restaurant or bronze or ..
because of technology. we use this words too
radio -computer - television-

we have persian-root word in english too
King nav caravan arch pepper candy
more: واژه های ایرانی در زبان انگلیسی

+ english and persian have same root. for example daghuter and dokhtar .or father and pedar.
elephent and phil .duck and ordak
"The Farsi version of Arabic".... :rofl:

Methinks somebody's behind the Not-so-Far version of alcohol or hashish.... damn, I'm speaking Arabic again.

(which means shoving Arab religion, language and culture down the throats of Iranians)
yes, idiot, Farsi alphabet is almost entirely based on Arabic today. Don't give up your daytime job, ignoramus. LOL

Persian alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Persian alphabet (الفبای فارسی alefbā-ye fārsi) or Perso-Arabic script is a writing system based on the Arabic script and used for the Persian language. It has four letters more than Arabic: پ [p], چ [t͡ʃ], ژ [ʒ], and گ [ɡ].
The Perso-Arabic script is an abjad and is exclusively written cursively. That is, the majority of the letters in a word connect to each other. This is also implemented on computers. Whenever the Perso-Arabic script is typed, the computer auto-connects the letters to each other. Unconnected letters are not widely accepted. In Perso-Arabic, as with Arabic, words are written from right to left.

Below are the 32 letters of the modern Persian alphabet. Since the script is cursive, the appearance of a letter changes depending on its position: isolated, initial (joined on the left), medial (joined on both sides), and final (joined on the right) of a word.
The names of the letter are mostly the ones used in Arabic, except for the Persian pronunciation. The only ambiguous name is he, which is used for both ﺡ and ه. For clarification, these are often called ḥe-ye jimi (literally "jim-like ḥe" after jim, the name for the letter ج that uses the same base form) and he-ye do-češm (literally "two-eyed he", after the contextual middle letterform ﻬ), respectively.
Novel letters

The main Persian letters are ا, ب, پ, ت, ج, چ, خ, د, ر, ز, ژ, س, ش, ف, ک, گ, ل, م, ن, و, ه, ی and other letters that came into it from Arabic literature. The Persian alphabet adds four letters to the Arabic alphabet, /p/, /ɡ/, /t͡ʃ/ (ch in chair), /ʒ/ (s in measure):
turk using english alphabet too
french using too
so what?

+ arab cant say p like persian
arab cant say ch like chelsea
arab cant say g like golem
arab cand say j like.. ژاله
And Obama is going to bring in thousands of these savages hidden among decent and desperate folks.

That is simply another case of libtards loving self destruction.
"Pogo, post: 13352214, member: 41527"]
Never that's when. The Iranians being Persian speak Persian, which is officially known as Farsi. They have NEVER spoken Arabic.

Farsi is within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It's a continuation of Middle Persian language from 224-654 CE, which itself descends from Old Persian language from 600 BCE to 300 BCE.

Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

Give it up, ass miner.

Coffee (especially in a carafe). Carob. Lacquer, lemon and lime. Orange, tangerine, apricot, saffron, crimson and sugar, as well as sucrose, elixir, syrup, sorbet and julep. As well as tamarind, tahini, tarragon, artichoke, spinach, safflower, caraway seed, sumac and hummus, down to the jar it comes in. Cotton candy (both). Alfalfa and albatross and tuna as well as giraffe, gazelle and gerbil. Azure. Borax. Admiral and arsenal. Magazine and mattress and sofa. Benzene, camphor, alkaline and even chemistry itself. Tambourine, tabla, tamboura, lute and guitar. When you use any of these words ---- and I dare you to try getting through a day without one --- are you speaking Arabic?

Because that is their origin. Or would you say therefore that English is an "Arabic language"?
English is a Germanic language despite that so many of our words have a latin root.

I'm throwing his own ass-mined logic back in his face. I suspect that's why he had no answer.

Already answered, pay attention. I even posted a link that shows most of the Persian alphabet was converted into Arabic. It doesn't get worse than that...not only did Arabs rape their people and culture, they did the same to their language. This is what Islam does though, even today. No surprises.

Yuh huh.
Diga me Tonto ---- where the fuck did we get these:

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 0

-- Did I sleep through some Islamist invasion then?

Btw --- guess what language "zero" comes from.

Alphabets as spoils of war --- yer way outta yer league here pal.
"Pogo, post: 13352214, member: 41527"]
Arab Muslims invaded and raped Iran / Persia not once but many times.

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the Rashidun Caliphate, the official language of Persia remained Persian, just as the official languages of Syria and Egypt remained Greek and Coptic. However, during the Ummayad Caliphate, the Ummayads imposed Arabic as the primary language of their subjected people throughout their empire, displacing their indigenous languages. Although an area from Iraq to Morocco speaks Arabic to this day, Middle Persian proved to be much more enduring. Most of its structure and vocabulary survived, evolving into the modern Persian language. However, Persian did incorporate a certain amount of Arabic vocabulary, especially words pertaining to religion, and it switched from the Pahlavi Aramaic alphabet to a modified version of the Arabic alphabet.[68] Today Persian is spoken officially in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

Give it up, ass miner.

Coffee (especially in a carafe). Carob. Lacquer, lemon and lime. Orange, tangerine, apricot, saffron, crimson and sugar, as well as sucrose, elixir, syrup, sorbet and julep. As well as tamarind, tahini, tarragon, artichoke, spinach, safflower, caraway seed, sumac and hummus, down to the jar it comes in. Cotton candy (both). Alfalfa and albatross and tuna as well as giraffe, gazelle and gerbil. Azure. Borax. Admiral and arsenal. Magazine and mattress and sofa. Benzene, camphor, alkaline and even chemistry itself. Tambourine, tabla, tamboura, lute and guitar. When you use any of these words ---- and I dare you to try getting through a day without one --- are you speaking Arabic?

Because that is their origin. Or would you say therefore that English is an "Arabic language"?
English is a Germanic language despite that so many of our words have a latin root.

I'm throwing his own ass-mined logic back in his face. I suspect that's why he had no answer.

Already answered, pay attention. I even posted a link that shows most of the Persian alphabet was converted into Arabic. It doesn't get worse than that...not only did Arabs rape their people and culture, they did the same to their language. This is what Islam does though, even today. No surprises.

Yuh huh.
Diga me Tonto ---- where the fuck did we get these:

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 0

-- Did I sleep through some Islamist invasion then?

Btw --- guess what language "zero" comes from.

Alphabets as spoils of war --- yer way outta yer league here pal.

Ten based number system came from Asian Indians, dumbass, not Arabs.

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